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Survival Map Fotress 1.00

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Map Info

This was a Survival Map that needed to build a base to protected by the killers.

-Have 4 Modes
-5 heroes for Heroes ; 3 heroes for Killers
-Can bought unit in a summon unit building
-Auto revive the Heroes and killers hero (Not Included the Creeps

More Stuff in game
-you can change the weather into a snow, rain, and windy
-It's have 3,769 Destructible in the map




First i would like to thanks to the blizzard entertainment for the cool models. I would like to thank for the Hive Workshop for membershiping for free. And for shadowgamer7800 for helping me in Triggers (He's not Regestered here) also like to thanks yeyoxcore, -grendel, tarrasque, ket, Callahan, Shadow_killer

-their will be some bug in game
-sometimes other skills not work properly
-the End tower will gonna fixed at the next update
Survival, fortress, run, survive, MarJosh38

Survival Map Fotress 1.00 (Map)

10:13, 19th Mar 2015 Orcnet:'s Review
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Is it possible that until today there are still people posting maps with unacceptable descriptions?

You MUST give some general information about your map and add a credits list + changelog. Optionally, you can add screenshots but that's not obligatory. I suggest you to use bb codes to make your description more attractive.
Do this right now or this map will be INSTANTLY REJECTED!
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Game type should only be Survival, not more than additional types indicated.

As I have tested the overall game play and visuals of the entire map, it seems very lacking, much more it resolves more of being incomplete or never been finished at all. Due to the map's gigantic gap going across the entire space while only being presented with cheap tree placings and how the cliffs are being abused, this is not going well.

Another is how you control the heroes, I'm not sure why I should need to use the abilities of Eat Tree and regrow them while the map is completely huge with space and less vegetation, its like what is this a farmer? the overall attributes of the hero along its spells offered are not to be accounted for, it lacks as well due to its simplicity.

Lastly, the game options the most concern I should be looking are those elementals, its just a game route where you only spam tons of strong units capable of killing any hero in just seconds, and wait here's how it gets worse, it follows you, yes the elemental creeps follows your hero even or without fog of war they will snap your back no matter what. How are you suppose to hide, track, and attack from the hidden area of the map if you're being chased like forever?

Overall, the map is in need more of practice and understanding of the overall gameplay. For now it must be rejected.