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[Campaign] Tales Of The Alliance

Which campaign should I start work on next

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Well kind of. The Human and Worgen campaign will have Istan going round the surviving Human kingdoms rebuilding/preparing them for war and one of those kingdoms will be Gilneas where the worgen are. The scarlet crusade will also appear in the campaign to show the state of Lordaeron. Istan and the scarlet crusade leader will meet at one point and then the campaign will follow on. It's hard to describe it to you without actually revealing the plot,
Make a campaign for Survivors of Lordaeron.

Will have the remains of Silver Hand,later the Scarlet Crusade and finally the glorious Argent Dawn.
I will love a campaign like this!

Well, like I said the Scarlet Crusade will feature in Return of the Kingdoms. The campaign takes place around the time of World of Warcraft. No remnants of the Silver Hand or the Argent Dawn though I'm afraid. After the Tales of the Alliance we'll see about it.
I was thinking about a new method of world travel for one of the campaigns.

This would only be used for one of them if it turns out to be a good idea but, the general concept is an Azeroth Wars style map where the character is represented by a single unit and you can choose to travel to specific points affecting the story.

I don't know how much work this would require but I've been considering it for maybe the Dwarven campaign.
Level 5
Jul 8, 2013
The sooner the better.

your campaigns take plave at the cataclysm WoW expansion.The campaign i mentioned takes place from the end of TFT till the cataclysm expansion.So you are kinda wrong when you said that there is no Argent Crusade at your campaigns.
In fact the Argent Crusader and Tirion Fordring were the ones who attacked the lich king with the Alliance faction....

Oh wait im not wrong am i ... :p
Oh I'm not saying that they weren't around I was saying that they wouldn't appear in the campaigns. The Silver Hand and Argent Crusade both exist in Cataclysm I think we misinterpreted what each other was referring to.

I think it's easier if I just stick with the Scarlet Crusade in it to save confusing people unaware of the WoW lore.
Well the Scarlet Crusade became the risen, it wasn't disbanded per say. The Scarlet Crusaders in my campaign leave just before that happens so it takes place in Cataclysm just before that time-frame.

All time period etc questions will be answered through the campaign so it will explain how these Scarlet Crusaders survive and what happens to the rest of them, it would be more accurate to describe these Crusaders more as deserters - they realize the insanity (possession) of their superiors.

EDIT: For everyone else here's another screenshot of the terrain I would use for my new interactive map idea. I'm still weighing up the pros and cons and whether I will actually use it.

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Wow, amazing, but can be improved.

How so? Suggestions are welcome. The only problem with the screenshot that I see now is that the angle doesn't do the raised/lowered surfaces justice but they are there and look fine with the game camera.

EDIT: Also guys I would like your opinion of this compared to the Azeroth Wars/ Dark Ages of Warcraft terrain.
Well..if ask about the terrain then it's fine! Honestly it looks good compared to AzzyWars/DAoW i like how you put those roads their not either to straight or too chaotic:) Thank the terrain gods for that!
Also could have used a brighter variant for that grass> Elwynn Forest has a lighter grass you know(just saying)
Oh and continue as usual; your doing great!
Yeah well I've hit the tileset limit and in general for all the terrain I need to do that tile is more multi-purpose. Believe that if I could I would've picked the Lordaeron Summer grass, cityscape/Village grass and probably Ashenvale grass for variation but as it stands I have to work with what I've got.

Other than triggers for the last two maps I have no more 'general' work to do. After I've got that done I will make the AIs for all of them and then release the beta for testing and bug review.
I have to disagree with that tutorial this time, normally I do abide by those rules but I think the sharpness makes certain things more prominent. For example dirt next to grass should be sharp as that is most likely caused by digging of some sort and doesn't appear naturally - generally.

In short it's sharp where I want it to be sharp and smooth where I think it should be smooth. I guess it's a matter of taste but thanks for the feedback anyway.
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Not only can you get a sneak preview of the races you'll be playing with by checking out my maps but you can also get a glimpse of future enemies, heroes and units by looking at my latest map - The Fel Horde

They will face the Draenei in a battle for supremacy, survival and sanity.
Well, the Beta test probably will not have AI support in a few missions (except obviously the defense missions out of necessity) but it's mainly to see if the triggers are working and people can make sense of the story, techtree etc.

I was thinking of changing Istan's model but I'm not sure, I like the whole Stormwind theme to it but it might resemble Arthas a bit too much and after thinking about when someone mentioned earlier I'm beginning to have a few minds for a few changes.

I just have to get the epilogue all triggered up and the last mission (I think) so if I can get a solid weeks work done it should be no problem. Then the AI then je suis fini, if I can crawl that far lol.

Once Conquest of an Island is done, Return of the Kingdoms will be put into overdrive and so on and so forth.
Level 11
Oct 11, 2013
Well, the Beta test probably will not have AI support in a few missions (except obviously the defense missions out of necessity) but it's mainly to see if the triggers are working and people can make sense of the story, techtree etc.

I was thinking of changing Istan's model but I'm not sure, I like the whole Stormwind theme to it but it might resemble Arthas a bit too much and after thinking about when someone mentioned earlier I'm beginning to have a few minds for a few changes.

I just have to get the epilogue all triggered up and the last mission (I think) so if I can get a solid weeks work done it should be no problem. Then the AI then je suis fini, if I can crawl that far lol.

Once Conquest of an Island is done, Return of the Kingdoms will be put into overdrive and so on and so forth.

I'm glad to hear (actually read) that. :)
Okay, that's good and all. But some background for Return of the Kingdoms, a little more detailed!

After I release a beta for CoI there will be a much greater influx of info for Return of the Kingdoms. I will say though that Sylvanas will appear and Istan will have a bit of a development towards the way he views his own troops and the Forsaken and how to defeat the Alliance's enemies. It won't be like Jaina's story his will be more personal.
Hey, since that 96% of CoaI is done, do you already have an idea of when it will be finished???

Not really, I'm hoping to get it done as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality. That 4% is mainly triggers with a little bit of polishing. I'm not taking into account AIs.
Level 2
Oct 4, 2013
Well done Footman! My first run was fairly smooth without significant problems.
The first playable map was good. I achieved victory after wiping out all purple orcs but not the red ones; not sure if that was your intention (I thought all orcs must be eliminated to proceed the next map).
The second map was not playable; not sure if it is my end, has anyone tried and got the same error? Upon completion, the game was ended with moving back to the start-up screen of warcraft.
Other maps are fine with no issues. If possible, can you make the campaign more difficult with insane difficulty? It's a bit too easy.
Yeah I tested it right there and I see the problem, custom music is used but not in that chapter I don't think. I'll take a skim through the imports and see what I can fish up.

Edit: yep it was the music, I had forgotten I'd added. I've removed the music for now - it served no real purpose other than atmosphere.

Edit Edit: I'm trying to upload the fixed version of the Demo but either the Hive is being slow or my computer as it is taking ages to upload the new attachment.

Edit Edit Edit: I'll try to upload the fixed version tomorrow. Chapter two doesn't have AI support for all the enemies as far as I remember but the triggers should all work.

Edit Edit Edit Edit: The fixed demo has been uploaded.
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Work on the Tales of the Alliance will be continuing with a hopefully large amount of trigger work being able to be done on the last 3 (?) remaining chapters. I can imagine there will be a very long period of bug fixes after release - I don't want that but it seems easier than getting a few beta testers.

I will be protecting the final release version but if you want anything a trigger or something just ask.

Remember the demo will be available until release.
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