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library GroupTools uses /*
*/ Table /* thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php/162582-Table
*/ Alloc /* thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php/163457-Alloc
// A system that provides optimal speed for group handling instead of
// using slow natives such as ForGroup or FirstOfGroup. Also provides
// multiple tools for grouping that Wc3 doesn't have internalized. This
// system is entirely dedicated to speed freaks and advanced JASSers.
// Sadly there is no ForGroup call, and adding one would kill all the
// performance this system provides. How to enumerate units through the
// group then? An example is provided:
function Enumerate takes nothing returns nothing
local UnitGroup SomeGroup=UnitGroup.create() //Allocates a new
//group, this group is currently empty
local integer i=0 //This is needed to go through all units inside
//the group using a loop
local unit u //This variable is a must. NextOfGroup always returns
//a different unit from the group, so be sure to use it only once
//inside each loop.
call SomeGroup.enumUnitsInRange(0,0,600) //Adds EVERY unit within
//the specified range, there's no way to filter these units, but
//there is a way to prevent actios to be done to those you do not
exitwhen i==SomeGroup.count //The loop ends once i reachs the
//number of units inside the group
set u=SomeGroup.NextOfGroup //Use the variable u to handle the
//curent unit
if GetUnitTypeId(u)='hfoo' then //Checks if u is a footman
call KillUnit(u) //If the unit passes the filter actions
//are fired
set i=i+1 //Iterates the loop
//A great advantage of doing this is that the group isn't empty now,
//If you were using the common FirstOfGroup loop, the group would
//be right now, so you couldn't save those units for later use
call SomeGroup.destroy() //Deallocates the group, deleting units
//inside of it
set u=null
// This system also provides the SimpleGroup struct, it works similar
// to UnitGroup, it's faster, but doesn't have some of the tools it
// provides.
API for the UnitGroup struct:
-Allocation Methods:
static method create takes nothing returns thistype
// Allocates a group, this group is initially empty.
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
// Deallocates a group and all of the units inside of it.
method addUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
// Adds an unit to the group.
method removeUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
// Removes an unit from the group.
method hasUnit takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
// Returns true if the group has the given unit.
method clear takes nothing returns nothing
// Removes every unit from the group.
API for the SimpleGroup struct:
static method create takes nothing returns thistype
// Allocates a group, this group is initially empty.
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
// Deallocates a group and all of the units inside of it.
method addUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
// Adds an unit to the group.
method clear takes nothing returns nothing
// Removes every unit from the group.
API of the Enumeration methods:
method enumUnitsInRange takes real x, real y, real radius returns nothing
// Picks all units within a radius and adds them to the group.
method enumUnitsInRing takes real x, real y, real innerRadius, real outerRadius returns nothing
// Only adds the units inside the given parameters.
method enumUnitsInCone takes real x, real y, real radius, real facing, real coneAngle returns nothing
// Only adds the units inside the given parameters.
method enumUnitsInRect takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns nothing
// Only adds the units inside the given parameters.
-Group Handling:
method isEmpty takes nothing returns boolean
// Returns true if the group is empty.
// Using "0==this.count" gives the same result.
-Additional Tools:
method closestToLoc takes real x, real y returns unit
// Returns the closest unit from the group to the given location.
method farthestToLoc takes real x, real y returns unit
// Returns the farthest unit from the group to the given location.
-Globals provided
// Initialized group.
-Non Static Members (this.Variable)
readonly integer count
// The amount of units inside the group (Non modifiable).
readonly unit FirstOfGroup
// The first unit of the group, when another is added or removed it changes (Non modifiable).
readonly unit NextOfGroup
// Basically cycles between units from the group everytime it's used (Non modifiable).
integer data
// This variable exists for those who wants to attach instances to the group.
// Basically this is how the OOP works:
// A group is allocated, this group has record of 1 random unit from an UnitList, this unit knows the next and previous
// instance from it's list. In the example below the group G has 6 units A - B - C - D - E - F
// B - C
// / \
// G - A D
// \ /
// F - E
// If the unit "Z" is added to the group then it would look like this
// B - C - D
// / \
// G - Z E
// \ /
// A - F
// If the unit "D" is removed from the group then it would look like this
// F - A
// / \
// G - E Z
// \ /
// C - B
// Notice how the unit the group points to changed from A to Z and now is E. It doesn't really matter which unit the group
// points to, as long as it belongs to the same unit list the group will remain complete. The reason of why it changed from
// being "Z" to "E" is explained below.
group ENUM_GROUP=CreateGroup()
private struct UnitList extends array
implement Alloc
//The way this system keeps track of units it's similar to a linked list, only that there's no head. UnitList only keeps
//track of the next and prev units from an unit. In a list where units "A" "B" and "C" are linked it's representation would be
//like this:
// A - B - C - A - B...
//If this were a normal linked list, "A" would be the head, but instead is just another echelon.
thistype next
thistype prev
unit unit
struct UnitGroup extends array
implement Alloc
//the "first variable works like a pointer the group has towards any unit allocated inside UnitList, and because this
//list keeps track units that follow it, there's no need for the group to know all of them.
private UnitList first
//keeps track of how many units are inside the group.
readonly integer count
//For those who want to attach instances to the group
integer data
//Table is used almost exclusively for the Group.hasUnit method.
private Table lookUp
method addUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
local UnitList thisUnit
local UnitList start
local integer id=GetHandleId(whichUnit)
//prevent adding the same unit to the group twice
if this.lookUp.has(id) then
set thisUnit=UnitList.allocate()
//This is for creating a LinkedList without a head.
if 0==this.count then
set start=thisUnit
//It dosn't really matter which UnitList is stored in the "first" variable
set this.first=thisUnit
set start=this.first
set start.next.prev=thisUnit
set thisUnit.next=start.next
set start.next=thisUnit
set thisUnit.prev=start
set thisUnit.unit=whichUnit
set this.lookUp[GetHandleId(thisUnit.unit)]=thisUnit
set this.count=this.count+1
method removeUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
local integer h=GetHandleId(whichUnit)
local UnitList thisUnit=this.lookUp[h]
set thisUnit.next.prev=thisUnit.prev
set thisUnit.prev.next=thisUnit.next
//This would be only necessary if the deallocated unit IS the "first" of the group, but to avoid useless checks
//it's performed everytime an unit is deallocated. Again, it dosn't matter which UnitList is the "first" variable
//unless it's an unit from outside the group.
set this.first=thisUnit.next
call thisUnit.deallocate()
call this.lookUp.remove(h)
set this.count=this.count-1
//Safety method to remove Non-existant units from the unit group
private method safeIteration takes nothing returns nothing
exitwhen not(0==GetUnitTypeId(this.first.unit)) or (0==this.count)
call this.removeUnit(this.first.unit)
method operator FirstOfGroup takes nothing returns unit
call this.safeIteration()
return this.first.unit
//This method always returns a different unit from the group, won't return the same unit until it goes through all
//the units inside the group.
method operator NextOfGroup takes nothing returns unit
set this.first=this.first.next
call this.safeIteration()
return this.first.unit
//Destroys the whole list looping through it once.
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
local UnitList next
exitwhen 0==this.count
set next=this.first.next
call this.lookUp.remove(GetHandleId(this.first.unit))
call this.first.deallocate()
set this.first=next
set this.count=this.count-1
call this.deallocate()
method clear takes nothing returns nothing
local UnitList next
exitwhen 0==this.count
set next=this.first.next
call this.lookUp.remove(GetHandleId(this.first.unit))
call this.first.deallocate()
set this.first=next
set this.count=this.count-1
method isEmpty takes nothing returns boolean
return (0==this.count)
method hasUnit takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
return this.lookUp.has(GetHandleId(whichUnit))
//! runtextmacro GroupTools_GroupEnumerationTools()
static method create takes nothing returns thistype
local thistype this=thistype.allocate()
set this.lookUp=Table.create()
set this.count=0
return this
struct SimpleGroup extends array
implement Alloc
//This one works like a number stack, it's a lot faster for unit groups that doesn't need
//removing units or checking for units inside of it.
private UnitList first
readonly integer count
integer data
private method safeIteration takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i=this.count
exitwhen not(0==GetUnitTypeId(this.first.unit)) or 0==i
set this.first=this.first.next
set i=i-1
method operator FirstOfGroup takes nothing returns unit
call this.safeIteration()
return this.first.unit
method operator NextOfGroup takes nothing returns unit
set this.first=this.first.next
call this.safeIteration()
return this.first.unit
method isEmpty takes nothing returns boolean
return (0==this.count)
method addUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
local UnitList thisUnit=UnitList.allocate()
local UnitList start
if 0==this.count then
set start=thisUnit
set this.first=thisUnit
set start=this.first
set thisUnit.next=start.next
set start.next=thisUnit
set thisUnit.unit=whichUnit
set this.count=this.count+1
method clear takes nothing returns nothing
local UnitList next
exitwhen 0==this.count
set next=this.first.next
call this.first.deallocate()
set this.first=next
set this.count=this.count-1
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
local UnitList next
exitwhen 0==this.count
set next=this.first.next
call first.deallocate()
set first=next
set this.count=this.count-1
call this.deallocate()
//! runtextmacro GroupTools_GroupEnumerationTools()
static method create takes nothing returns thistype
local thistype this=thistype.allocate()
set this.count=0
return this
//! textmacro GroupTools_GroupEnumerationTools
//These two methods use Selection Sort, i can't think of a faster method to compare units
method farthestToLoc takes real x, real y returns unit
local integer i=0
local unit u=this.first.unit
local real od
local real ox=GetUnitX(u)-x
local real oy=GetUnitY(u)-y
local real min=SquareRoot(ox*ox+oy*oy)
local unit r=u
exitwhen i==this.count
set this.first=this.first.next
call this.safeIteration()
set u=this.first.unit
set ox=GetUnitX(u)-x
set oy=GetUnitY(u)-y
set od=SquareRoot(ox*ox+oy*oy)
if od>min then
set r=u
set min=od
set i=i+1
set u=null
return r
method closestToLoc takes real x, real y returns unit
local integer i=0
local unit u=this.first.unit
local real od
local real ox=GetUnitX(u)-x
local real oy=GetUnitY(u)-y
local real min=SquareRoot(ox*ox+oy*oy)
local unit r=u
exitwhen i==this.count
set this.first=this.first.next
call this.safeIteration()
set u=this.first.unit
set ox=GetUnitX(u)-x
set oy=GetUnitY(u)-y
set od=SquareRoot(ox*ox+oy*oy)
if od<min then
set r=u
set min=od
set i=i+1
set u=null
return r
private static thistype enumGroup
private static method addTo takes nothing returns boolean
call enumGroup.addUnit(GetFilterUnit())
return false
method enumUnitsInRange takes real x, real y, real radius returns nothing
set enumGroup=this
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(ENUM_GROUP,x,y,radius,Filter(function thistype.addTo))
private static real tempX
private static real tempY
private static real tempN
private static real tempM
private static method addConeTo takes nothing returns boolean
local unit u=GetFilterUnit()
local real a=Atan2(GetUnitY(u)-tempY,GetUnitX(u)-tempX)
if a<0 then
set a=a+bj_PI*2
if (a>=tempN-tempM) and (a<=tempN+tempM) then
call enumGroup.addUnit(u)
set u=null
return false
method enumUnitsInCone takes real x, real y, real radius, real facing, real coneAngle returns nothing
if 0==coneAngle then
debug call BJDebugMsg("the given cone angle was 0, group won't pick anything")
set enumGroup=this
set tempX=x
set tempY=y
set tempN=facing
set tempM=coneAngle/2
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(ENUM_GROUP,x,y,radius,Filter(function thistype.addConeTo))
private static method addRingTo takes nothing returns boolean
local unit u=GetFilterUnit()
local real x=GetUnitX(u)-tempX
local real y=GetUnitY(u)-tempY
local real d=SquareRoot(x*x+y*y)
if d>=tempN then
call enumGroup.addUnit(u)
set u=null
return false
method enumUnitsInRing takes real x, real y, real innerRadius, real outerRadius returns nothing
if innerRadius>=outerRadius then
debug call BJDebugMsg("You can't have a ring with an inner radius bigger than the outer radius")
set enumGroup=this
set tempX=x
set tempY=y
set tempN=innerRadius
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(ENUM_GROUP,x,y,outerRadius,Filter(function thistype.addRingTo))
method enumUnitsInRect takes rect r returns nothing
set enumGroup=this
call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(ENUM_GROUP,r,Filter(function thistype.addTo))
//! endtextmacro