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String to Ability Id Integer

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Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
So I'm trying to create some jass that takes a sold item and adds an ability to the hero.

The thing is, I want the ability added to be 1 of 5 different ones that all do the same thing (just with different hotkeys) depending on the order of sold item.

So say I have 4 warstomp abils for each hotkey (Q,W,E,R) then I sell the "War Stomp" item to the hero, it then adds warstomp Q to the hero. But if I buy it again (for the sake of argument) it adds Warstomp W to the hero.

It gets which ability to add by taking the current slot number, and the base ability as a string.

so if I sell the item I get "WSS" and if it's the first slot I get "1" so together they make "WSS1"

I then need to take that "WSS1" and convert it to the ability id 'WSS1' I can't seem to find the proper method to convert it.

I tried using S21("WSS1") and AbilityId("WSS1") but neither worked.

I have no idea how to pass the trigger 'WSS1' from "WSS1" -.- it looks so easy but I just can't even.
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Level 13
Jul 15, 2007
I know you can pull unit-types from integers made from strings, but i'm not sure about abilities. This thread here discussed related topics it in the past: Ability id to integer?

But to my (inferior GUI) mind why not just do something like this?

Hero buys ability


Set ability[1] = Ability Q,
Set ability[2] = Ability W
Set ability[3] = Ability E
Set ability[4] = Ability R

IF slot[1] is occupied, then check slot[2], else add ability [1]
IF slot[2] is occupied, then check slot[3], else add ability [2]
IF slot[3] is occupied, then check slot[4], else add ability [3]
IF slot[4] is occupied, then cancel purchase, else add ability [4]

Obviously simplified. You'd need to use a boolean to confirm if a slot has been learnt and add all other functions you want.

And setting 4 variables versus being able to automatically identify 3 from 1 isn't that much effort.
Level 7
Jan 23, 2011
Grab a Hashtable
SaveInteger(HASH_VAR, StringHash("WSS1"), 0, WARSTOMP_Q)
SaveInteger(HASH_VAR, StringHash("WSS2"), 0, WARSTOMP_W)
SaveInteger(HASH_VAR, StringHash("WSS3"), 0, WARSTOMP_E)
SaveInteger(HASH_VAR, StringHash("WSS4"), 0, WARSTOMP_R)

If you know how the rawcodes works, you could do something like

set i = firstRawcode
set n = 1

    SaveInteger(HASH_VAR, StringHash("WSS"+I2S(n)), 0, i)
    set i = i+1
    set n = n+1
    exitwhen n > 4

You have to know some shit that i don't know
Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
I ended up finding this while browsing for answers which seems to work as intended.

// Credits to AceHart for this.
library Char2IdLib

    // No need to touch this. Credits to AceHart for this.
    function Char2Id takes string c returns integer
        local integer i = 0
        local string abc = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
        local string t

            set t = SubString(abc,i,i + 1)
            exitwhen t == null or t == c
            set i = i + 1
        if i < 10 then
            return i + 48
        elseif i < 36 then
            return i + 55
        return i + 61

    // No need to touch this. Credits to AceHart for this.
    function String2Id takes string s returns integer
        return ((Char2Id(SubString(s,0,1)) * 256 + Char2Id(SubString(s,1,2))) * 256 + Char2Id(SubString(s,2,3))) * 256 + Char2Id(SubString(s,3,4))

Now I'm having problems saving and loading strings via hashtables. I can seem to save and load it fine within the same script, but second iterations or outside scripts can't load that hashtable data. It's like it clears the data after each activation.

My code saves the string in a hash, then to test displays that saved data lower in the trigger, which works, but when loading that data at the top of the trigger, or in another trigger, it does not.

The idea in Inc Abil is to check the unit's saved ability slots to see if it's buying an ability it already has, and if so, increase the level of that ability, if not, add the ability to the unit.

I've used several call displays to make sure all the other functions are working, for some reason it loads the one at the end of "addAbility" just fine, but won't load the field at the top of "IncAbil"

function addAbility takes integer pl, item si, unit buy returns nothing
    local integer TI
    local string TS
    set TS = GetAbil(udg_CSMod[pl],si)
    set TI = String2Id(TS)
    call UnitAddAbility(buy, TI)
    call SaveStr(udg_HeroHash,udg_CSMod[pl],GetHandleId(buy),TS)
    call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), LoadStr(udg_HeroHash,udg_CSMod[pl],GetHandleId(buy)))
    set udg_CSMod[pl] = udg_CSMod[pl] + 1

function IncAbil takes unit u, integer pl, item si returns nothing
    local integer in = GetItemCharges(si)
    local string an
    local string ts
    local integer iA = 1
    local integer iB = 1
    local boolean tr = false
        exitwhen iA == 8
        set iB = 1
                exitwhen iB == 8
                set an = GetAbil(iA,si)
                set ts = LoadStr(udg_HeroHash, iB, GetHandleId(u))
            if(ts == an) then
                call IncUnitAbilityLevel(u,String2Id(an))
                set tr = true
                call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), ts +"||"+an )
            set iB = iB+1
        set iA = iA+1
    if(tr == false) then
    call addAbility(pl,si,u)
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