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Terrain: Creating interior / simulating under ground

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for my current project I make a frozen underground terrain, similar to a crypt/ tomb or a cave.

Now, while terraining, some questions occurred. How do I indicate that that it is under ground ?
It is not possible to make an entrance and teleport units to another location.

I thought about changing the light and make all doodads darker than the outside, but that's all I can think of.

Do you have more ideas ?

Additionally, how to design the walls ? I thought about creating these ~ 90 degree walls that make it look underground.
But, one site, the site the player is viewing in the crypt, what about this site ?
Add no walls, low walls ? I cannot think about a good solution to create the terrain there..

I hope you can help me.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
1. Use this set of models: http://xgm.guru/p/wc3/fantasy-environment-cave
2. call SetDayNightModels("","") (this disables standard lighting)
3. Use light doodads to provide light.

The effect is that the non-pathable area of the map is completely black, giving the illusion that the ground has been sliced horizontally and you are viewing the underground. You can achieve the same effect using blizzard cliffs and/or other models, but to a lesser extent.




About 1., I have a frozen environment, therefore I doubt I can use them this time, but thank you, I am sure they will be helpful.

2. Does this destroy the whole map light ? I only need a cave / crypt lightning on a certain part of the map.

3. Alright, makes sense, of course.

Thank you, you helped me a lot!
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
Underground look: Use the Lich King dome doodad, or possibly copy a lot of natural arch formations, so the camera can establish that you're in a closed space. Or see about getting a custom skybox so you don't end up with blue skies ruining the illusion.

There was this one map that used clever camera work to make it look as though spiders were crawling from the ceiling and to the cave floor, I'll see if I can find it.

See this tutorial as well.




Underground look: Use the Lich King dome doodad, or possibly copy a lot of natural arch formations, so the camera can establish that you're in a closed space. Or see about getting a custom skybox so you don't end up with blue skies ruining the illusion.

There was this one map that used clever camera work to make it look as though spiders were crawling from the ceiling and to the cave floor, I'll see if I can find it.

Hm, sounds necessary. Do you know whether there is a custom skybox ( completely black, preferable) anywhere or a collection of these ?

  • Custom Script : call SetDayNightModels("","")
affect the skybox, too ?





But will you ever see the sky in your map? Do you need a skybox?

I will probably include cinematic and the camera will also focus on the entrance.

I am not sure, it is one of the last points I will work on, but I think I can avoid showing the sky.




You can blank it very easily:
find the skin for one of the skyboxes in the .mpq and overwrite it in the import manager using a black texture.

Alternatively, make the fog end close enough that you won't see the sky.

Oh, the skin solution strikes again...

I think I will do it this way, thank you!
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
check this out too


This is a torch system, but what would really be useful is the DNC model (or lack there of) to emit total darkness. Then you can use an omnilight to illuminate small areas giving it a very underground feeling.

Sorry if someone already said this I didn't look through the entire thread




check this out too


This is a torch system, but what would really be useful is the DNC model (or lack there of) to emit total darkness. Then you can use an omnilight to illuminate small areas giving it a very underground feeling.

Sorry if someone already said this I didn't look through the entire thread

Know what ? This is exactly what I need :D

But, I need a light that can be added to multiple units at the same time whereas the system you showed up only supports one at the time.

I will see if I can find something matching, thank you!

hat is DNC ? But I think it is okay already, I used Outland Abyss tiles and it matches it quite well.


Thank you for the many suggestions, I will take them into consideration!
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
What I did was made the light into an attachment for a dummy ability and gave the ability to any unit I want to have the light. It makes a light all around the unit rather than a torch that focuses, but it works pretty well




What I did was made the light into an attachment for a dummy ability and gave the ability to any unit I want to have the light. It makes a light all around the unit rather than a torch that focuses, but it works pretty well

Oh, I see, than I will use this simple method, thank you! :)
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
Here's a quick screenshot of what it looks like

Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
You mean the light model?

I actually made it myself. I have one model with a certain intensity and just change the color of it to change how large (bright) it actually is. This way I have a few different sizes to choose from. I also have a few other colors like orange, blue, red etc.


  • OmniLightNEW.mdx
    832 bytes · Views: 102
  • OmniLightSmall.mdx
    832 bytes · Views: 77
  • OmniLightOrangeSmall.mdx
    832 bytes · Views: 77
  • OmniLightBlueSmall.mdx
    832 bytes · Views: 82
  • OmniLightRedMedium.mdx
    832 bytes · Views: 72




Oh, thank you very much, I am going to try it out later!

If I want to change colour myself, how can I do it ? Change colour of the first model in the Geoset Animation colour ?

I also meant the rocks, as well as the skeleton doodads and the helmet of the unit
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
Oh I see,

If I recall correctly that is how I changed the color. Be sure to keep the values very small in order to prevent the glow from being ridiculously large.

The rocks are actually a stone fence model from Born2Modificate's High Res Doodad Pack on wc3c.net
The skeleton doodads came from a back made by Longbowman on XGM.guru
The helmet is actually just part of the unit model so it isn't an attachment. Can't remember when I found him. Maybe WCUnderground
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