Hi, so I'm trying to make an ability that is a line skillshot that teleports the caster to the struck unit after a short delay, based off of the Pandaren Brewmaster's Drunken Haze-Breath Fire combo. Kind of like Leona E-Zenith Blade in League of Legends.
To give context to the trigger, all the heroes start with the drunken haze debuff already, but it applies no debuff and is masked as a status called Hero. The caster's line ability triggers it into Space Ripped debuff. I've done this to keep track of units that get hit by the ability so that the caster can teleport to them.
Is there a better way to get my caster to teleport to heroes(only) struck by a line aoe ability? It seems this one doesn't work. The 1 second delay is intentional as well; I wanted there to be a delay before teleporting to the unit, and I would like for it to teleport to the struck unit at that time, not when it was initially hit a second ago.
Please help and thanks!
EDIT: While I'm here I'd also like help with a similar ability, also a teleport, but this one is a target-dependent teleport, and is instant. I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with it; it doesn't work. Help on this too would be greatly appreciated. Can't seem to get any of my teleports to work heh.
To give context to the trigger, all the heroes start with the drunken haze debuff already, but it applies no debuff and is masked as a status called Hero. The caster's line ability triggers it into Space Ripped debuff. I've done this to keep track of units that get hit by the ability so that the caster can teleport to them.
Is there a better way to get my caster to teleport to heroes(only) struck by a line aoe ability? It seems this one doesn't work. The 1 second delay is intentional as well; I wanted there to be a delay before teleporting to the unit, and I would like for it to teleport to the struck unit at that time, not when it was initially hit a second ago.
Please help and thanks!
Crezshibar Phase Shift
Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Phase Shift (Crezshibar)
Wait 1.00 seconds
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching ((((Matching unit) has buff Space Ripped) Equal to True) and (((Matching unit) is A Hero) Equal to True))) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Move (Casting unit) instantly to (Position of (Picked unit))
Unit - Create 1 Pandaren Brewmaster for Player 11 (Dark Green) at (Position of (Matching unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
Unit - Add Drunken Haze to (Last created unit)
Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Neutral Pandaren Brewmaster - Drunken Haze (Matching unit)
EDIT: While I'm here I'd also like help with a similar ability, also a teleport, but this one is a target-dependent teleport, and is instant. I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with it; it doesn't work. Help on this too would be greatly appreciated. Can't seem to get any of my teleports to work heh.
Vezax Blink
Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Blink (Vezax)
Set tempunit = (Triggering unit)
Set tempunit2 = (Target unit of ability being cast)
Unit - Cause (Casting unit) to damage (Target unit of ability being cast), dealing (2.00 x (Real((Agility of (Casting unit) (Include bonuses))))) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
Set temploc = (Position of tempunit2)
Unit - Move tempunit instantly to temploc
Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_temploc)
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