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Survive the Night v. 2.6 [AI]

Survive the Night (Version 2.6)
By BlackEnvyX

BlackEnvyX: (With the original base terrain done by Blizzard Entertainment)

-Grendel: Banisher Model (Used for “The Lost One”)
UgoUgo: Toxic Explosion Model (Used for a spell effect)
Sunchips: Boulder Model (Used for "Boulder")
WILL THE ALMIGHTY: Sparks Explosion (Used for "Snow Explosion")
JetFangInferno: Bladestorm Model (Used for the Icemancer's Aura), Dark Lightning Model (Used for Totem's Paralysis Spell)
Pyritie: Mist Model

MortAr: Rope Spell

SuPa-: Infernal Icon (Used for “The Lost One”)

Images and UI:

eleljrk: Votekick System
Xian_1998: Leaderboard
deathismyfriend: For help with multiple triggers and bug fixes.

Release History:

V. 1.0 (First Release)

V. 1.1
- Imported Rock Boulder model by Sunchips
- Added boulder trap
- Added skeleton trap + skeleton units
- Added more doodads and changed a bit of terrain
- Updated some text and fixed some spelling

V. 1.2
- Doubled the map's size and made new terrain for the new part of the map and altered existing terrain
- Removed global fog and added specific fog to specific regions
- Added several doodads and changed an existing one's color
- Item shop added and two items created and added to that shop
- Rope spell added made by MortAr
- Show damage system added
- Lava trap added
- Randomly spawning dungeon gold and energy / health runes added
- Dungeon warps added
- Low quality music removed and uses enhanced Wc3 sounds with a very chilling wind sound in the background to enhance the mood.
- Added more moving spirits

V. 1.3
- Massive fine-tuning of terrain (including fixing ramps, cliffs and poorly placed doodads)
- Two more warp tunnels + a couple new terrained areas
- Survivor spirit spawn point changed to more aesthetic location
- Changed some text around in triggers / objects
- Added small intro cinematic
- Imported toxic effect model made by UgoUgo
- Input a new ghost "Nature's Deathly Messenger" which kills players who go within 200 range of it.
- Cleaned and altered some existing triggers
- Fixed a glitch in which one of the Neutral spirits wouldn't move
- Computer AI updates (AI teleportation for the Lost One so it will search through smaller dungeons)
- Added two more neutral spirits
- Bridges do not collapse when first run over
- Added Survivor Leaderboard

V 1.4
- Minor Terrain Updates
- Created Icemancer spirit (wherever it walks, the terrain changes to ice, and if a survivor gets near it, they will explode in a frosty blizzard)
- Imported the SparksExplosion model by WILL THE ALMIGHTY and the Bladestorm by JetFangInferno
- Replaced Ice tile with Dark Ice and added the Leaves tile
- Walking over ice now damages Survivors same as lava
- Re-did lava damage triggers (cracked lava now deals two damage per second as well)
- Reduced the movement speed of the boy and girl haunted spirit from 522 to 345

V 1.5
- Added the dungeon's lore / backstory (you can read it in quests!)
- Two neutral spirits added
- Moderate terrain updates (sealed off some paths, opened up new ones, new clifs, doodads)
- Changed the fog in the ice area and added fog to nature and volcanic areas
- Nature's Deathly Messenger now turns whatever he walks on into leaves
- Reduced Icemancer's speed from 522 to 200
- Removed some unecessary triggers + Changed some existing ones
- Changed the Male and Female ghost's spawn time from 120 seconds to 360 seconds
- Added Pyromancer
- Removed Upkeep text in upper right corner
- Renamed Messenger to Naturemancer

V 1.6
- Increased Map Size to 128 x 128, complete with new terrain and connecting areas that have been added to the map, such as a huge forest, an ice plain and a small lake
- Moderate terrain changes (Mostly fine-tuning with the exception of the brand new terrain)
- Another neutral spirit added
- Changed some minor text and fixed some spelling errors
- The Lost One can no longer kill trees
- Geysers have been added. If a Survivor walks near a Geyser, they will lose 20 health and be shot to a random spot on the map. There are five geysers and they can only be used by Survivors
- Changed the Male and Female ghost's spawn time from 360 seconds to 960 Seconds

V 1.7
- Fixed a spelling error
- Changed some text
- Added two more Geysers
- Added two more Warp Caves
- Minor terrain adjustments
- Added the Ghostly Spire. This is the tower where the Male and Female Ghosts will now spawn from (along with any other future hostile ghost additions)
- Moved Survivor Spirit spawn point to where the old Male and Female Ghost Spawn was
- Changed Male and Female Ghost's spawn time from 960 Seconds to 1000 Seconds and moved their spawn point to where the Ghostly Spire is
- Changed Naturemancer's spawn time from 240 Seconds to 300 Seconds
- Changed Price of Potion of Invunerability from 75 Gold to 35 Gold
- Changed Price of Dungeon Orb from 25 Gold to 15 Gold
- Added two more of the "Spiritual Item Generator" item shops across the map
- Added Manual of Health to the shop. For 15 Gold you can increase your Survivor's HP by 10
- Moved all of the Survivor starting points slightly
- Changed The Lost One's color scheme from 100, 100, 100 to 255, 255, 255
- Added more to the Lore Section
- Fixed a glitch where the Pyromancer's Special Effects spawned on the Icemancer

V 1.8

- Changed the gameplay length from 1800 seconds (30 Minutes) to 2700 seconds (45 Minutes)
- Changed the Naturemancer spawn time from 300 seconds to 500 seconds
- Changed the Icemancer spawn time from 600 seconds to 750 seconds
- Changed the Pyromancer spawn time from 900 seconds to 1000 seconds
- Changed the male and female ghost spawn times from 1000 seconds to 2250 seconds
- Cleaned up some of the grammar and text in the Quests menu
- Increased the map size from 128 x 128 to 160 x 128
- Major terrain additions to fill in the new area
- Moderate terrain changes to existing terrain (such as ripples and some more doodads)
- Added two geysers
- Moved starting location of The Lost One
- Added a mist artwork effect to the wandering ghosts (model by Pyritie)
- Changed the camera distance from 1750 to 2000
- Added two more warp caves

V 1.9

- Map size increased from 160 x 128 to 160 x 160 (New area currently unused to set up for big surprise update in V 2.0)
- Minor terrain updates to existing areas (Mostly along the border of the new area)
- Added the Glyphs of Healing and Energy to the Spiritual Item Generator shop and set their cost to 10 gold each
- Edited some tooltips
- Replaced the Lost One's model (New model by -Grendel)

V 2.0

- Tooltip updates
- Removal of version updates in quest menu to reduce clutter
- Major terrain additions to upper end of map
- Minor terrain alterations to rest of map
- Added another Spiritual Item Generator to the map
- Added one more wandering spirit
- Added the Waterlogged Winder (Spawns in lakes and travels
to random lakes across map attempting to attack players in its way)
- Added two new Geysers
- Added the Soul Reaper (A deadly powerful unit chained to a magic
force zone that will attack any survivors that wander into it, it is
incredibly slow however)

V 2.1

- Minor terrain changes
- Added another Spiritual Item Generator
- Added "The Totem", a wandering frozen entity that traps any survivors near it for seven seconds
- Updated Quests
- Changed the name of the "Shadow Teleport" spell to "Shadow Walk"
- Increased the range of the "Shadow Walk" spell from 750 to 900
- Updated tooltips and game interface text

V 2.2

- Changed starting location for The Lost One
- Updated AI (Survivor AI won't blindly run into The Lost One or the Mancers anymore, and will actually run in the opposite direction when said enemies approach them)
- Added an eleventh survivor slot (with working AI), for larger and more chaotic matches
- Added AI health regeneration (this makes it harder for the AI to die overall due to damaging factors in the dungeon and balances out difficulty)
- Added the Lightning Wolf (A super speedy and chaotic wolf who teleports quickly around the map attacking players)
- Added a ping function to the Mancers, once they spawn, the survivors will see a ping on their mini-map once every 45 seconds showing their location
- Added additional names to the survivor name pool
- Edited the Suicide Spell
- Removed the energy cost for rope construction
- Updated survivor hero unit tooltips, line of sight, and select stats slightly
- Major terrain updates (fixing dead ends and pathing errors, added new connecting paths, terrain additions and reformations)
- Altered the opening cinematic text and increased its length by 2.5 seconds
- Added 3D sound to the point of Gold item spawn
- Fixed the Totem trap
- Reduced Sprint cooldown from 45 seconds to 30 seconds
- Altered spawn time for Gold from every 60 seconds to every 45 seconds
- Altered spawn time for Gylphs from every 180 seconds to every 120 seconds
- Added four more Geysers
- Added five Spiritual Item Generators, and moved around existing Spiritual Item Generators
- Added two more warp caves
- Revamped the Waterlogged Winder (Changed damage, spawn time, movement points, etc)
- Added loading screen text
- Altered game interface and display text
- Altered game constants to increase immersion
- Increased lava terrain and cracked lava terrain damage from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 4 respectively.
- Revamped the three Mancers (Changed movespeeds, spawn order, spawn time, spawned terrain, range, etc)
- Changed Wandering Ghost spawn time from 2250 seconds to 1500 seconds
- Changed Soul Reaper's model and special effect attachment
- Altered all geysers and warp caves to automatically shift the camera to wherever the Survivor ends up
- Fixed the Survivor Tree bug (where Survivors would get teleported into the Great Tree by Geysers and would be stuck for the rest of the game)

V 2.3

- Minor terrain additions and fixes
- Gameplay constant changes
- Trigger labeling (for anyone who wants to open the map and see what triggers I used)
- Cleaned up triggers (combined and condensed triggers as well)
- Altered quest text
- Manual of Health now costs 10 gold instead of 15, and Potion of Invulnerability now costs 25 gold instead of 35
- Changed all item spawn times, stock maximums, and priority values
- Added an "Amulet of Evasion" for 35 gold that gives Survivors a 15% evasion boost

V 2.4

- Increased amount of terrain options to alter terrain (Moderate terrain updates)
- Added one new player slot (with AI) to the map
- Updated all triggers to work with new player unit (AI, Leaderboard, Game Functions, etc)
- Altered some text

V 2.5

- Removed imported UI interface (incompatible with new WC3 update)
- Altered text and tooltips
- Removed quest menu temporarily (due to World Editor bug glitching and deleting text) (They'll be back in 2.6)
- Fixed audio bug in opening cinematic
- Updated camera system to work for Players 13 and 14
- Added additional player slot / AI slot
- Lowered the gold price for Amulet of Evasion from 35 to 25, Added a Hotkey to purchase the Amulet
- Lowered the gold price for Potion of Invulnerability from 25 to 15
- Added the Crystal Ball item (Costs 15 gold, allows Survivors to search the map looking for the Lost One)

V 2.6

- Fixed Crystal Ball / Dungeon Orb Bug
- Text / Tooltip Updates
- Increased Map Size now up to 192 x 160
- Massive terrain changes (entirely new area + significant changes around map)
- Added three Spiritual Item Generators
- Moved the Lost One starting point
- Added two warp caves
- Added one geyser

- Object of the Game –

Survivors: Survive for 45 minutes, use your abilities to run and hide from the Lost One and various other evil spirits. If you die, you become a spirit that can aid living survivors.

Spirits: You become a spirit when you are killed as a survivor. You can use your multiple abilities to aid the survivors and help keep them alive.

The Lost One: Kill all of the survivors before the time runs out, nothing more and nothing less.

- Gameplay + Aesthetic Features –

Votekick System (Courtesy of eleljrk):

Fully Functional AI:

Destructible Environments and Traps:

Multiple abilities for both Survivors and Spirits:

Random Neutral Spirits:

Damage System:

Randomly Spawning Gold / Health / Energy:

Warp Tunnel Systems:

Survival Status Leaderboard:

Author’s Notes:
Thank you to all of the countless users of The Hive Workshop for help with triggers, spells and various other bug / world editor problems that I had. Thanks for The Hive Workshop for hosting my map!

If you have any suggestions for my map, please comment below and share your thoughts! Please also share any bugs / constructive criticism about my map.

Survive, The, Night, Warcraft, Murder, Spirits, Death, Lost, One, Survivor, Shade, Haunted, Evil, Ice, Lava, Forest, Necromancer,

Survive the Night v. 2.6 (Map)

15:57, 3rd Apr 2013 Orcnet: map approved
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
I can't see the screenies

Really? What does it say? Does it say anything at all? Is anyone else having this problem? I can see them fine.

sweet sounds pretty cool. hopefully ill be able to check this out in the next couple of days. gonna try to finish another system im making first.

Thanks man! I hope you'll like it!
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
copy the link in the images then paste it with [img][/img] tags


Also,press Update button so that you can update it(top-right)

Alright. + Rep, thanks for the help! I'm almost finished with the updates for V 1.1 so when I finish that in a couple hours I'll update the screenshots! Update V 1.1 has a lot of new things (new traps, units, some bug fixes, a bit of terrain changes and yeah xD)
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
New version is up! (Also the screenshots were fixed!)

Version Updates from 1.0 to 1.1 -

- Imported Rock Boulder model by Sunchips
- Added boulder trap
- Added skeleton trap + skeleton units
- Added more doodads and changed a bit of terrain
- Updated some text and fixed some spelling
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Nice music.

The game really has that dark and scary feel, just like a horror game has to have.

Survivor AI seems quite dumb. Most of them get killed before they even see the Lost One.

Lost One AI randomly moves around in the same places. It's quite unlikely that it visits any corners.

Suggestion for survivor AI: Make survivors run from the lost one if they get too close and are on a higher or equally high terrain(When it's likely that they are seen). Alternately it's possible to make them run when the lost one acquires a target. Atm they mostly run straight into the Lost One or in parallel with it, which is just dumb.

Suggestion for the Lost One AI: Place points on the map and make a trigger that randomly tells it to attack-move to those specific points. It should also have an order comparison in the trigger, so that it won't randomly change course. Why? Because if the points are placed well, then the Lost One will likely visit random places, instead of mostly running back and forth like it does now.
This would make the AI a lot smarter.

Overall it eventually got boring(AI is too dumb to play in singleplayer). However, this is a promising map.

It would be nice if there were items and more abilities, but that's probably what you'll add in the future anyway.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
Nice music.

The game really has that dark and scary feel, just like a horror game has to have.

Survivor AI seems quite dumb. Most of them get killed before they even see the Lost One.

Lost One AI randomly moves around in the same places. It's quite unlikely that it visits any corners.

Suggestion for survivor AI: Make survivors run from the lost one if they get too close and are on a higher or equally high terrain(When it's likely that they are seen). Alternately it's possible to make them run when the lost one acquires a target. Atm they mostly run straight into the Lost One or in parallel with it, which is just dumb.

Suggestion for the Lost One AI: Place points on the map and make a trigger that randomly tells it to attack-move to those specific points. It should also have an order comparison in the trigger, so that it won't randomly change course. Why? Because if the points are placed well, then the Lost One will likely visit random places, instead of mostly running back and forth like it does now.
This would make the AI a lot smarter.

Overall it eventually got boring(AI is too dumb to play in singleplayer). However, this is a promising map.

It would be nice if there were items and more abilities, but that's probably what you'll add in the future anyway.

I'll probably get some help with the AI for the next version, I'm not exactly the best with triggering AI xD. But your idea seems like it'll be good, I'll see if I can trigger it. If not I'll try and get help. (If you know how, it would help me a ton XD)

But thanks a lot for the advice! Yeah, I'll eventually add items and more abilities, I just need to think of some ideas that won't break the game or make it too rigged for the survivors.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
I'll probably get some help with the AI for the next version, I'm not exactly the best with triggering AI xD. But your idea seems like it'll be good, I'll see if I can trigger it. If not I'll try and get help. (If you know how, it would help me a ton XD)

But thanks a lot for the advice! Yeah, I'll eventually add items and more abilities, I just need to think of some ideas that won't break the game or make it too rigged for the survivors.

All that I've suggested is relatively easy. Even a basic triggerer can do it, once they know how.

For the survivor thing, there is actually a trigger event that says "Unit acquires target". So you could use that and then get the target unit(either named like that or by checking the target of current order).
You'll need 3 points.
Location of survivor
Location of the Lost One
Polar projection from the location of the survivor and away from the lost one(you can do that with angle between points)

The Lost One thing is easier. Atm as I get it you have a periodic trigger that orders it to attackmove to a random place on the map.

My suggestion is that first you place some regions(rects) on the map. Those represent the points that the Lost One might try to go to.
Then in your initialization trigger(or any trigger that runs before the lost one starts moving) you need a location array.
You set the Location[1] to centre of your first region(rect)
Location[2] to centre of second and so on..

Then the movement trigger.
It's periodic like the current one.
There's one condition(current order of the Lost One is not equal to attack/attackmove(they are the same order(attack)))
Then there's one action.
Order the Lost One to move to Location[random integer between 1 and nr of locations]

It might all sound complicated, but it's actually quite easy.

Since my philosophy is that everything must be told and shown, then a simple test map is attached.


  • To BlackEnvyX.w3x
    13.7 KB · Views: 183
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
V 1.2 Massive Update!!!

- Doubled the map's size and made new terrain for the new part of the map and altered existing terrain
- Removed global fog and added specific fog to specific regions
- Added several doodads and changed an existing one's color
- Item shop added and two items created and added to that shop
- Rope spell added made by MortAr
- Show damage system added
- Lava trap added
- Randomly spawning dungeon gold and energy / health runes added
- Dungeon warps added
- Low quality music removed and uses enhanced Wc3 sounds with a very chilling wind sound in the background to enhance the mood.
- Added more moving spirits

The map is also a whole megabyte smaller! Along with this, the description was updated with new screenshots!
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Ok, I played version 1.1 and I did quite enjoy it even Im in single player because of the awesome AIs. It is really cool being chased by a Giant Black Golem. Music and the way you make the terrain is fitting for a real apocalypse! So scary! Terrain is good, I have realized its flat but mansion does really have to be flat afterall... But AI is like dumb, they dont run for their lives when they got near on the Lost One... I rate this still 5/5 for its cool horror like game, you can really feel the thrill in the game. Well-chosen music! +2 REP!

Now Im gonna play 1.2! :D I WANT MORE UPDATES TO THIS!
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
Ok, I played version 1.1 and I did quite enjoy it even Im in single player because of the awesome AIs. It is really cool being chased by a Giant Black Golem. Music and the way you make the terrain is fitting for a real apocalypse! So scary! Terrain is good, I have realized its flat but mansion does really have to be flat afterall... But AI is like dumb, they dont run for their lives when they got near on the Lost One... I rate this still 5/5 for its cool horror like game, you can really feel the thrill in the game. Well-chosen music! +2 REP!

Now Im gonna play 1.2! :D I WANT MORE UPDATES TO THIS!

If you liked 1.1, you'll absolutely love 1.2.
I'm already working on 1.3, which will add updates to the AI most likely.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
I have an idea.
Most of the time many humans die because they try to cross bridges. The suggestion would be to make bridges not collapse every time, just a small chance.
Same with some traps. Then it's a lot harder to find out where each and every trap is.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
I have an idea.
Most of the time many humans die because they try to cross bridges. The suggestion would be to make bridges not collapse every time, just a small chance.
Same with some traps. Then it's a lot harder to find out where each and every trap is.

If you would help me trigger that, that would be awesome. (Don't alter the map up for download right now because I'm already almost finished with V 1.3)
Send me a pm.
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Alright, tried the map... (and I must say my spirit was pretty cute.. :3)

Here's a sort of review or sumthing:

Music and Sound Effects:
The music is just awesome.. It gave that eerie feeling and is just perfect for this map.

Not the best terrain but is still quite good. Though it is pretty confusing and most of the pathways are too small for the Lost one to fit in.

Oh and I also found some ramps that confused me. you should really remove or change that..

I also noticed the bad placement of some doodads.. It's not very visible and it's very small but it can block one huge path way..

The gameplay is fine, tested it in single player. It kinda gets boring because of the stupid AI and stuff. The souls should move more because there's only a very small chance that you encounter one (but you are adding more souls right?). You should also give the survivors more skills like jump, hide and stuff like that to put more strategy in it because only using sprint to escape is kinda boring..

Oh and when you die and respawn as a spirit, you should pan the camera to the position of the spirit and select in using a trigger. It was a pain to search for my spirit the first time I played it, I even thought that no spirit actually spawned because I didn't see it when I died...

And about the collapsing bridge, you could trying making it shake first so that players knows that it is gonna collapse.. It looks silly that a sturdy looking bridge just falls like paper..

Well, that's all I can say for now, I'm gonna play as the lost one later.. :3
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
Alright, tried the map... (and I must say my spirit was pretty cute.. :3)

Here's a sort of review or sumthing:

Music and Sound Effects:
The music is just awesome.. It gave that eerie feeling and is just perfect for this map.

Not the best terrain but is still quite good. Though it is pretty confusing and most of the pathways are too small for the Lost one to fit in.

Oh and I also found some ramps that confused me. you should really remove or change that..

I also noticed the bad placement of some doodads.. It's not very visible and it's very small but it can block one huge path way..

The gameplay is fine, tested it in single player. It kinda gets boring because of the stupid AI and stuff. The souls should move more because there's only a very small chance that you encounter one (but you are adding more souls right?). You should also give the survivors more skills like jump, hide and stuff like that to put more strategy in it because only using sprint to escape is kinda boring..

Oh and when you die and respawn as a spirit, you should pan the camera to the position of the spirit and select in using a trigger. It was a pain to search for my spirit the first time I played it, I even thought that no spirit actually spawned because I didn't see it when I died...

And about the collapsing bridge, you could trying making it shake first so that players knows that it is gonna collapse.. It looks silly that a sturdy looking bridge just falls like paper..

Well, that's all I can say for now, I'm gonna play as the lost one later.. :3

Thanks for the review! + Rep

Now to address what you were asking xD

1. Yes, I will be adding more spirits, three more in V 1.3 so far.
2. I'll fix that awkward doodad placement and some of those derpy ramps.
3. For the bridge, I'll time it so it doesn't start collapsing until five minutes have passed in game.
4. I'll make it so that the spirit gets selected when it spawns. (The camera already pans though, I'll make it pan faster)

I'm glad you liked all of the stuff!
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
This is how you create randomness.

  • Actions
    • Set TempInt = (Random integer number between 1 and 100)
      • Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • TempInt Equal to (==) 1
        • Then - Actions
          • -------- Do stuff --------
        • Else - Actions
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
This is how you create randomness.

  • Actions
    • Set TempInt = (Random integer number between 1 and 100)
      • Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • TempInt Equal to (==) 1
        • Then - Actions
          • -------- Do stuff --------
        • Else - Actions

I might use that for a couple functions in future versions. Thanks! + Rep. For the bridge however I just made it so that they won't collapse until five minutes into the game if a unit walks over them.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Ok, time to review the v1.2 base on juno's way of reviewing.

Music and Sound Effects:
....There are no music and this is more scary and gives a feeling of mystery. Nice job on this one!

....You've shown quite mastery on it. But for a horror map like this, your terrain is quite confusing. As what juno said, some of your ramps are quite confusing due to sometimes it leads to a dead end.

I just played it in Singleplayer. Quite good and I like the new shop you added and the random spawns of runes and Dungeon Golds. For the bridge, its quite anoying that when iit is my time to cross, I always die. Maybe make some trigger that when a random unit enters it, make a sound effect of like shaking so the unit will know that the birdge will collapse. Bridge collapsing randomly without player's knowledge is too awkward for me. A strong bridge like that will collapse like a paper as what juno said.

Add more skills to the Survivors for it seems, Sprint is not that useful because even you run faster, ghosts runs fast too right? The new skill Rope is quite a new good additions to the skills. I want you to add more skills at the survivor and dont focus on making the Lost One so Imba.

I rate this: 5/5 still due to a nearly horror like game that even not in 3rd person, you can still feel the horrors!
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
Thanks Hell_Master!

Also guys, 1.3 is now out!

- Massive fine-tuning of terrain (including fixing ramps, cliffs and poorly placed doodads)
- Two more warp tunnels + a couple new terrained areas
- Survivor spirit spawn point changed to more aesthetic location
- Changed some text around in triggers / objects
- Added small intro cinematic
- Imported toxic effect model made by UgoUgo
- Input a new ghost "Nature's Deathly Messenger" which kills players who go within 200 range of it.
- Cleaned and altered some existing triggers
- Fixed a glitch in which one of the Neutral spirits wouldn't move
- Computer AI updates (AI teleportation for the Lost One so it will search through smaller dungeons)
- Added two more neutral spirits
- Bridges do not collapse when first run over
- Added Survivor Leaderboard
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
Sorry for the delay everyone but here's V 1.4!

V 1.4
- Minor Terrain Updates
- Created Icemancer spirit (wherever it walks, the terrain changes to ice, and if a survivor gets near it, they will explode in a frosty blizzard)
- Imported the SparksExplosion model by WILL THE ALMIGHTY and the Bladestorm by JetFangInferno
- Replaced Ice tile with Dark Ice and added the Leaves tile
- Walking over ice now damages Survivors same as lava
- Re-did lava damage triggers (cracked lava now deals two damage per second as well)
- Reduced the movement speed of the boy and girl haunted spirit from 522 to 345
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
Felt like pushing this new version out because of some of the cool shit I put in it. (Unfortunately I had to wait a full 24 hours before posting this because of the double / triple posting rule)
So here it is!

V 1.5
- Added the dungeon's lore / backstory (you can read it in quests!)
- Two neutral spirits added
- Moderate terrain updates (sealed off some paths, opened up new ones, new cliffs, doodads)
- Changed the fog in the ice area and added fog to nature and volcanic areas
- Nature's Deathly Messenger now turns whatever he walks on into leaves
- Reduced Icemancer's speed from 522 to 200
- Removed some unecessary triggers + Changed some existing ones
- Changed the Male and Female ghost's spawn time from 120 seconds to 360 seconds
- Added Pyromancer
- Removed Upkeep text in upper right corner
- Renamed Messenger to Naturemancer
Level 9
May 14, 2008
this kind of map has been made lot of times

this one has a good music and nice terrain (i played v 1.1 i guess)

but i doubt the gameplay changed since this vers and it's really boring, nothing to do with the survivor, just run and use sprint 2 times
really not interesting

i bet the lost one is just a unit which run and click on a player to kill him, thats all
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
this kind of map has been made lot of times

this one has a good music and nice terrain (i played v 1.1 i guess)

but i doubt the gameplay changed since this vers and it's really boring, nothing to do with the survivor, just run and use sprint 2 times
really not interesting

i bet the lost one is just a unit which run and click on a player to kill him, thats all

Gameplay has changed a ridiculous amount since 1.1, the map is double the size, there's items, strategy and many types of things to do now.
Level 6
Nov 24, 2012
I haven't played this yet but I have suggestions.
How can I give suggestions without playing it I don't know.

For runners:
More randomized usable items around the map, that will encourage players to be on the move.

For the bad guy:
An ability that can disable the runner in some way, but require skill to use it good (example: cluster rockets with tiny area of effect)
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
I'm back! V 1.6 will probably be out soon.
V 1.6 won't have many changes, just some terrain tweaks / grammar and spelling fixes.
If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to say them! I need some more ideas!

Edit: V 1.6 is actually going to be mostly minor changes with one HUGE change and one new addition to the game that will make the game a lot more fun (and less rigged). It's mostly going to be a balancing release. 1.7 Following afterwords will probably fix up any bugs with 1.6's major change.
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Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
V 1.6 is out! It's mostly a set-up update. A lot of new functions will come in the next version. But some really cool stuff like Geysers and a bunch of new terrain has been added.

New screenshots will be updated with V 1.7!

Version 1.6

- Increased Map Size to 128 x 128, complete with new terrain and connecting areas that have been added to the map, such as a huge forest, an ice plain and a small lake
- Moderate terrain changes (Mostly fine-tuning with the exception of the brand new terrain)
- Another neutral spirit added
- Changed some minor text and fixed some spelling errors
- The Lost One can no longer kill trees
- Geysers have been added. If a Survivor walks near a Geyser, they will lose 20 health and be shot to a random spot on the map. There are five geysers and they can only be used by Survivors
- Changed the Male and Female ghost's spawn time from 360 seconds to 960 Seconds
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
Alright everyone! V 1.7 is out. It's... a pretty big update, mostly to gameplay.

- Added new Screenshots

V 1.7
- Fixed a spelling error
- Changed some text
- Added two more Geysers
- Added two more Warp Caves
- Minor terrain adjustments
- Added the Ghostly Spire. This is the tower where the Male and Female Ghosts will now spawn from (along with any other future hostile ghost additions)
- Moved Survivor Spirit spawn point to where the old Male and Female Ghost Spawn was
- Changed Male and Female Ghost's spawn time from 960 Seconds to 1000 Seconds and moved their spawn point to where the Ghostly Spire is
- Changed Naturemancer's spawn time from 240 Seconds to 300 Seconds
- Changed Price of Potion of Invunerability from 75 Gold to 35 Gold
- Changed Price of Dungeon Orb from 25 Gold to 15 Gold
- Added two more of the "Spiritual Item Generator" item shops across the map
- Added Manual of Health to the shop. For 15 Gold you can increase your Survivor's HP by 10
- Moved all of the Survivor starting points slightly
- Changed The Lost One's color scheme from 100, 100, 100 to 255, 255, 255
- Added more to the Lore Section
- Fixed a glitch where the Pyromancer's Special Effects spawned on the Icemancer