• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.


This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Orcs beginin declear war to elfes
Description of horde
have a 5 heroes
1th hero its Beastmaster - Rexar
Wild axes - Drops a axes to picked point, at next axes damage all unit on him path.
Dual Axe Mastery - Increase Attack speed and damage of Rexar
Summon bear - Summons bear at levels he power will be increased.
Ultimate skill is Beastrage - increase damage, Defense, and hp regen of rexar and rexar bear.
2th hero its Blademaster - Roharatki
Blink - Teleport hero to short distance.
Focus - Increase power of critical damage.
Cripple - Decrease a target movement speed.
Ultimate skill is Restoration - If hero attacked he restore their hp (Passive).
3th hero its Spirit Master - Tanapi
Anchor - Momentaly paralyze target at some seconds.
Mind Crush - Turn's target in sleep, place de-buffs with decreasing Defense and damage.
Chain Lighting - Shocks enemy with lightings.
Ultimate skill is Doom - Target can't cast any spell, and takes damage overtime.
4th hero its Minotaur Lord - Cairne
Focus - Increase power of critical damage.
Chant of vampire - Increase hero damage and gives from 10 seconds vampire aura
Bleeding - Enemy takes damage overtime.
Ultimate skill is Reviveval - If hero has hp lowest, that he can restore of their hp 100% and dealing to enemy around self damage.
5th hero its Spear Master - Magort
Web - put's target in web from some seconds target can'm move
Poison Spear's - Dealing damage to target instantly and over time
Canibalise - if corpse around Magort, he begin to eating a this corps and regenerating self hp.
Ultimate skill is Spear Mastery - Increase DEX.

Elfes Race
1st hero its Stone giant - Tiny
Rage - increasing a damage of tiny
Reflect aura - gives defense and reflect damage
Toss - Tossing unit to picked unit
Ultimate skill is Crush of stones - he not consume mana, but dealing damage and to Tiny too.
2st hero its Shadow Dancer - Inar
Physical Shield - Absorb a % of taken damage (Passive)
Burn Mana - Burn's enemy mana
Dash - On 15 seconds increase a hero movement speed
Ultimate skill is Deadly Blow's - Dealing damage of hero current % of hp.
3st hero its Forest Spirit - Furion
Elementa Heal - Heals unit momentaly and places buff with fast regeneration
Wild Magic - Chance to dealing critical attack with magic skills
Wind Strike - Dealing damage
Ultimate skill is Multi Lighting - Dealing damage to group of unit's, and have chance to rset all skills.
4st hero its Temple Knight - Bhan
Shield Stun - Stun enemy
Shield revenge - Increase a hero defens and reflect damage
Root - Takes enemy from a point at some seconds, and dealing damage to target
Ultimate skill is Shield Slam - Turns off all enemy spells at some seconds.
5st hero its Shadow Watcher - Maeiv
Fan knifes - Drops knifes around hero and dealing damage
Weapon mastery - Have chance to drop fan knifes with no have mana, and splash damage
Silince - Stops casting enemy at some seconds
Ultimate skill is Ultimate Evasion - Have chance to avoid damage.


SvA (Map)

20:51, 24th Feb 2009 bounty hunter2: An AoS styled map that uses Dota heroes and spells. Along with bad terrain and poor Object Editor Work, this map is unacceptable. You have one month to update it, else you will find it Rejected. You can find my...




20:51, 24th Feb 2009
bounty hunter2: An AoS styled map that uses Dota heroes and spells. Along with bad terrain and poor Object Editor Work, this map is unacceptable. You have one month to update it, else you will find it Rejected.

You can find my full review Here.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Here is my rating and comment:

Rating system

Altered Melee:
1 - 10 points go on originality
1 - 10 points go on terrain
1 - 10 points go on bug free
1 - 10 points go on gameplay/fun factor
1 - 10 points go on lag
1 - 10 points go on balance
1 - 10 points go on drops
1 - 10 points go on Object editor work
1 - 10 points go on proper submission and crediting
1 - 10 points go on scripting
1 - 10 points go on camera work
1 - 10 points go on music and or voice acting
1 - 10 points go on dialog
Percent Grade Status

0 - 34%
1/5 Rejected

35 - 49%
1/5 Reviewed

50 - 64%
2/5 Reviewed

65 - 79%
3/5 Approved

80 - 89%
4/5 Approved

90 - 100%
5/5 Approved

The table may vary if needed.


Originality: 2/10 X
Are you serious? Dota heroes with Dota spells? Come on man you have to be more original then that. Elves fighting the Horde... I mean this is all seen and done before.

Object Editor Work: 4/10 X
Poor descriptions mostly. Improve them, grammar errors.

Bug Free: 8/10
Worked fine on a 1v1 battle, I don't know would it work same full house. Didn't get to the end.

Terrain: 1/10 X
A huge map with a lot of empty spacing and no terrain. Why? Make it smaller, fill everything up. You need better overall terrain, study the techniques of terraining and improve.

Scripting: 5/10
Well it was generally fine, you removed unused player slots from the multiboard, no stucks.

Gameplay/Fun Factor: 2/10 X
A huge map, takes a lot of time to get anywhere. Unoriginal heroes, bad terrain a little amount of items. You have a lot of grammar errors aswell.

Lag: 6/10
Long loading time, no lag.

Proper submission and crediting: 1/10 X
Credit Dota for the spells and heroes please. Add images.



In overall: 29 / 80
minimal not 50% met.
For the hive grade: 1/5 I suggest this map for: Rejection
In overall it is a very bad AoS. I suggest:

- Remove Dota stuff please
- Add your own heroes and spells
- Shorten the map size, it is huge
- Improve terrain
- More items

This are only little suggestions, but to make it better you need a lot more. I suggest starting from scrap.
Good Luck, bounty hunter2
I might not be checking this topic for some time. If you have any questions about the review or you update the map and want me to check it again, feel free to PM me or Visitor message me at any time.
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
well when i played the map first thing i noticed is the horrible language you need to fix all language mistakes and change the "things shop" into "Items shop", i have chosen the Mountain Giant hero and he was named "Tiny" aka dota clone, he have the first ability same as dota (Toss) with a neat description and all others have a unclear one.
when i casted Toss the Hero Tossed a unit and kept tossing nothing and got stuck.
The terrain is very very bad and the map is empty.
the map is fulled of imba things (creeps, towers, abilities ...) and unplayable so its a 1/5 from me for now.
sorry man try working harder on it and drop all the dota stuff and make it original
good luck