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Terraining Contest #17 Theme Discussion

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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006

Ohai. With the minimalism contest in the bag, I figure we should get the ball rolling with the next big one.

You know what to do. COMMENCE CROWDSOURCING.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
What about "Alien"?

And by that I don't mean exclusively the "sci-fi" part of alien, I'm thinking of the term in
a broader perspective (although a sci-fi themed contest could both work now, and might
be interesting). But no, I mean "Alien" also in the sense that the contestant have to
create something "alien," something foreign, weird, strange, something rather...
Out of this world, on a general basis.

Anyway, let's not rush this one. I'll want to enter, but I can't enter till my exams are
done. I'm thinking we should maybe wait till the summer vacation or something before
we launch this contest. If anything, we'll get a good long while to discuss the theme
before then if so :)
Level 10
Oct 30, 2004
i would like to put up a challange for the terrain community either through this contest or just in general.

At the moment we are just creating epic (still) pictures, how about we try to surpase the still picture and try to make pieces of terrain through a 3-5 second GIF? ofcourse this would require alot of extra work and planning. But i think it could be really cool. I might try something like that myself when i find a piece of terrain that inspires me to do such a thing.
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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
That sounds like a unique and interesting idea for an un-official mini-contest, and you are
at complete liberty to make one such, I could even sanction it a sticky spot and probably
give out some neat prizes. It could also be nice to have between now, and when I think
this contest should happen, to give some progression toward it.

Obviously, making a GIF goes beyond the boundaries of standard terraining, and as
such I think it would be a good idea to give a little mini-tutorial with the contest, just
so that people who want to enter but don't have the skill could learn it during the course
of the contest. Nice idea, as I said, I just don't think it fits for an official TC,
considering, as I said, it requires skills beyond conventional terraining.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
Just some ideas:

a) 'At Sea' theme that must involve creating a ship or ships sailing using multiple doodads, not simply using the ship model.

b) 'Progression' Theme where you have to depict the change of something through a progression of many years. Maybe done with say 2-4 screenshots.

c) 'Light/Dark' - Something depicting the presence of light and darkness. Good/Evil.

d) 'Alternate Dimensions' - Basically 2 images depicting the same place at the same time, with alternate timelines causing different outcomes.

e) 'Space' - Simply, just a space setting; stars, planets, asteroids, etc.

f) Maybe a playable terrain, it has been a while since that has happened.
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Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
I got some ideas:

1. a Sad, Ruined Theme. Like a city ruined with slaughtered people.

2. an Epic theme! e.g. an Army Attacking a Fortress, Collosus etc.

3. a Satan Theme. Something like demons or orcs in dreanor/outland/etc.

4. Underwater Theme! Like Naga city, Atlantis or etc.

5. Olympus Theme! A city, On clouds or simply flying.

6. Phsycic Theme! A Dungeon, sewer or A Prison maybe!

Hope this helps ;)
What about "Alien"?

And by that I don't mean exclusively the "sci-fi" part of alien, I'm thinking of the term in
a broader perspective (although a sci-fi themed contest could both work now, and might
be interesting). But no, I mean "Alien" also in the sense that the contestant have to
create something "alien," something foreign, weird, strange, something rather...
Out of this world, on a general basis.
Yes, that might be an interesting one.
What about forest ? Jungle ? wild life ? or naturalistic terrain ???
Be more specific.
Just some ideas:
f) Maybe a playable terrain, it has been a while since that has happened.
Heck no. It's not a freaking mapping contest.
b) 'Progression' Theme where you have to depict the change of something through a progression of many years. Maybe done with say 2-4 screenshots.
Seems awfully similar to the previous Cataclysm theme to me.

At the moment we are just creating epic (still) pictures, how about we try to surpase the still picture and try to make pieces of terrain through a 3-5 second GIF? ofcourse this would require alot of extra work and planning. But i think it could be really cool. I might try something like that myself when i find a piece of terrain that inspires me to do such a thing.
Care to be the pioneer? xD
I'm not a wizard you know.

Hope this helps ;)

It totally does NOT help

2. an Epic theme! e.g. an Army Attacking a Fortress, Colossus etc.
4. Underwater Theme! Like Naga city, Atlantis or etc.
Epic is my middle name.

Yeah, I'd like an Underwater theme.
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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Heck no. It's not a freaking mapping contest.

I think it was supposed to be a thing that every fourth contest should be playable,
because well. Terraining isn't map-making, but terraining is derived from level designing.
And if you, as a terrainer, are to be of any use to a mod-team or a game developer,
they don't want you to make still pictures, they want you to make playable terrains.

So, yeah, I'm not saying we should do playable. But it has been a long time since the
previous time we did it.
What about "Alien"?

And by that I don't mean exclusively the "sci-fi" part of alien, I'm thinking of the term in
a broader perspective (although a sci-fi themed contest could both work now, and might
be interesting). But no, I mean "Alien" also in the sense that the contestant have to
create something "alien," something foreign, weird, strange, something rather...
Out of this world, on a general basis.

Anyway, let's not rush this one. I'll want to enter, but I can't enter till my exams are
done. I'm thinking we should maybe wait till the summer vacation or something before
we launch this contest. If anything, we'll get a good long while to discuss the theme
before then if so :)

I like the Alien idea. And it wouldn't necessarily have to be sci-fi; it could be in early times, but simply with foreign life & environment. Or, of course, it could be sci-fi aliens; they'd both fit into the theme.

I'll also try to think of some themes of my own:

Afterlife Realms: This would be any afterlife type of terrain. It could be a ghostly realm, a burning hell, a bright heaven (think of the heavens in diablo 3 for example), a mysterious tauren spirit walker realm; anything of the sort.

Flowing Current: This would be a terrain that focuses around a flowing body of liquid. It could be anything; a mana stream, a waterfall, chemicals from an industrial complex, whatever theme the terrainer wants, but moving water would have to be a significant part of the terrain.

Tower Defense Terrain: This would be a playable terrain that could be used for a tower defense map. It could be anything; a waterfall through cliffs, with the cliffs designed for players to build on, and enemies going through the water; detailed mountains with canyons through them that enemies run through; manmade structures that enemies move through; anything. But it would be designed in a way that it could clearly represent the paths of a Tower Defense map. They could even create elaborate terrained structures to represent towers, turrets, ships, siege weapons, troops, or some sort of defensive system, along with something that is flowing through the paths, such as units. Then, creators who want to have their terrains used, and at the same time dramatically improve the terrain of a potentially unique tower defense map, could either team up with other mappers, make it into a map themselves, or give it to other mappers to use to create a Tower Defense or Tower War style map. I believe this type of contest would be interesting because it would leave a lot of room for artists to have a unique style while still holding to a very constant theme, would finally require that terrainers work skillfully on the pathing of their terrains, and would also help to produce a wave of tower defense maps that, for once, have incredible terrains (and possibly unique gameplay styles built around those terrains).

No Land In Sight: The contestants would have to create a terrain that includes no land. For example, this could be in the air, in the water, or in space.

Light Source: The terrain would be dominated by a single type of source of light (it wouldn't have to be the same source, but if there are multiple sources, they would have to be the same thing; it could be lit up by stars, torches, energy of some sort such as mana or holy light, fires; whatever the terrainer thinks of.

Mists: The terrain would utilize mists of some sort; it could be dust, gas, smoke, fog, mist, energy, a space nebula; whatever the creator wants. But the entire theme of their terrain will have to be built around whatever the mist is; if they use fog, their terrain will need to have a theme that fits fog, such as creepy or relaxed, and if the terrain is gas, the theme would have to be built around something that causes the gas, such as an environmental phenomenon or an industrial complex. The mist would have to be dynamic; it could not simply be a background fog. It would need to be made with particle emitters or triggers; something that would have to be created throughout the terrain rather than simply setting once throughout the entirety of it.
Tower Defense Terrain: -
Please, for my own sake..... :d

A playable purgatory/afterlife themed terrain O.O
Suggestion denied by moi and shelved in a dusty corner.

Sci-Fi or Alien seems too, eh, generic?
Not quite, it gives room to interpretation and loads of imagination.
Also it's one of those themes that could spark tons of entries.

What do you think about of "The World After Armageddon"?
Similar to the Cataclysm theme that's been done before.

Remember this, someone will have to terrain according to these suggested themes and gods help those who dislike a particular theme that has been chosen by the public.

Hides away
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Level 5
Nov 10, 2014
"World of the mirrors" - a place where all is turned upside down. Here is what seems to be true, it would be a lie. What seems evil, it will be good. So what is you prefer? Enjoy a reality, or wander through the world of illusion?
Sorry for my English :p
When will we have the Contest? (If we will have one)

IDEA: Prehistoric Theme! Like Dinosaurs and Huge waterfalls! That would be nice IMO.

I wasn't aware that waterfalls being larger than usual was a trait associated with prehistoric times.

Anyway, that doesn't sound like it would do well as a theme, since it's basically the same as normal terrain; you could pick any environment on the planet, and just say "it's prehistoric". What's the difference? Bigger trees and the grass looks a little funky?
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004

Going off that, I think the better concept is "Primal" terrain. A place before time and knowledge, of ancient landmasses that defy beliefs. Caverns that swallow cities. Mountains as sharp as spikes, ready to pierce the Sky Ghost if he ever falls in his unending flight. The First Forest, untouched, impossibly overgrown with trees, its roots forming their own cave systems

"Primal" evokes much more than prehistoric. Plus, well, it doesn't invoke my inevitable need to comment on people not having, y'know, read stuff about prehistoric terrains and instead just replicating what they've seen in paleoart that may or may not be accurate

(Did you know Archeopteryx lived on virtually treeless islands? Fun Facts)
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Dunno, maybe Demonic/Angelic, and we should make one side demonic the other side angelic?

Also, industrialization, where a forest is being turned into a city somehow, it's up to the participants, as long as it fits with the theme.

Another is time travel, back in time or a terrain showing the past meeting the present.
Dunno, maybe Demonic/Angelic, and we should make one side demonic the other side angelic?

Also, industrialization, where a forest is being turned into a city somehow, it's up to the participants, as long as it fits with the theme.

Another is time travel, back in time or a terrain showing the past meeting the present.

I like all three of these.

Some would interpret them as specific, but that's only because they're limiting themselves to their definition of what those themes are; each contestant may have a different interpretation of what demonic and angelic terrain would look like; the same for the forest, the city (the era or who built the city isn't stated), etc. The past/present sounds the best. I'd love to have a private challenge against you with one of those themes, if you're interested.
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