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Thanks for downloading the Super Buu model/skin.
This was created by Final Tyrant or (FinalTyrant)

Please give credit in your maps if you use this, if you decide to edit it then please give the appropriate credit.

Email: [email protected]

dragon ball z super buu

SuperBuu (Model)

» Wolverabid « Date: 14th of October, 2007 Approval status: Approved Rating: (5) Nice Main points: [x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III. [x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer. Notices: [-] This...




» Wolverabid «

Date: 14th of October, 2007
Approval status: Approved
Rating: (5) Nice

Main points:
[x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III.
[x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer.

[-] This model includes no team color.
Level 5
Jun 13, 2005
I BOW DOWN TO YOU GREAT MASTER!!! i can not tell you how long i have been waiting for another anime model. PLZ continue creating anime based models!!! or at least dbz ones.(i am trying to make an anime type arena.(NOT OFF THE FIRST ONE) :D :D :D :D :D
Level 3
Sep 4, 2004
I like the model i do not think te pants need shading Boo has white pants get over it and VG you may be a moderator but that is very onesided opinios
Level 5
Feb 5, 2005
Thanks for all the positive comments. I personally dont think the pants need more shading, his pants were always a clear white in the anime.

@DeadDogNoGoWoof: What the hell are you talking about? I made this skin, the model was edited by me from a DH using Vertex Editor.

@VGsatomi: Its ok that you dont like DBZ, you can tell me how much you hate it as much as you want. But could you comment on the model itself? :)

@Claudz: Yeah go for it.
Level 1
Jul 2, 2005
It hase been done like a million times b4 but urs looks good, iv been making some dbz models from scratch you can see the finished vegito in my avatar. :eek:
Level 5
Jun 13, 2005
DarkShoGun I dont know but that kinda spam is kinda threatening dont you think? I think that if you do indeed have those kind of issues then you need to see a psychologist and not post it out on the internet so every one can see your remark about how you are going to strangle and kill every person you can......
Level 22
May 11, 2004
@VGsatomi: Its ok that you dont like DBZ, you can tell me how much you hate it as much as you want. But could you comment on the model itself?

You are right. I appologize. Just because DBZ is the biggest digrace to anime and an embaressment to all devoted anime fans, it doesnt change the fact that your model is of particularly high quality. :wink: The level of skin shading is good if you want to create a cartoonish effect, which I'm sure was the point. Nice to see a DBZ modeler that doesnt try to use cell shading.
Level 4
May 15, 2005
Lol wow you really dont like DBZ Dont ya VGsatomi well thats your opinion do you have any idea how many animes that has been inspired by DBZ? Alot thats how many :D. But yea nice model but is there any way u can fix his antenae or whatever its called :D?
Edit: K well I downloaded the model and tryed it out and I noticed that the model wit all its parts combined is 392kb! Thats alot for just one model man any way you can decrease it a bit?
Level 5
Jun 30, 2005
Anyway awsome model and like the 1st guy said its a little to big in size. VGsatomi if u hate dbz keep that to urself, its also probaly the most popular anime in the world. You also dint say anything about the model so i think thats spam. Anyway keep up the good work, i would like to see that vegito model on the site Super Vegito looks very good.
Level 10
Aug 25, 2004
Perfect model for any DBZ map. 2 bad i didnt had it when made TSR II.(it wasn't realy known on BNet cause a big size and high difficulty level)
And now im making TSR III, so maybe you could help me out with few models? And im not just some newby rampage-moder. The map should be awesome. (you can DL TSR II here http://maps.worldofwar.net/maps.php?id=6063 )
Srr if i spammed a bit
Level 7
May 1, 2005
The file size is'ent large!?!?!?!?!?!?! a kilobyte is nothing. anyways 5/5 :D :shock: :D :shock: :D :shock:

and the people who made DBZ also made: Inuysha, power rangers ( i hate power rangers it is gay), and well ZI think thats it.

and Final Tyrant if u mean the Tyrant from Resident Evil can u make a model or skin of the Tyrant?
Level 5
Oct 15, 2004
I will relish the day that DBZ no longer infects anything that has to do with anime. That series just needs to die.

Damn straight.

Model: Its okay, the back part of the head needs to be far longer but the animation would be apauling if you did increase its length. Skin is cartoonish, if going for the classic DBZ style its fine. Animations should be customized more. You could have easily done the abosorbed form as the alternate animations, or if you didn't want to do that, you could have MDL edited them to remove them. Also the back of the head is missing beneath where the hair use to be. 2/5

Side note: There is an Edit button for a reason.
Level 3
Oct 14, 2004
Perfect model for any DBZ map. 2 bad i didnt had it when made TSR II.(it wasn't realy known on BNet cause a big size and high difficulty level)
And now im making TSR III, so maybe you could help me out with few models? And im not just some newby rampage-moder. The map should be awesome. (you can DL TSR II here http://maps.worldofwar.net/maps.php?id=6063 )
Srr if i spammed a bit

Then you're possible interrested to know that TSR might not look kindly upon your map. (TSR is well know with those who play D&D and AD&D)
Their logo is shown on this site:



Level 1
Jul 5, 2005
Extremely wicked model file! Keep making more DBZ ones :p Umm..Yo is there a program you can download to make your own model files...if there is plz tell me.

To Super Vegito: yo man thats a pretty cool model file..can i use it man?
Level 2
Dec 11, 2004
hmm... looks kinda cool... sum issues... 4/5
but why the hell ya hate dbz vgsatomi??
damn... funny... cool... and it's DBZ... not that... how can i say... thing... that they made on DBGT...
will you say you hate yuyu hakusho as well?!?! ¬¬



Level 2
Dec 31, 2007
Good ol' Buu. The only really bad thing about it is that its portrait is really wooden. :(
Yay pretty wicked mod. But i kinda can't see it ingame. It lacks some blp's in the package i guess? (^_^)

Never mind i fixed that.
SuperBuu In-Game Visibility Trick
For the skin to be visible in-game just tupe
"Skins\SuperBuu.blp" as a custom path for the SuperBuu.blp

Hope it's now OK with your PC's (^_^)

IT'S NOW AWESOME!!![/RAINBOW]:thumbs_up:
Level 1
Jul 5, 2012
Pretty awesome model. I'm Looking for some (or a) Good modeler for a DBZ RPG map I'm making. If you could help make some custom models, I'm sure me and my team would greatly appreciate it! THX, and get back to me when you can.