Suggestion For The Artists Sections

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Heya', I just want to share some feedback and suggestion based on how I use this site. First of all I don't really often wander around back then (before Hive 2.0), I always stick to the Artists Section because that's where I think I belong (I love arts - especially terraining and concept arts). Now that Hive 2.0 is a thing (Sorry i left Hive back in 2017 where Hive 2.0 is just new) maybe we can improve the Artists Section a little bit maybe? You know WC3C has their own design of Artists Section (or Art Gallery) where the threads display the thumbnails, not just titles. Even before Hive 2.0 the Artists Section really feels hard to browse, sometimes people make clickbait titles (Oh hey don't look at me). I do not really want to compare WC3C to Hive but really, their Artists Section is still impressing me because it feels like a painting museum where you just go around in the art section and pick what looks like a good thumbnail then enter the thread, view the art in full resolution and make a reply.

What I want to say basically is I hope the Artists Section (like Modelling Section, Texturing Section, Graphics Section and the Terrain Board) will atleast have this sort of dedicated place in the Media section where you separate Gameplays, Terrains, Skin and Model Previews etc., or just update the current Artist section where it will pick one/top attachment and use it as a thumbnail, or give the user an ability to pick which of the uploaded items should be a thumbnail (ofcourse the Hive should make a low resolution version of it and use the low-res image as a thumbnail so the section will not load all thumbnails at full resolution images all the time).

I hope you get what I am saying (I'm bad at English sometimes my apologies). People may disagree to my suggestion, feel free to express your own opinion too. :)

[Also, unrelated to the topic, can you guys add the old images to the medias too? (The images uploaded prior to the implementation of the Media)]
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I do not really want to compare WC3C to Hive but really, their Artists Section is still impressing me because it feels like a painting museum where you just go around in the art section and pick what looks like a good thumbnail then enter the thread, view the art in full resolution and make a reply.
Basically, something like the current Media system with albums?


Site Director
Level 63
Jan 1, 2006
Yes, we are working on making the Media Gallery into an Art Gallery like you suggest with categories. However, first we have to seperate user's private albums from Media Gallery albums. Right now everything people upload to their private albums are shown in the Media Gallery. People have been using the Media Gallery for all kinds of **** which will take a lot of time cleaning up.

As you may know we will begin purging "non grata" (unwanted) pictures from the Media Gallery after July 10th. Unless we can find a solution to keep any unwanted pictures away from the future Art Gallery.
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