- Joined
- Dec 12, 2012
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Matrix operations are a very basic concept in Mathematics and many problems can be solved easy and elegant with them. Unfortunatly Warcraft 3 does not provide any of them, so this system aims to close this gap and provide various methods to deal with matrices.
Enclosed is the system code:
And here a little example that demonstrates the solution of a System of Linear Equations (SLE).
Even more detailed documentation will be included as a sub-chapter to the Math library soon.
Enclosed is the system code:
library Matrices /* v
* Matrices
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* By looking_for_help aka eey
* This system provides advanced methods for handling Matrices in Warcraft 3.
* Features like Matrix multiplication, calculation of norms or trace as well as
* solving a system of linear equations with Gauss-Elimination are implemented.
* The system also provides a big variety of functions to initialize, copy or
* reshape Matrices.
* Credits go to Magtheridon for helping with the Systems API.
* Requirements
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* */ uses Maths /* hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/advanced-maths-ingame-calculator-234024/?prev=r%3D20%26page%3D5
* Implementation
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* To use this system just copy it into an empty trigger in your map. As this
* system uses the Math library you should install it first to get the system
* to work. The Math library can be found under the link above.
* System API
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* Struct usage
* -----------------------------
* struct Matrix
* - This struct provides the methods and logic to use Matrices in
* Warcraft 3 with this system. Use the create method to allocate a
* new instance of a Matrix of your desired size. The Matrix can then
* be used like a 2D-Array (example displayed above) and provides
* various methods to perform advanced Matrix operations.
* 0 1 2
* 0 [0][0][0]
* local Matrix mat = Matrix.create(3, 3) = 1 [0][0][0]
* 2 [0][0][0]
* Operators
* -----------------------------
* [] operators
* - Use the [] operators to access directly to the values of a given
* Matrix. For example mat[2][1] will return the element in the third
* row, second column. Note that the indices are, like Wc3 arrays,
* zero-based.
* Fields
* -----------------------------
* readonly integer n
* - Specifies the number of rows of a given Matrix.
* readonly integer m
* - Specifies the number of columns of a given Matrix.
* readonly static Matrix Invalid_Matrix
* - An invalid Matrix of the size 0 x 0. You can't create such a Matrix,
* so if you need one, use this field. Some algorithms, such as solveSLE
* return such a Matrix if no solution for a given System of Linear
* Equations could be found. You can use the method isValid() to
* determine wether a Matrix is valid or not.
* static constant integer ONE_NORM
* - Use this as a parameter for the norm method to specify that the method
* should calculate the one norm (maximum of column sum absolute values).
* static constant integer EUCLIDEAN_NORM
* - Use this as a parameter for the norm method to specify that the method
* should calculate the euclidean norm (square root of sum of squares).
* static constant integer INFINITY_NORM
* - Use this as a parameter for the norm method to specify that the method
* should calculate the infinity norm (maximum of row sum absolute values).
* static constant integer METHOD_ROW_WISE
* - Use this as a parameter for methods like initStepWise or reShape to
* specify whether the method should be applied row-wise.
* static constant integer METHOD_COL_WISE
* - Use this as a parameter for methods like initStepWise or reShape to
* specify whether the method should be applied col-wise.
* Methods
* -----------------------------
* static method create takes integer nDim, integer mDim returns Matrix
* - Creates a new n x m Matrix with the maximum size of MAX_MATRIX_SIZE
* (specified in the globals block). The Matrix is initialized with
* zeros.
* method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
* - Destroys a given Matrix to free its memory usage.
* method display takes nothing returns nothing
* - Use this method to display a Matrix ingame. This is especially
* meant for debugging issues.
* method isValid takes nothing returns boolean
* - Checks whether a given Matrix is valid (means: not empty) or not.
* method isEqual takes Matrix mat returns boolean
* - Checks whether two Matrices are equal or not. If A == B then
* A.isEqual(B) returns true.
* method init takes real value returns nothing
* - Use this method to initialize a Matrix with a desired real value.
* Note that this method does not create a new instance of the Matrix
* object, as well as all methods that only initialize the values of a
* Matrix.
* method eye takes nothing returns nothing
* - Use this method to initialize an Identity Matrix.
* method diag takes real value, integer whichDiagonal returns nothing
* - Use this method to initialize a Diagonal Matrix with a desired real
* value. Use the second argument to specify which diagonal you want
* to set (zero is the main diagonal, negative values address the
* upper, positive values the lower diagonals).
* method rand takes real lowerBound, real upperBound returns nothing
* - Use this method to initialize a Matrix with random real values.
* method initStepWise takes real startValue, real steps returns nothing
* - Use this method to initialize a matrix from a given start value in
* ascending or descending order specified by the steps parameter.
* method assign takes nothing returns Matrix
* - Use this method to assign a Matrix to another Matrix. For example
* set B = A.assign() will copy A to B. Note that A and B must be of
* equal size for this operation to work.
* method addScalar takes real value returns Matrix
* - This method performs a element-wise addition of a given real value
* and returns the new Matrix. Example: A.addScalar(2.0) will add the
* value 2.0 to all elements of the Matrix A.
* method subScalar takes real value returns Matrix
* - This method performs a element-wise subtraction of a given real
* value.
* method multScalar takes real value returns Matrix
* - This method performs a element-wise multiplication by a given real
* value.
* method divScalar takes real value returns Matrix
* - This method performs a element-wise division by a given real value.
* method abs takes nothing returns Matrix
* - This method performs the abs function on all Matrix elements.
* method add takes Matrix whichMatrix returns Matrix
* - Matrix addition. The expression A.add(B) where both A and B are
* Matrices returns the resulting Matrix A + B. Note that the Matrices
* must follow common Matrix calculation rules, like here that A and B
* have the same size.
* method sub takes Matrix whichMatrix returns Matrix
* - Matrix substraction. Same as the add method, A.sub(B) performs
* A - B.
* method multiply takes Matrix whichMatrix returns Matrix
* - Matrix multiplication. The expression A.multiply(B) performs the
* operation A*B. Note that A's number of columns must equal B's
* number of rows for this operation to be well-defined.
* method transpose takes nothing returns Matrix
* - Matrix transposition. The expression A.transpose() computes A^T.
* method invert takes nothing returns Matrix
* - Matrix inversion. Use A.invert() to calculate A^-1, the inverse
* of the Matrix A. Be aware of the fact that not every Matrix is
* invertable.
* method gauss takes nothing returns Matrix
* - Use this method to perform a Gauss-Elimination with pivotising.
* The result is a upper triangular Matrix.
* method solveSLE takes Matrix b returns Matrix
* - Use this method to solve a System of Linear Equations following
* the common notation A*x = b. To calculate x use A.solveSLE(b)
* where A is the system Matrix and b is the solution vector. If the
* SLE has no unique solution, an invalid vector of size 0 x 0 is
* returned.
* method dotProduct takes Matrix b returns real
* - Use this method to calculate the dot product of two Vectors. Use
* it like a.dotProduct(b), which results in a^T*b. Calling this
* method is faster than performing the transposition manualy and
* should therefore be used if possible. To check whether two Vectors
* are orthogonal, the dot product must be zero.
* method crossProduct takes Matrix b returns Matrix
* - Use this method to calculate the cross product of two Vectors.
* This implementation only supports calculation of cross products
* for Vectors in R^3.
* method trace takes nothing returns real
* - Returns the trace of a given Matrix. Which is defined as the sum
* over its diagonal elements.
* method det takes nothing returns real
* - Returns the determinant of a given Matrix. From A.det() == 0
* follows for example that A is not invertable.
* method rank takes nothing returns integer
* - Returns the rank of a given Matrix. A square Matrix must have full
* rank to be invertable, which means that A.rank() == A.n must return
* true.
* method norm takes integer whichNorm returns real
* - Computes the norm of a given Matrix. You can choose between different
* norms by using the constants defined in the Matrix struct. Valid
* values for the whichNorm parameter are ONE_NORM, EUCLIDEAN_NORM
* and the INFINITY_NORM.
* method cond takes integer whichNorm returns real
* - Computes the condition of a Matrix. You can specify which Norm you
* want to use for that purpose by the parameter whichNorm (see method
* norm). Note that the Matrix must be invertable otherwise the
* condition will be infinity.
* method kron takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
* - Computes the Kronecker Product of two Matrices. The result of for
* example A.kron(B) where A is a n x m and B is a p x q Matrix is
* a n*p x m*q Matrix. As you see this operation potentially produces
* very big Matrices so use it with care.
* method subMatrix takes integer startRow, integer startCol, integer endRow,
* integer endCol returns Matrix
* - This method can be used to get a sub Matrix out of another Matrix.
* With the parameters startRow and startCol you can specify where
* the submatrix should begin and the parameters endRow as well as
* endCol define where to end the sub Matrix. If A is for example
* a 3 x 3 Matrix, A.subMatrix(0, 0, 2, 0) will return the first
* column Vector of A, while A.subMatrix(0, 0, 1, 1) will return
* the first 2 x 2 sub Matrix of A and so on.
* method embed takes Matrix subMat, integer startRow, integer startCol
* returns Matrix
* - This method embeds one Matrix into another. If you have for example
* the 3 x 3 Matrix A and the 2 x 2 Matrix B then A.embed(B, 0, 0)
* will assign the upper left sub matrix of A to the values of B. The
* parameters startRow and startCol specify where the embeding should
* start. Of course the sub matrix must fit into the Matrix you want to
* embed it into, otherwise an error will be thrown.
* method concatH takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
* - Use this method to concatenate two Matrices. The Matrices must
* have the same amount of rows for this operation to work. The Matrices
* will get concatenated horizontal, resulting for two n x m
* Matrices in a n x 2*m Matrix. Example: A.concatH(B) will concate-
* nate A to B (from the left side).
* method concatV takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
* - Use this method to concatenate two Matrices. The Matrices must
* have the same amount of columns for this operation to work. The
* Matrices will get concatenated vertically, resulting for two n x m
* Matrices in a 2*n x m Matrix. Example: A.concatV(B) will stack
* the Matrix B on A.
* method reShape takes integer newN, integer newM, integer whichMethod
* returns Matrix
* - Use this method to reshape a Matrix. If you have for example a
* 3 x 2 Matrix A, by performing A.reShape(2, 3, METHOD_ROW_WISE)
* the Matrix will get a 2 x 3 Matrix. The third parameter whichMethod
* determines whether the operation should be done row-wise or
* column-wise. METHOD_ROW_WISE and METHOD_COL_WISE are valid
* parameters. This can also be used to make a Vektor of a Matrix
* (or vice versa): A.reShape(6, 1, METHOD_COL_WISE) will stack
* all column Vektors of A to one 6 x 1 Vektor.
* method switchRow takes integer whichRow, integer newRow returns Matrix
* - Use this method to switch two different rows of a Matrix. The
* expression A.switchRow(0, 2) will switch the first with the third
* row. Note that both parameters whichRow and newRow must not exceed
* Matrix dimensions.
* method switchCol takes integer whichCol, integer newCol returns Matrix
* - Use this method to switch two different columns of a Matrix. Same
* rules as for switchRow apply here.
* Configurable globals
// Accuracy for considering a Matrix too close to singularity
private constant real EPSILON = 0.01
// Biggest possible n x n-Matrix
private constant integer MAX_MATRIX_SIZE = 30
* End of configurable globals
private struct MatrixRow
real array values[MAX_MATRIX_SIZE]
integer maxCols
method operator [] takes integer column returns real
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "[]", "MatrixRow", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
return this.values[column]
method operator []= takes integer column, real value returns nothing
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "[]=", "MatrixRow", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(column < 0 or column >= maxCols, "Matrices", "[]=", "MatrixRow", this, "Can't access Matrix! Column index "+I2S(column)+" exceeds Matrix dimensions!")
set this.values[column] = value
static method create takes integer cols returns thistype
local thistype this = MatrixRow.allocate()
set this.maxCols = cols
return this
private module Inits
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set Matrix.Invalid_Matrix = Matrix.createInvalid()
private module GETTER_MODULE
private integer _n
private integer _m
method operator n takes nothing returns integer
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "n", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
return _n
method operator n= takes integer value returns nothing
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "n=", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
set _n = value
method operator m takes nothing returns integer
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "m", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
return _m
method operator m= takes integer value returns nothing
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "m=", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
set _m = value
struct Matrix
private MatrixRow array matRow[MAX_MATRIX_SIZE]
static constant integer ONE_NORM = 1
static constant integer EUCLIDEAN_NORM = 2
static constant integer INFINITY_NORM = 3
static constant integer METHOD_ROW_WISE = 0
static constant integer METHOD_COL_WISE = 1
readonly static Matrix Invalid_Matrix
method operator [] takes integer row returns MatrixRow
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "[]", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(row < 0 or row >= n, "Matrices", "[]", "Matrix", this, "Can't access Matrix! Row index "+I2S(row)+" exceeds Matrix dimensions!")
return this.matRow[row]
static method create takes integer nDim, integer mDim returns thistype
local integer i = 0
local thistype this
debug call ThrowError(nDim < 1, "Matrices", "create", "Matrix", 0, "Can't create Matrix with "+I2S(nDim)+" rows! Number of rows must be larger than zero!")
debug call ThrowError(mDim < 1, "Matrices", "create", "Matrix", 0, "Can't create Matrix with "+I2S(mDim)+" columns! Number of columns must be larger than zero!")
debug call ThrowError(nDim > MAX_MATRIX_SIZE, "Matrices", "create", "Matrix", 0, "Can't create Matrix with "+I2S(nDim)+" rows! Number of rows exceeds maximum row count of "+I2S(MAX_MATRIX_SIZE)+"!")
debug call ThrowError(mDim > MAX_MATRIX_SIZE, "Matrices", "create", "Matrix", 0, "Can't create Matrix with "+I2S(mDim)+" columns! Number of columns exceeds maximum column count "+I2S(MAX_MATRIX_SIZE)+"!")
set this = Matrix.allocate()
exitwhen i > nDim - 1
set this.matRow[i] = MatrixRow.create(mDim)
set i = i + 1
set this.n = nDim
set this.m = mDim
return this
private static method createInvalid takes nothing returns thistype
local thistype this = Matrix.allocate()
set this.n = 0
set this.m = 0
return this
method isValid takes nothing returns boolean
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "isValid", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
return this.n == 0
method isEqual takes Matrix mat returns boolean
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "isEqual", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
if this.n != mat.n or this.m != mat.m then
return false
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
if this.matRow[i][j] != mat[i][j] then
return false
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return true
method addScalar takes real value returns Matrix
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local Matrix mat
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "addScalar", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "addScalar", "Matrix", this, "Cannot add "+R2S(value)+" to Matrix elements of and Invalid Matrix!")
set mat = Matrix.create(n, m)
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set mat[i][j] = this.matRow[i][j] + value
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return mat
method subScalar takes real value returns Matrix
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local Matrix mat
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "subScalar", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "subScalar", "Matrix", this, "Cannot subtract "+R2S(value)+" to Matrix elements of and Invalid Matrix!")
set mat = Matrix.create(n, m)
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set mat[i][j] = this.matRow[i][j] - value
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return mat
method multScalar takes real value returns Matrix
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local Matrix mat
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "multScalar", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "multScalar", "Matrix", this, "Cannot multiply "+R2S(value)+" to Matrix elements of and Invalid Matrix!")
set mat = Matrix.create(n, m)
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set mat[i][j] = this.matRow[i][j]*value
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return mat
method divScalar takes real value returns Matrix
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local Matrix mat
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "divScalar", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "divScalar", "Matrix", this, "Cannot divide Matrix elements of Invalid Matrix by "+R2S(value)+"!")
set mat = Matrix.create(n, m)
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set mat[i][j] = this.matRow[i][j]/value
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return mat
method abs takes nothing returns Matrix
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local Matrix mat
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "abs", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "abs", "Matrix", this, "Cannot perform absolute value to Matrix elements of and Invalid Matrix!")
set mat = Matrix.create(n, m)
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
if this.matRow[i][j] >= 0 then
set mat[i][j] = this.matRow[i][j]
set mat[i][j] = -this.matRow[i][j]
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return mat
method eye takes real value returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "eye", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "eye", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
exitwhen j >= n
exitwhen i >= m
if i != j then
set this.matRow[j][i] = 0.0
set this.matRow[j][i] = 1.0
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
method diag takes real value, integer whichDiagonal returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local integer minDim
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "diag", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "diag", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
if n <= m then
set minDim = n - 1
set minDim = m - 1
debug call ThrowError(whichDiagonal > minDim, "Matrices", "diag", "Matrix", this, "Diagonal Index "+I2S(whichDiagonal)+" exceeds Matrix dimensions!")
exitwhen j >= n
exitwhen i >= m
if i != j - whichDiagonal then
set this.matRow[j][i] = 0.0
set this.matRow[j][i] = value
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
method init takes real value returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "init", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "init", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
exitwhen j >= n
exitwhen i >= m
set this.matRow[j][i] = value
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
method rand takes real lowerBound, real upperBound returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "rand", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "rand", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
exitwhen j >= n
exitwhen i >= m
set this.matRow[j][i] = GetRandomReal(lowerBound, upperBound)
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
method initStepWise takes real startValue, real step, integer whichMethod returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "initStepWise", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "initStepWise", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(whichMethod != METHOD_ROW_WISE and whichMethod != METHOD_COL_WISE, "Matrices", "initStepWise", "Matrix", this, "Invalid method of number "+I2S(whichMethod)+" for initializing!")
if whichMethod == METHOD_ROW_WISE then
exitwhen j >= n
exitwhen i >= m
set this.matRow[j][i] = startValue
set startValue = startValue + step
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
elseif whichMethod == METHOD_COL_WISE then
exitwhen j >= m
exitwhen i >= n
set this.matRow[i][j] = startValue
set startValue = startValue + step
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
method add takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
local Matrix result
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "add", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "add", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(mat.n != this.n or mat.m != this.m, "Matrices", "add", "Matrix", this, "Cannot perform addition of a "+I2S(n)+" x "+I2S(m)+" with a "+I2S(mat.n)+" x "+I2S(mat.m)+" Matrix!")
set result = Matrix.create(n, m)
exitwhen j >= n
exitwhen i >= m
set result[j][i] = this.matRow[j][i] + mat[j][i]
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
return result
method sub takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
local Matrix result
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "sub", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "sub", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(mat.n != this.n or mat.m != this.m, "Matrices", "sub", "Matrix", this, "Cannot perform subtraction of a "+I2S(n)+" x "+I2S(m)+" with a "+I2S(mat.n)+" x "+I2S(mat.m)+" Matrix!")
set result = Matrix.create(n, m)
exitwhen j >= n
exitwhen i >= m
set result[j][i] = this.matRow[j][i] - mat[j][i]
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
return result
method multiply takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
local Matrix result
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local integer k = 0
local real temp = 0.0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "multiply", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "multiply", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(this.m != mat.n, "Matrices", "multiply", "Matrix", this, "Cannot perform multiplication of a "+I2S(n)+" x "+I2S(m)+" with a "+I2S(mat.n)+" x "+I2S(mat.m)+" Matrix!")
set result = Matrix.create(n, mat.m)
exitwhen j >= result.n
exitwhen k >= result.m
exitwhen i >= this.m
set temp = temp + this.matRow[j][i]*mat[i][k]
set i = i + 1
set result[j][k] = temp
set i = 0
set temp = 0.0
set k = k + 1
set k = 0
set j = j + 1
return result
method transpose takes nothing returns Matrix
local Matrix mat = Matrix.create(m, n)
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "transpose", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "transpose", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
exitwhen j >= m
exitwhen i >= n
set mat[j][i] = this.matRow[i][j]
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
return mat
method gauss takes nothing returns Matrix
local Matrix mat
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local integer k = 0
local integer row
local real maxVal = -Math.Inf
local real pivot
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "gauss", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "gauss", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
set mat = this.assign()
exitwhen i >= n - 1
set j = i
set row = i
exitwhen j >= m
set pivot = Math.abs(mat[j][i])
if pivot > maxVal then
set maxVal = pivot
set row = j
set j = j + 1
if Math.abs(pivot) < EPSILON then
debug call ThrowWarning(true, "Matrices", "gauss", "Matrix", this, "Can't perform Gauss Elimination, Matrix too close to singularity!")
if row != i then
set j = 0
exitwhen j >= m
set pivot = mat[i][j]
set mat[i][j] = mat[row][j]
set mat[row][j] = pivot
set j = j + 1
if mat[i][i] >= EPSILON then
set j = i + 1
exitwhen j >= n
set pivot = mat[j][i]/mat[i][i]
set k = i
exitwhen k >= n
set mat[j][k] = mat[j][k] - pivot*mat[i][k]
set k = k + 1
set j = j + 1
set i = i + 1
return mat
method invert takes nothing returns Matrix
local Matrix mat
local Matrix inv
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local integer k = 0
local integer row
local real maxVal = -Math.Inf
local real pivot
local real temp_inv
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "invert", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "invert", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
set mat = this.assign()
set inv = Matrix.create(n, n)
call inv.eye(n)
exitwhen i >= n - 1
set j = i + 1
set row = i
exitwhen j >= n
set pivot = Math.abs(mat[j][i])
if pivot > maxVal then
set maxVal = pivot
set row = j
set j = j + 1
if Math.abs(pivot) < EPSILON then
debug call ThrowWarning(true, "Matrices", "invert", "Matrix", this, "Can't invert Matrix, too close to singularity!")
return Matrix.Invalid_Matrix
if row != i then
set j = 0
exitwhen j >= m
set pivot = mat[i][j]
set mat[i][j] = mat[row][j]
set mat[row][j] = pivot
set temp_inv = inv[i][j]
set inv[i][j] = inv[row][j]
set inv[row][j] = temp_inv
set j = j + 1
set j = i + 1
exitwhen j >= n
set pivot = mat[j][i]/mat[i][i]
set k = 0
exitwhen k >= n
set mat[j][k] = mat[j][k] - pivot*mat[i][k]
set inv[j][k] = inv[j][k] - pivot*inv[i][k]
set k = k + 1
set j = j + 1
set i = i + 1
set i = n - 1
exitwhen i < 0
set j = i - 1
exitwhen j < 0
set pivot = mat[j][i]/mat[i][i]
set mat[j][i] = mat[j][i] - pivot*mat[i][i]
set k = 0
exitwhen k >= m
set inv[j][k] = inv[j][k] - pivot*inv[i][k]
set k = k + 1
set j = j - 1
set i = i - 1
set i = 0
exitwhen i >= n
set j = 0
exitwhen j >= m
set inv[i][j] = inv[i][j]/mat[i][i]
set j = j + 1
set i = i + 1
call mat.destroy()
return inv
method trace takes nothing returns real
local integer i = 0
local integer minDim
local real result = 0.0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "trace", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "trace", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
if n <= m then
set minDim = n - 1
set minDim = m - 1
exitwhen i > minDim
set result = result + this.matRow[i][i]
set i = i + 1
return result
method assign takes nothing returns Matrix
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local Matrix mat = Matrix.create(n, m)
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "assign", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
if n < 1 then
set mat = Invalid_Matrix
return mat
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set mat[i][j] = this.matRow[i][j]
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return mat
method rank takes nothing returns integer
local Matrix mat = this.assign()
local integer minDim
local integer i
local integer rank
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "rank", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "rank", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
if n <= m then
set minDim = n - 1
set minDim = m - 1
set i = minDim
set rank = minDim + 1
set mat = this.gauss()
exitwhen i < 1
if Math.abs(mat[i][i]) < EPSILON then
set rank = rank - 1
set i = i - 1
return rank
method cond takes integer whichNorm returns real
local Matrix mat
local real result
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "cond", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "cond", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
set mat = this.assign()
set mat = mat.invert()
if not mat.isValid() then
debug call ThrowError(true, "Matrices", "cond", "Matrix", this, "Matrix has infinite condition!")
return Math.Inf
set mat = this.multiply(mat)
set result = mat.norm(whichNorm)
call mat.destroy()
return result
method det takes nothing returns real
local Matrix mat
local integer i = 0
local real result = 1.0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "det", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "det", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(n != m, "Matrices", "det", "Matrix", this, "Matrix "+I2S(n)+" x "+I2S(m)+" isn't square! Matrix must be square!")
set mat = this.assign()
set mat = mat.gauss()
exitwhen i >= n
set result = result*mat[i][i]
set i = i + 1
if Math.abs(result) < EPSILON then
set result = 0.0
call mat.destroy()
return result
method solveSLE takes Matrix b returns Matrix
local Matrix mat
local Matrix sol
local Matrix x
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local integer k = 0
local integer row
local real maxVal = -Math.Inf
local real pivot
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "solveSLE", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "solveSLE", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(this.n != this.m or b.n != this.n or b.m > 1, "Matrices", "solveSLE", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrices used! Can't solve SLE!")
set mat = this.assign()
set sol = b.assign()
set x = Matrix.create(b.n, 1)
exitwhen i >= n - 1
set j = i + 1
set row = i
exitwhen j >= n
set pivot = Math.abs(mat[j][i])
if pivot > maxVal then
set maxVal = pivot
set row = j
set j = j + 1
set pivot = maxVal
if Math.abs(pivot) < EPSILON then
return Matrix.Invalid_Matrix
if row != i then
set j = 0
exitwhen j >= m
set pivot = mat[i][j]
set mat[i][j] = mat[row][j]
set mat[row][j] = pivot
set j = j + 1
set pivot = sol[i][0]
set sol[i][0] = sol[row][0]
set sol[row][0] = pivot
set j = i + 1
exitwhen j >= n
set pivot = mat[j][i]/mat[i][i]
set k = i
exitwhen k >= n
set mat[j][k] = mat[j][k] - pivot*mat[i][k]
set k = k + 1
set sol[j][0] = sol[j][0] - pivot*sol[i][0]
set j = j + 1
set i = i + 1
set x[x.n - 1][0] = sol[x.n - 1][0]/mat[n - 1][n - 1]
set i = x.n - 2
exitwhen i < 0
set pivot = sol[i][0]
set j = i + 1
exitwhen j >= n
set pivot = pivot - mat[i][j]*x[j][0]
set j = j + 1
set x[i][0] = pivot/mat[i][i]
set i = i - 1
call sol.destroy()
call mat.destroy()
return x
method norm takes integer whichNorm returns real
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local real result
local real maxVal = -Math.Inf
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "norm", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "norm", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(whichNorm != ONE_NORM and whichNorm != EUCLIDEAN_NORM and whichNorm != INFINITY_NORM, "Matrices", "[]", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Norm with number "+I2S(whichNorm)+" used!")
if whichNorm == ONE_NORM then
set result = 0.0
exitwhen i >= m
exitwhen j >= n
set result = result + Math.abs(this.matRow[j][i])
set j = j + 1
if result > maxVal then
set maxVal = result
set result = 0.0
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return maxVal
elseif whichNorm == EUCLIDEAN_NORM then
set result = 0.0
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set result = result + this.matRow[i][j]*this.matRow[i][j]
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return SquareRoot(result)
set result = 0.0
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set result = result + Math.abs(this.matRow[i][j])
set j = j + 1
if result > maxVal then
set maxVal = result
set result = 0.0
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return maxVal
method kron takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
local Matrix result = Matrix.create(n*mat.n, m*mat.m)
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local integer k = 0
local integer l = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "kron", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1 or mat.n < 1, "Matrices", "kron", "Matrix", this, "Can't compute Kronecker Product of Invalid Matrix!")
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= mat.n
exitwhen k >= m
exitwhen l >= mat.m
set result[i*n + k][j*m + l] = this.matRow[i][j]*mat[k][l]
set l = l + 1
set l = 0
set k = k + 1
set k = 0
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return result
method dotProduct takes Matrix mat returns real
local real temp = 0.0
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "dotProduct", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1 or mat.n < 1, "Matrices", "dotProduct", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(mat.m != 1 or this.m != 1, "Matrices", "dotProduct", "Matrix", this, "Dot-Product is only defined for Vectors!")
debug call ThrowError(mat.n != this.n, "Matrices", "dotProduct", "Matrix", this, "Dot-Product is only defined for Vectors of same length!")
exitwhen i > n
set temp = temp + this.matRow[i][1]*mat[i][1]
set i = i + 1
return temp
method crossProduct takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
local Matrix result
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "crossProduct", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1 or mat.n < 1, "Matrices", "crossProduct", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(mat.m != 1 or this.m != 1, "Matrices", "crossProduct", "Matrix", this, "Cross-Product is only defined for Vectors!")
debug call ThrowError(mat.n != this.n, "Matrices", "crossProduct", "Matrix", this, "Cross-Product is only defined for Vectors of same length!")
debug call ThrowError(mat.n != 3 or this.n != 3, "Matrices", "crossProduct", "Matrix", this, "This implementation only supports Cross-Products for Vectors in R^3")
set result = Matrix.create(3, 1)
set result[0][0] = this.matRow[1][0]*mat[2][0] - this.matRow[2][0]*mat[1][0]
set result[1][0] = this.matRow[2][0]*mat[0][0] - this.matRow[0][0]*mat[2][0]
set result[2][0] = this.matRow[0][0]*mat[1][0] - this.matRow[1][0]*mat[0][0]
return result
method reShape takes integer newN, integer newM, integer whichMethod returns Matrix
local Matrix mat
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
local integer row = 0
local integer col = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "reShape", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "reShape", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(newN*newM != n*m, "Matrices", "reShape", "Matrix", this, "Can't reshape a "+I2S(n)+" x "+I2S(m)+" Matrix to a "+I2S(newN)+" x "+I2S(newM)+" Matrix! Dimension missmatch!")
debug call ThrowError(newN < 1 or newM < 1, "Matrices", "reShape", "Matrix", this, "Reshape not possible! Index must be greater than zero!")
debug call ThrowError(whichMethod != METHOD_ROW_WISE and whichMethod != METHOD_COL_WISE, "Matrices", "reShape", "Matrix", this, "Invalid method with number "+I2S(whichMethod)+" for reshaping!")
set mat = Matrix.create(newN, newM)
if whichMethod == METHOD_ROW_WISE then
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set mat[row][col] = this.matRow[i][j]
set col = col + 1
if col >= mat.m then
set row = row + 1
set col = 0
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
elseif whichMethod == METHOD_COL_WISE then
exitwhen i >= m
exitwhen j >= n
set mat[row][col] = this.matRow[j][i]
set col = col + 1
if col >= mat.m then
set row = row + 1
set col = 0
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return mat
method embed takes Matrix subMat, integer startRow, integer startCol returns Matrix
local Matrix mat
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "embed", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n == 0 or subMat.n == 0, "Matrices", "embed", "Matrix", this, "Can't embed sub Matrix! This is an invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(startRow < 0 or startCol < 0, "Matrices", "embed", "Matrix", this, "Can't merge Matrices to start row "+I2S(startRow)+" and start column "+I2S(startCol)+"! Index must be greater than 0!")
debug call ThrowError(startRow + subMat.n - 1 > n or startCol + subMat.m - 1 > m, "Matrices", "embed", "Matrix", this, "Can't merge Matrices to start row "+I2S(startRow)+" and start column "+I2S(startCol)+"! Matrices don't fit!")
set mat = this.assign()
exitwhen i >= subMat.n
exitwhen j >= subMat.m
set mat[i + startRow][j + startCol] = subMat[i][j]
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return mat
method subMatrix takes integer startRow, integer startCol, integer endRow, integer endCol returns Matrix
local Matrix mat
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "subMatrix", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n == 0, "Matrices", "subMatrix", "Matrix", this, "Can't determine sub Matrix! This is an invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(endRow < startRow or endCol < startCol, "Matrices", "subMatrix", "Matrix", this, "Can't determine sub Matrix! Size of sub Matrix smaller 1 x 1!")
debug call ThrowError(endRow > n - 1 or endCol > m - 1, "Matrices", "subMatrix", "Matrix", this, "Sub Matrix of size "+I2S(endRow - startRow + 1)+" x "+I2S(endCol - startCol + 1)+" exceeds Matrix dimensions!")
set mat = Matrix.create(endRow - startRow + 1, endCol - startCol + 1)
exitwhen i >= mat.n
exitwhen j >= mat.m
set mat[i][j] = this.matRow[i + startRow][j + startCol]
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return mat
method concatV takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
local Matrix result
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "concatV", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n == 0 or m == 0, "Matrices", "concatV", "Matrix", this, "Can't concat Invalid Matrices!")
debug call ThrowError(m != mat.m, "Matrices", "concatV", "Matrix", this, "Can't concat Matrices! Matrix column dimensions must be equal!")
set result = Matrix.create(n + mat.n, m)
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set result[i][j] = mat[i][j]
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = 0
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set result[i + n][j] = this.matRow[i][j]
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return result
method concatH takes Matrix mat returns Matrix
local Matrix result
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "concatH", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n == 0 or m == 0, "Matrices", "concatH", "Matrix", this, "Can't concat Invalid Matrices!")
debug call ThrowError(n != mat.n, "Matrices", "concatH", "Matrix", this, "Can't concat Matrices! Matrix row dimensions must be equal!")
set result = Matrix.create(n, m + mat.m)
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set result[i][j] = this.matRow[i][j]
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
set j = 0
exitwhen i >= n
exitwhen j >= m
set result[i][j + m] = mat[i][j]
set j = j + 1
set j = 0
set i = i + 1
return result
method switchRow takes integer whichRow, integer newRow returns nothing
local real temp
local integer i = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "switchRow", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "switchRow", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(whichRow < 0 or whichRow >= n or newRow < 0 or newRow >= n, "Matrices", "switchRow", "Matrix", this, "Can't switch row "+I2S(whichRow)+" with "+I2S(newRow)+". Index exceeds Matrix dimensions!")
exitwhen i >= this.m
set temp = this.matRow[newRow][i]
set this.matRow[newRow][i] = this.matRow[whichRow][i]
set this.matRow[whichRow][i] = temp
set i = i + 1
method switchCol takes integer whichCol, integer newCol returns nothing
local real temp
local integer i = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "switchCol", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowError(n < 1, "Matrices", "switchCol", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix!")
debug call ThrowError(whichCol < 0 or whichCol >= n or newCol < 0 or newCol >= n, "Matrices", "switchCol", "Matrix", this, "Can't switch column "+I2S(whichCol)+" with "+I2S(newCol)+". Index exceeds Matrix dimensions!")
exitwhen i >= this.n
set temp = this.matRow[i][newCol]
set this.matRow[i][newCol] = this.matRow[i][whichCol]
set this.matRow[i][whichCol] = temp
set i = i + 1
method display takes nothing returns nothing
local string s = ""
local integer i = 0
local integer j = 0
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Matrices", "display", "Matrix", this, "Attempt to access null reference!")
debug call ThrowWarning(n < 1, "Matrices", "display", "Matrix", this, "Invalid Matrix can't be displayed!")
exitwhen j >= this.n
exitwhen i >= this.m
set s = s + " " + R2S(this.matRow[j][i])
set i = i + 1
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0.0, 0.0, 60.0, s)
set s = ""
set i = 0
set j = j + 1
implement Inits
And here a little example that demonstrates the solution of a System of Linear Equations (SLE).
scope Example initializer Init
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
* Example Code
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* Solves the Linear System of Equations A*x = b for
* [1][4][7] [x1] [1] [ 0]
* [17][5][8] * [x2] = [2] with the solution x = [ 2] approximately.
* [3][6][9] [x3] [3] [-1]
* Feel free to try out more.
// Create a 3 x 3 system Matrix A
local Matrix A = Matrix.create(3, 3)
// Create a 3 x 1 solution Vector b
local Matrix b = Matrix.create(3, 1)
// Instanciate the unknown Vector x
local Matrix x
// Initialize Matrix A in ascending order (col-wise)
call A.initStepWise(1.0, 1.0, Matrix.METHOD_COL_WISE)
// Set the element in the second row, first column of A to 17.0
set A[1][0] = 17.0
// Initialize Vector b (row-wise)
call b.initStepWise(1.0, 1.0, Matrix.METHOD_ROW_WISE)
// Solve SLE
set x = A.solveSLE(b)
// Display A, b and x
call A.display()
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0.0, 0.0, 60.0, " ")
call b.display()
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0.0, 0.0, 60.0, " ")
call x.display()
Even more detailed documentation will be included as a sub-chapter to the Math library soon.
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