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Sylvanas 9.25

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, formerly styled "the Dark Lady" and "the Banshee Queen", is the former Warchief of the Horde and former supreme ruler of the Forsaken, one of the most powerful factions of undead on Azeroth. In life, Sylvanas was the ranger-general of Silvermoon, whose leadership acumen and martial prowess were without equal. During the Third War, she bravely defended Quel'Thalas from a Scourge invasion led by the death knight Arthas Menethil. Ultimately, however, Sylvanas fell in battle. Rather than honor the ranger-general with a quick death, Arthas ripped out her soul and transformed it into a banshee: a cunning and vengeful agent of the Lich King empowered by hate.

Sylvanas 9.25 (Model)

Her design is very poor compared to old expansions... Maybe because I gave up on Wow, after BoA
The design is very good.

But the problem is not the design. The thing is that Sylvanas already had a design, but for some reason they made a new one again.

And this design suits Vereesa very coolly. And Sylvanas already has a good design, she doesn’t need new ones