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Terrain Request for DoTa style game

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Level 9
Nov 27, 2004
Hello Terrainer .
here is a small description about what i need to:
1)Terrain size: 192*192 or higher
2)Main paths not 3 (as at Dota) but 8-10 with small roads between each other.
3)Small lake from upper-left side till down-right with low ground at the path-zones (sorry,don't know right translation.. ( )
4)I need only terrain.because everything else (regions,buildings,units) will be created automaticly in-game.
5)Terrain style:Summer Loarderon OR Felwood OR Dungeon(as you would like)
6)Base size must be not less then 1 big square (because there will be 10 shops min. )
7)Also between main paths(roads) need several free space places for unit spawing (4-5 from EACH side)

What you'll have from this work:
1)Pleasure of the work you have had
2)Credits at Loading screen + fod bar + F9[Quests]
3)You'll be a famous terrainer at RU if you'll do the terrain as best as it could be.
4)Your name would be well know among BN players at Notherland

My E-mail:
[email protected]
PM me here,Opera always Online.

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