Hello and thanks for having a look on my new map
::::Super Smash Bros meets Battlefield::::
As you might think, you can choose between different Nintendo-Characters like
All of these heroes have a very different gameplay, for example Kirby is weak but very fast, Onyx is slow but has many HP and a strong attack etc.
After having chosen your Hero, you will have to choose between 3rd person camera and a from-the-top-view camera. Whereas the from-the-top-view camera is much more well arranged, the 3rd person cam is very cool indeed, and you can see the Support Points from the distance.
This is where Super Smash Bros meets Battlefield. Each team has 200 credits, and you win if your opponents' credits have been reduced to zero, and there are two ways how to acchieve this aim.
1) Whenever an enemy's hero dies, his/her team will loose one credit.
2) There are three support points on the map: The Farm, The Harbour, and The Gold Mine. Conquering them, you get a few gold and experience, and if your team controlls all three, your opponents' team will lose constantly credits.
But of course you are not alone on the map. There are lots of creeps, and you can buy items from the gold at the shop.
Please don't expect too much, the map is very young and in Version 1.1. But ofcourse you can have a look on it, all should work and I'm happy if you could tell me what to do better.
1.0 -> 1.0db
Multiboard debugged
Some balancings
Reduction of Doodads
Some spells changed in order to balance
1.0db -> 1.1
Some terrain changes
Each hero has a custom spell now:
Kirby: Has a storm that damages enemy's units ans spawns little Kirbys beside them.
Samus: Has an ability that set enemy's mana to 0 and their life to 100%, and makes it inatackable for some seconds.
Onyx: Creates a gold mine that gives every 2 seconds some gold, and follows Onyx while fireing with gold treasures.
Link: Has "Swords Madness". Link gets a very fast reached sword-throwing atack for some seconds that damages multiple units.
Crash: Teleports to some target point while it creates a (fake)copy of itself.
Pikachu: Pikachu lays eggs onto enemy's units, out of wich spawn little Pichus.
1.1 -> 1.11
Wario added as playable character
Wario has Wario Rub: He steals life, mana and money from enemy's units.
Mask of the death is more expensiv now because it was too strong
1.11 -> 1.12
Units created by the ultimatespells are killed now when the hero dies.
Some new doodads like gates
The Support-Point Towers cannot be killed by Wario's spell anymore (bug fixed)
1.12 -> 1-13
Bob-Omb added as playable character
Bob-Omb has Bomb o bomo o bomb: He puts a landmine in the ground, which kills its targets immediately
Great gameplay change: From now, you can only conquer a support point, when there are no enemies in a certain range. This avoids endless "over the circle rushing".
Terrain changes
Sky added
Some small changes
Super Smash Bros Pokemon Battlefield Nintendo Mario Pikachu Link Wario Supersmash