[Terrain] - Water Doesn't Show Up

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Level 2
Oct 26, 2008
Basicly what the title says, I got to see water after I first tested out the Editor, but when I used it a second time the water doesn't appear, I just see that red square. The water will also show up if you test out the map, it just doesn't appear in the editor. So, has anyone else had this issue because I don't think it's fixable.

For future reference, I reinstalled multiple times already, nothing changed.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
It is obvious that eithor your editor graphic settings do not support water (change them under preferences), or you have turned viewing water off (fix that under view).

Basically, there are 100s of view selections available to you, so maybe you turned water off via hotkey by mistake so all you have to do is turn it on. To do this I advise using the view menu until you find something that governs water. Snap to game settings should also work.

Also note that the reflections of large blocks of water might be broken on atleast some graphic cards. In my case I filled a map with water set up as a mirror and half the map had broken reflections while the other half was perfect (if thats the case removing a random square from it will fix it).
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