This was a Survival Map that needed to build a base to protected by the killers.
-Have 4 Modes
-5 heroes for Heroes ; 3 heroes for Killers
-Can bought unit in a summon unit building
-Auto revive the Heroes and killers hero (
Not Included the Creeps
More Stuff in game
-you can change the weather into a snow, rain, and windy
-It's have 3,769 Destructible in the map
First i would like to thanks to the blizzard entertainment for the cool models. I would like to thank for the Hive Workshop for membershiping for free. And for shadowgamer7800 for helping me in Triggers (
He's not Regestered here) also like to thanks yeyoxcore, -grendel, tarrasque, ket, Callahan, Shadow_killer
-their will be some bug in game
-sometimes other skills not work properly
-the End tower will gonna fixed at the next update