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Terrainer for detailed/creepy building

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Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
I am currently working on a new kind of survival map. In it features a weapon system (already implemented) where you pick up a gun with your hero, the gun is visibly added to the unit, and its stats are all changed to suit the weapon. Currently their is like rocket launcher, sniper, M16, M1A1, shotgun, and i think 1 more. a Laser weapon will probably be added shortly. What im looking for is a terrainer who can create a sleek looking base in which the people will survive in. Right now i have about 1 mb worth of models, so their is plenty of room for you to add more.

So if anyone is interested in making a sleek/scary building (just 1 building!) for a zombie/ghost survival map, let me know.

Also you can check out my main current map in my sig.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
How big does this "house" need to be?

I can make a terrain for a house with alot of rooms, but my work is more fantasy/ghost like instead of Realism/Zombie like... anyhow, if you could give more information about how you want it, i might help you.
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
Edit: Well i played around with the terrain and i actually found out a really fun way to do it, so i wont be needing any help with it. Sorry for wasting the threat space! And thanks for offering Rowboat

Alright well it needs to look like an old partially-destroyed building. Ideally their would be like 3 small rooms and 1 big room. The small rooms would have 1 opening (one will have 2 openings) for zombies to enter, and the big room would have like 4-5 places to enter. So the building would be big enough so the openings are all spread out. The distance between them lets say would be like 3 Crypt Fiends placed the long way. Hopefully you understand my measurement :)

Custom models are i think a necessity, as i want the building to look really good graphically. However i have searched high and low here on the Hive to find proper models that i have seen in games but haven't found any, however maybe with another perspective you can find something suitable. Or i suppose if you have an idea and don't need custom models, then i guess they arant a necessity.

As for the gameplay it will have elements of the Call of Duty: World At War Nazi Zombie gameplay, however i will find ways to make it unique. Basically the players willl be in the house, and they will start off with an M16 and a Sniper Rifle. Inside their will be a shop to buy better guns. Im using

that system for the players to pick up a sniper rifle, and the gun in their hand turns into a sniper, or a player uses a shot gun and the weapon (and unit stats) resemble the shot gun. It also has some cool weapon sounds for each gun. All of this of course is already implemented and got positive reviews alpha testing online. All i need is someone to create a cool environment in which to fight in.
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