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Terror of the Tides

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Reactions: Chaos.
I have been looking over the Hive now for the perfect altered melee map for the naga race, but no matter where I look you will usually find one that is either, unfinished, has horrible tooltips that just ruin the game for you, or its to unbalanced. I reveal to you now a new Altered Melee map, it features the full naga race and a expanded tech tree.

There are some bugs in my map I am aware of such as if you are on a team and win the victory script doesent run. In all due time I will update my map and everything will work properly. I suppose you can consider this a beta!

And would like to thank all who's custom models and icons I used. If I missed anyones name ingame(credit is in quest icon) please contact about it with me:):

Naga, Melee, Race, Custom, Sea, Tide, Ocean, Mur'gul

Terror of the Tides (Map)

21:53, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Well this is my opinion:
-to expensive. First unit is over 240 even with low 400 health. Myrmudion is less expensive and much stronger. Also Royal guard 500 for each upgrade?
-You have to many units with same duty. Like snap dragon and murloc range or that murloc hunter and myrmidion.
-Why do two units have net?
-murloc magic should have healing ability. All races have at least one healer.
-Murloc upgrades should be replaced because they aren't very useful.

Also to many murlocs for naga race.
Level 4
May 25, 2009
1. Taken into account, I meant to fix that earlier ingame but I forgot, also for the upgrades, just look at how powerful they are they needed a huge gold ammount
2. Well, I can fix that but Snap Dragons are a more higher tier version of the mur'gul Sea-lancer(Think archer and Dryad), and the Mur'gul Witch-hunter is a isnt a melee unit, its a anti-magic unit.(Probably needs nerfing.. maybe
3. Two units have nets for convinence
4. Will do
5. Actually, Mur'guls are part of the Naga race, they are slaves. I wanted to keep a balance, look at the upgrades in the Naga Keep.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Well maybe use summoner for spell caster instead of murloc? Or use Hydras and sea giants?

For Witch-hunter you need to give him piercing attack because it is more effective against spellcaster since they have unarmored armor and give him medium armor to be more resistant to magic attack.

Snap dragon is weaker then first tier range unit and you don't actually need two range units for one race.

Give mulocs normal upgrades for speed or attack or something more useful.

Naga royal guard are to expensive so you can't have to many so to spent 500 on two units is strange.

Maybe also add frost orb instead of slow orb?
Level 4
May 25, 2009
1. Thats true I could use the summoner, why not i'll do that I may need to rename the hero however.
2. Done
3. I will take it into consideration, I would need a replacment for him however.
4. Naga royal guards cost 300, if anything they need to be changed to about 425, the upgrades however ill probably set the range to around 325
5. True, i'll do that its more Naga-ish
Level 4
May 25, 2009
I wouldent replace the snap dragons, they were part of the Naga even before custom races, it would just feel wrong getting rid of them, maybe make me Mur'gul an Aura unit. Or just get rid of the Mur'gul as a whole. i'll ignore the Mur'gul for now. I've got the map almost ready for update ^_^

And yes all races do, one for air and one for ground
Nightelves=Chimera and Mountain Giant
Undead=Abom and Frost Wyrm
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006

You cant even do the basic bo, that is altar -> farm -> rax, because of the lack of the starting lumber OR the buildings cost too muc lumber.

And murgul hut.. This is the t1 rax, basic building, it should be bigger and I almost demand you to use the spawning grounds as t1 rax. And the most unit cost fail compared to hp damage and speed (both as and ms). And t1 ranged units are murgul sea-spear what. We want snap dragons..
Level 4
May 25, 2009
Uhm im fine with the size of the building im trying to make this race unique not perfect like every other race. And snap dragons are for teir two if you cant wait a whole ten minutes to get there then thats tough.

Also lumber cost to much?! They cost jsut about on average as every other building in the game and the Mur'gul slaves can harvest 20 lumber!
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
i am going to test this...but it wont let me download the damn map. it keeps saying 403 - forbidden

EDIT: This is what I have to say about it.....it is very cool. I love the idea of Naga being a playeable race. However, there are a few things I would like to discuss:

~At the beginning, when you choose to be Naga or not, pressing enter will make you play as Naga. This can be a problem, because if I was about to type to someone and then clicked enter (and i didnt want to be naga), now I am naga.....that could ruin someone's game.
~The hydromancer's healing ability, Healing Storm. It isnt a very good ability, because it is meant to heal...but it really only heals 25 health (over 5 sec) with like a 1 min cooldown or something. it should be reduced to about 25 or 20 sec cooldown, or else it is useless.
~too many nagas have ensnare. Myrmidon, the hydromancer hero, the murgul range unit....too much ensnare. come up with new/different abilities to replace that on 2 of the units
~for the eye of enigma, i hated seeing the magic sentry icon/animation, made me feel not as naga-ish....come up with something else, such as an eye of sargeras!!! (can you do that?!? :eekani:)
~The murgul ranged unit (the first one i think) is more expensive than a snap dragon, but the snap dragon is meant to be tier 2. in addition, is the murgul witchdoctor supposed to be tier 3 or something? because i abhore the idea of a murgul going above a true naga unit :razz:
~the draken should have one ability, just a pure attacking unit makes it seem...boring. give it something else.
~for the Aura of the Tide, make it so allies attack speed is increased and enemy's movement speed is decreased, that would be cool
~make sure that when you select the heroes after training them that they still have a tooltip, it only says (Hero name lvl 2, 3, etc)
~Na'jentus' aura is called command aura, is it supposed to be called that? something else would be cooler

That is all I can think of right now. I am not super good at melee maps, so I only got to training mymirdons, snap dragons and 1 draken before I got owned by the undead, but I really like the idea :thumbs_up:
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Level 4
May 25, 2009
Alright so I reviewed your opinion on my map so ima reply now :D

1. Fixed :D
2. Fixed!!
3. Got rid of the Mur'gul lancers ability to use it.
4. Made it have the Eye of Sargeras ;D
5. Haha, I fixed this. Also the Murgul is a Tier two unit dont worry its not more powerful then a naga ;D
6. Hmmm, it would be to powerful if I did that Dx
7. I dont think I can do that
8. I didnt notice anything wrong i'll double check.
9. I fixed this ;D

Alright guys im updating the map :D
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
I think im in a paradox here!
Do I add credit or no!
I will add credit if you want :D

No, no, I don't want credit for that.
I played your map and is cool, but... I don't know, the heroes are a little simple... I didn't like them, the spells where very simple.
There are some troubles with some icons, can't remember which icons, but the DISBTN does not work.

You did a great job with everything else.
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Nicely done race, I see this is kinda of combination of different Naga raced, have some questions-suggestions:

1) Why can't Naga Royal Guard keep items?
2) What about adding some weapon to the hands of Phatom Lord? Look a bit ugly smashing the air and beating with it :)
3) Fix the DISBTN's ^^
4) Don't you think, that two debuff auras (-Damage/-Speed) is too much for one race?
5) Rethink about the ensnare spell of the Mur'Guls Hydromancer, it should have much more differences, I suggest setting it like 8 / 12 / 16 or 7 / 10 / 14. Also if I learn this spell first, it'll be placed in the second square on the bottom control panel line, not to third.
6) Why do you think Nagas should see well at night as the Night Elves? I know, they are kinda of relatives, but times gone!
7) IMO, there are TOO many units with True Sight. You should cut it from Sea Drake definetily.

That's all for now, I think. Just want to suggest using some custom spells (just for heroes maybe!).
Level 4
May 25, 2009
No, no, I don't want credit for that.
I played your map and is cool, but... I don't know, the heroes are a little simple... I didn't like them, the spells where very simple.
There are some troubles with some icons, can't remember which icons, but the DISBTN does not work.

You did a great job with everything else.

Yeah im having trouble with the DISBTN's I dont know how to fix them could you help me with this? And im really not that good at spells could you help me with this one?

Nicely done race, I see this is kinda of combination of different Naga raced, have some questions-suggestions:

1) Why can't Naga Royal Guard keep items?
2) What about adding some weapon to the hands of Phatom Lord? Look a bit ugly smashing the air and beating with it :)
3) Fix the DISBTN's ^^
4) Don't you think, that two debuff auras (-Damage/-Speed) is too much for one race?
5) Rethink about the ensnare spell of the Mur'Guls Hydromancer, it should have much more differences, I suggest setting it like 8 / 12 / 16 or 7 / 10 / 14. Also if I learn this spell first, it'll be placed in the second square on the bottom control panel line, not to third.
6) Why do you think Nagas should see well at night as the Night Elves? I know, they are kinda of relatives, but times gone!
7) IMO, there are TOO many units with True Sight. You should cut it from Sea Drake definetily.

That's all for now, I think. Just want to suggest using some custom spells (just for heroes maybe!).

1) Not sure I just kinda compare them to mountain giants or aboms but I may add it.
2. I could but the Fathom Lord is actually Najentus he doesent have a weapon in wow so I dont think he does in here Dx
3. How Dx
4. Thats true, I may get rid of the attack one as its a pain to maintain ;D
5. I will do thanks!
6. The nagas dont get the vision bonus the mur'gul do and im not sure why cat eyes I suppose ;D
7. I'll cut one of them, probably cut it for the witch-hunter, sea drake didnt have true sight o_O
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
You just need to change the path for the DISBTN to something like this:


Normally, when you import the icons the path is like this: war3mapImported\DISBTNIcon.blp

So, you only need to change it to this: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNIcon.blp

That means you only need to remove the "war3mapImported" and add this:
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Ehm... well, but I definetily saw two true sights. ><
And if you don't have DISBTN's for icons you can create them using "Button Manager" - he helps to make icons with different borders, passive, autocast buttons and disbuttons. :) We have one in our "Tools" section.
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
Oh, I have a couple more things to add:

~the eye of sargeras does not appear for true sight!
~The archsummoner (the blue custom naga model) moves really fast...way faster than any of the other guys. also, his attack speed seems to be a bit fast.
~make the sea elementals (from the archsummoner) unique. or just replace the spell with something else. it makes me think too much about humans
~For the tooltip on the heroes, again, all it says is (ie) Na'jentus Lvl 2. There is nothing below that saying: Tanking hero, adept at offensive melee assaults. Can learn blah blah blah. Fix that, because I am pretty sure on human, night elf, undead and orc heroes there is a tooltip below that (this is after you train them and you select em from a group)

Finally, I can never get past Naga Myrmidons and Snap Dragons before I get owned....I just suck at melee maps...but you know...that is just me..... ;(

I was thinking that you should buff all the nagas by like 100 dmg and 5000 health....cause that would be more realistic...but then people would complain of overpowered naga....so nevermind :p
Level 4
May 25, 2009
Alright, I took a break today i'll get to work on this later tonight or tommorow!
Thank you all for your help!

Edit: Alright I fixed most of the problems I think ima test it then update.
Also silverfish the hero tooltip thing I can do it, you dont have it in normal games either.

Question, does anyone know where I can find an ability that when activated the unit instead of taking damage from nearby units he heals worth the ammount he is hurt?
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Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
Vampirisim Aura doesnt work in this case. You need a damage detection system and then you need a lot of other stuff if you dont want it to cause problems with spells. So, try to make out something else.

Having increased armor is almost the same thing as being healed on an attack. The healing just happens in when the unit is taking damage and its being calculated how much the unit would have damage left... But meh. You could make a activate ability that upon activation increases hit point regeneration rate, movement, or attack speed. But, this ability would effect only on the nagas that are in water! So it would give them an advantage to fight on waters.
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
They already have a great advantage in water.....any ship against the naga would get owned and nobody can go in water. I was thinking.....this may be OP, but could you make it so nagas could build in the water? o_O like you could make buildings that were specially made to be built on water...or all of em? that would be unique and cool
Level 4
May 25, 2009
Small update:

Did a overhall of the Object Editor it should be easier to view all the Naga units now
Fixed some Grammar issues in some tooltips

I do believe I need a few last opinions on this map!
Then we can design it with an AI!!

Another Update:
Had to fix fear aura it gave enemies a buff D:
Gave Spirit of Suramar and Waterbolt custom models for there abilities ^_^
Nerfed spirit of Suramar!
I think we are ready
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Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
o hai :D nice. Improvement needed for perfection

stuff i didn't like:
-icon of worker, is not naga.
-sounds are not nagas
-borders are still the same.( THW has some cool naga borders, if you cant get them in yor map, let me do it. i already did them to one of my failed maps)
-units, not balanced(the third unit from murloc hut had piercing attack? WTF? he was melee).
-more costum models :p :p. ?
-also i recommend you remove all of the mur'guls from this.. make it 100% pure naga ( NO SEE GIANTS FTW! NO KRAKENS OR HYDRAS PLS!)
-i liked the air units, (hint: the drake and the serpent had same voice, which sucks)
-where is the siege power? i mean i have the cool turtle, but smth mechanichal would be pure win.
-naga summoner, too low mana..
-err, main building uses same model in all the 3 upgrades? that is a big leak.
-i like the heros.
-the shop contained various items that might be useless..(orb of ice? make orb of water, or orb of the tides, which would slow the unit down, or reduce its armor, or puts curse on unit.)
-the male hero, had the fear aura, which gave bonus to ENEMIES attack, not decressing it..
-the female hero, had the aura which at lvl 3 reduced movement of enemies for 30 %, either make it higher, or make it:
lvl 1: reduces 10% movment, 5 % attack speed
lvl 2: reduces 20% movment, 10 % attack speed
lvl 3: reduces 30% movment, 15 % attack speed.

Thats pretty much everything: (to change the borders, and the icon for the builder, read this: HOT, ASIAN, HOT LINK (not really :p just the link to the tutorial). and if u still cant change this, Please feel free to PM me, i will gladly change them!..

this is review from the map 2 days ago i downloaded, maybe you have changed some of the leaks, so if you have dont count the parts where i mentioned the stuff u have fixed ;)
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
-Also more models = bigger size and the idea is to keep the size minimal.
-Third murloc is for spellcasters. Spellcasters are unarmored which is best countered with piercing attack. He is not to be used vs melee. But I think he should also have ability to destroy mana.
-orb of Ice does slow down units and is like all other orbs.
-Siege machine would be a problem since it wouldn't be able to swim like the rest of the units.
-There isn't much naga sounds and also what unit doesn't have sound?

And that tutorial needs work if you ask me.
-would replacing border be for all races not just naga.
-if worker icon is changed it is changed for all races. The solution is to give some universal icon for all workers (like "back to work" icon )

But other stuff needs improving and also better upgrades for murlocs since bigger sight is useless. Better to be bigger health or better speed or something.

Also a surprise will be added to map soon.
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Level 4
Jul 12, 2011
Well, I used cheats so I didnt really do the best testing, but I did notice how awesome the archsummoner is, seriously I was kiting an army across the map with a frost orb, boots of speed, and level 3 waterbolts and Slow Aura. Love slow aura! :D For summon sea elemental, change the hotkey, since S is used for the "stop" command. Spelling mistake with the draken upgrade ability... changed the e to an a for adapt. Yup thats all oh and please make the archsummoner have more health, 650 hp and low armour and level 10 (I think I picked up some tomes too) is way to easy to kill, WAY to easy. even for an intellignce hero