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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Pastebin text editor

Make it look like the advanced BB code editor you can use with normal posts.

Rating format change

I already made a thread for this in staff contact, but it got removed. I'm sure some of staff can still see it.

More mods

Pnf being only tut mod (who's really busy all the time), I'd like to see more tut mods so I'd get my tut approved before 2100. Also more spell mods wouldn't hurt, reviewing spells is kind of time consuming :/

Forum list suggestion

Currently the forum list is pretty long, flex items could help with that:

            <style type="text/css">
                @import url(http://reset5.googlecode.com/hg/reset.min.css);
                html {
                     background-color: #222222;
                #content-container {
                    width: 100%;
                    display: block;
                    padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;

                .flex-container {
                  padding: 0;
                  margin: 0;
                  list-style: none;

                  display: -webkit-box;
                  display: -moz-box;
                  display: -ms-flexbox;
                  display: -webkit-flex;
                  display: flex;
                  -webkit-flex-flow: row wrap;
                  justify-content: space-around;
                h1 {
                  float: left;
                .flex-item {
                  margin-top: 10px;
                  padding: 5px;
                  -moz-border-radius: 10px;
                  -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
                  border: 1px solid #000;
                .flex-item a, .flex-item a:visited {
                  color: #60A600;
                  text-decoration: underline;
                .flex-item a:hover {
                  color: #ccaa00;
                .warcraft {
                  background-color: #332C29;
                .starcraft {
                  background-color: #292A33;
                h1 {
                  position: relative;
            <div id="container">
                 <div id="content-container">
                      <ul class="flex-container">

                            <li class="flex-item warcraft">
                                <a href="#" title="All news and announcements regarding the site and its activities will be posted here to inform our community.">
                                  <img style="float:left" src="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/forumicons/updatesandnewsforum.gif">
                                  <h1>Latest Updates and News</h1>
                          <li class="flex-item warcraft">
                                <a href="#" title="Discuss The Hive Workshop's content, features and files. Comment on our style, explore the site's possibilities or suggest improvements!">
                                   <img style="float:left" src="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/forumicons/sitediscussion.gif">
                                   <h1>Site Discussion</h1>
                          <li class="flex-item warcraft">
                                <a href="#" title="This forum is reserved for any mumbo jumbo and hocus pocus, nonesense irrotence or your special interests that doesn't suit any other forum. The general site rules still apply however! Keep it clean!">
                                   <img style="float:left" src="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/forumicons/offtopic.gif">

                          <li class="flex-item warcraft">
                                <a href="#" title="This forum is for contests. Sign up to compete against other members of the Hive.">
                                   <img style="float:left" src="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/forumicons/arenaforum.gif">
                                   <h1>The Arena</h1>

                          <li class="flex-item warcraft">
                                <a href="#" title="Create a thread that only members of the staff can see and discuss various issues in full confidentiality. Common subjects are: clarification on resource status, stolen resources, reporting of bad behavior or rule violation, feedback to the staff. Don't be afraid to drop us a line and we'll talk about it.">
                                   <img style="float:left" src="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/forumicons/adminsnest.gif">
                                   <h1>Staff Contact</h1>
                          <li class="flex-item warcraft">
                                <a href="#" title="We are in the process of migrating most of the rules and information pages away from the FAQ. A minimal number of threads in this forum will represent each page of rules in a simple tangible structure.
NOTE: The rules and information stored in here is not final and may contain errors. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.">
                                   <img style="float:left" src="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/forumicons/suggestions.gif">
                                   <h1>Rules & Information</h1>
                          <li class="flex-item starcraft">
                                <a href="#" title="Any discussions related to StarCraft or Starcraft II and unrelated to modding these games go here.">
                                   <img style="float:left" src="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/forumicons/StarcraftII.gif">
                                   <h1>Starcraft Nexus</h1>
                          <li class="flex-item starcraft">
                                <a href="#" title="Tell us about any problem you have ran into while using Starcraft II's editor (&quot;Galaxy Editor&quot;) be it with a malfunctioning trigger or an issue with the complex Data Editor. If you need help on creating a trigger or system, you may also ask here!">
                                   <img style="float:left" src="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/forumicons/HiveWorkshop_StarCraftIIEditorHelpZone.gif">
                                   <h1>Galaxy Editor Help Zone</h1>
                          <li class="flex-item starcraft">
                                <a href="#" title="Showcase your StarCraft II map or mod to get constructive criticism, new ideas and maybe even people to work with! Whenever possible, recruit your personnel inside the thread or through visitor or private messages!">
                                   <img style="float:left" src="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/forumicons/HiveWorkshop_ModificationDevelopment%26Presentation.gif">
                                   <h1>Modifications Development & Presentation</h1>


Different bg color would mean different category (Town Hall/Starcraft/Warcraft etc.), this would make it really easy to navigate different sub-forums :)

Thanks to anyone who read this. It's good we have mods here, who do a lot of work on their active time. Even though it's sometimes hard to agree to their decisions, it's still for the good. "Something else" sub-forum and rep enabled in OT is something I'd stand behind :)


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Also more spell mods wouldn't hurt, reviewing spells is kind of time consuming :/
I hate TriggerHappy's effortless rating system. That's the only reason I'm agreed with this one.

Also, Ralle, how about my suggestions about BB code shortcuts a while ago? Deindent shortcut seems not working btw.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Rating format change???
I made thread called "Moderation strictness" to the staff contact forum this week, but I can't find it anymore. I proposed a rating format change there.

We need more tutorial mods? Perhaps a staff member can step up and help out in there.
That would be nice :)

Flex items???
I have a html code to describe what I mean.

Flex item is a css feature, it makes the content adapt to the current size of the mother div. Try to change the width of the window, you can see they adapt to it.

I hate TriggerHappy's effortless rating system. That's the only reason I'm agreed with this one.
I found one of his recent moderations:

The spell works and the script looks fine.

Though, for the interval I think 0.03 looks a lot better than 0.05.
That is just fine to me, if by effortless you mean he doesn't give much feedback to you, or doesn't separate the rating into different fields (aesthetics,creativity,efficiency etc.), just imagine how much time that'll take per resource.

Think it the positive way, at least we have people who are willing to moderate :) I know I wouldn't bother trying...


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
We need more tutorial mods?

I am kinda unsure on where I stand in this mater. I think that the tutorial section could use a major cleanup, there is a lot of old tutorials that might not be optional / up to date anymore. There is also a rather big chunk of 'pending' tutorials that should get either rejected or approved after.. what 4 years? (the oldest one)

But I wouldn't say purge is doing a bad job or anything. He got the merit badge for a reason :p


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
That is just fine to me, if by effortless you mean he doesn't give much feedback to you, or doesn't separate the rating into different fields (aesthetics,creativity,efficiency etc.), just imagine how much time that'll take per resource.

Think it the positive way, at least we have people who are willing to moderate :) I know I wouldn't bother trying...
No. I said, effortless rating system. Yes, he doesn't give a shit about rating, what he cares is just (de)approving things.

And what do you say about this review?

Neat system.

However the bot inside the demo is extremely limited and mostly annoys you by saying "I don't understand" every time you type something. I suggest improving or removing it.

I noticed in your initializer that you're registering chat message events for all players. <=(This correction is invalid) Other than that I didn't notice anything really wrong with the code.
He gave me 3/5 just because the limited demo map's bot and one invalid correction? He must be fkn kidding.

Here is the code that shows his correction is invalid:
if GetPlayerController(p) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerSlotState(p) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then

I just can't take it easily, I have been refining that system for more than 5 months (more than 20 updates) to make sure it's totally perfect, but what did I get? 3/5?

Well, talking about this always makes me want to rage. I feel this is kinda humiliation for me. I have reported this to Staff Contact but no one even responded. So just leave me alone.
There should be a new bbcode tag that is used for linking icons found in the MPQs of the supported games here. For example, a footman's icon could be shown with [icon]Foootman[/icon]. While a passive version of the icon (should it exist) can be done with [icon=passive]FeedBack[/icon]. This would save having to use thread attachments, or an image in a gallery from being used.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

The css reset doesn't work in my example so it looks like shit, you can easily find a css reset and add it to it.

@Dalvengyr That could be counted as provoking against staff member D: Just make a thread about it at Staff Contact like Ralle said

@Zeatherann Where would you use those icons?

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

It's time consuming. Such icons would be extracted, converted, resized, uploaded and attached to code, per each.

Edit: Though my forum list suggestion is time consuming too, so who am I to judge xd


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
@Dalvengyr That could be counted as provoking against staff member D: Just make a thread about it at Staff Contact like Ralle said
It's okay, TH is a friend so no worry.

Anyway, I have posted about this problem at Staff Contact (the thread's archived already) and directly asked to TriggerHappy and even PurgeandFire but nothing's work. Just nvm. I know TH never gave rating better than 3/5 so far.
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