struct Tester extends array
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 1
local unit u1
local unit u2
local unit u3
local unit u4
exitwhen 0 == i
set i = i - 1
//set u1 = CreateUnit(Player(2), 'hfoo', GetStartLocationX(0), GetStartLocationY(0) - 512, 270)
set u2 = CreateUnit(Player(2), 'hrif', GetStartLocationX(0), GetStartLocationY(0) - 512, 270)
//set u3 = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hgtw', GetStartLocationX(0), GetStartLocationY(0), 270)
set u4 = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hfoo', GetStartLocationX(0), GetStartLocationY(0), 270)
set UnitAttack[u4].maxRange = 128 + 64
set UnitAttack[u2].maxRange = 550
set UnitAttack[u2].minRange = 300
set UnitAttack[u4].cooldown = 5
set UnitAttack[u2].cooldown = 5
//call PhysicalDamageModifier[u4].apply(-10, true) //-10 to incoming damage
//call WeaponSourceEvasionModifier[u2].apply(.5) //50% chance to evade
set u1 = null
set u2 = null
set u3 = null
set u4 = null