- Okay, I've been working on a new map once again, I have made many maps but never uploaded them here because i've made them just for my friends & I to play. But im planning to release this one if i get it done properly.
To the point, You are controlling an turret at the side of an map, And every round a wave of creeps try to reach the goal. You move the turret With arrowkeys, And shoot with whether weapons you have bought. You start up with basic AoE Cannon, And can upgrade it / Buy new weapons varying from Flamethrowers to missilelaunchers.
This map can be played by 2 people at Battlenet, But im currently having troubles with initilizating the map so it can be smoothly played in Battlenet, Because delay is kind of an problem on this kind of maps, Of corse you can play it in singleplayer aswell.
I captured a video of testing the system in xifre; *Click*. Please comment / Give advices.
To the point, You are controlling an turret at the side of an map, And every round a wave of creeps try to reach the goal. You move the turret With arrowkeys, And shoot with whether weapons you have bought. You start up with basic AoE Cannon, And can upgrade it / Buy new weapons varying from Flamethrowers to missilelaunchers.
This map can be played by 2 people at Battlenet, But im currently having troubles with initilizating the map so it can be smoothly played in Battlenet, Because delay is kind of an problem on this kind of maps, Of corse you can play it in singleplayer aswell.
I captured a video of testing the system in xifre; *Click*. Please comment / Give advices.