Hey...im working on a group of maps, set in the far future of Warcraft, with the same key factions (Alliance, Horde, Scourge, Legion, Illidari) fighting a war among the stars
Im just seeing if anyone would give some ideas or help to write some of the story that goes with it, even phony news reports which i would like to put into some of the maps, maybe even voice acted.
Id like to focus most of the maps on the Alliance, and portray the alliance as not being such a happy place in the future. (NIN inspired, aswell as being fueled by my own paranoid creations)
heres some of the details of where the alliance is in the future
---------Message recieved from Network Member "Patriotism is Dead"--------
Hello friends, there isnt much time, they are coming for me soon, my phone line was tapped. They took Riley, my contact, the other day, and he came back yesterday, trying to talk me into "seeing that all the alliance wants to do is help you" He now actually believes that the resistance is wrong and that the governments lies are actually true. Look, there isnt much time. Heres what I managed to find out, wrong sifting through the lies, and hacking the government database. I know thats risky, but it doesnt matter anymore. they got to riley, i think they "re-educated" him. By the way, dont drink the tapwater, theres some chemical in it, ive stopped drinking the water, and i feel more....alert, more alive. Look, the ideals the Alliance used to be based on are dead. No one even remembers Azeroth, a year ago the evolution of our race and our origins and the war on Azeroth were common knowledge and in the history books! But no one remembers! the books have been edited, and i think azeroth has been erased from the peoples minds. Look, the government doesnt want anyone to know this, but I think the Alliance used to be allied to the horde, and to the "Elves" we are warned about. They may even have been part of the alliance. Whats that? nevermind, i thought i heard a voice. must just be my nerves.
Look, i recieved video footage the other day, remember those people they rounded up in Proxima? It wasnt a small group..........it was thousands of people, and they didn't get given housing and food like the media said, the video......it shows thousands of civilians, stepping out of the transport, with smiles and running blindy through the gates, where they are grabbed and shot in the heads. some ran back, and then the remaining tried to run, tried to lift of in the transport. The military shot it down with a rocket, and then eliminated the rest with their guns. Some of the soldiers were laughing, some even seemed to be having an orgasm over the violence.
I just heard the noise again. I better finish this message quickly, ill send the next message with the video footage, but before that, You must get the truth out! Look, they are letting people have just enough freedoms to keep them from rising up, but being strict and facist enough to keep you disatisfied! We arent a free nation anymore, we are a police state. Get the truth out. Resist, the government has declared a war of secrets on the people, and its time to fight back.
-------------Message End--------------------------------------------
(Flag as Unpatriotic or Seditious) (Reply) (Logout)
-----Warning, the message you have just recieved is from a traitor to the nation, who is guilty of sedition, secrecy and thought crime, as well as being a suspected terrorist. Reading messages, communicating with and speaking to Terrorists is an Illegal Act, as it promots seditious thoughts, and unpatriotism. Please remain seated, any attempt to travel or leave your position will result in Re-education and being moved to the proxima state housing facility, where you will live in a peaceful, contented, patriotic community. Attempts to escape or resist arrest will result in the use of deadly force...............................................................................
...............Your attempt to log out and disconnect from the neural interface has been rejected. Your privilieges have been removed, and your email/message systems blocked. This can, and will be used as conclusive proof that you are leaving your position. You will be sentenced to relocation to Proxima State Housing Facility...............................
The Ministry is Mother. The Ministry is Father.
Im just seeing if anyone would give some ideas or help to write some of the story that goes with it, even phony news reports which i would like to put into some of the maps, maybe even voice acted.
Id like to focus most of the maps on the Alliance, and portray the alliance as not being such a happy place in the future. (NIN inspired, aswell as being fueled by my own paranoid creations)
heres some of the details of where the alliance is in the future
---------Message recieved from Network Member "Patriotism is Dead"--------
Hello friends, there isnt much time, they are coming for me soon, my phone line was tapped. They took Riley, my contact, the other day, and he came back yesterday, trying to talk me into "seeing that all the alliance wants to do is help you" He now actually believes that the resistance is wrong and that the governments lies are actually true. Look, there isnt much time. Heres what I managed to find out, wrong sifting through the lies, and hacking the government database. I know thats risky, but it doesnt matter anymore. they got to riley, i think they "re-educated" him. By the way, dont drink the tapwater, theres some chemical in it, ive stopped drinking the water, and i feel more....alert, more alive. Look, the ideals the Alliance used to be based on are dead. No one even remembers Azeroth, a year ago the evolution of our race and our origins and the war on Azeroth were common knowledge and in the history books! But no one remembers! the books have been edited, and i think azeroth has been erased from the peoples minds. Look, the government doesnt want anyone to know this, but I think the Alliance used to be allied to the horde, and to the "Elves" we are warned about. They may even have been part of the alliance. Whats that? nevermind, i thought i heard a voice. must just be my nerves.
Look, i recieved video footage the other day, remember those people they rounded up in Proxima? It wasnt a small group..........it was thousands of people, and they didn't get given housing and food like the media said, the video......it shows thousands of civilians, stepping out of the transport, with smiles and running blindy through the gates, where they are grabbed and shot in the heads. some ran back, and then the remaining tried to run, tried to lift of in the transport. The military shot it down with a rocket, and then eliminated the rest with their guns. Some of the soldiers were laughing, some even seemed to be having an orgasm over the violence.
I just heard the noise again. I better finish this message quickly, ill send the next message with the video footage, but before that, You must get the truth out! Look, they are letting people have just enough freedoms to keep them from rising up, but being strict and facist enough to keep you disatisfied! We arent a free nation anymore, we are a police state. Get the truth out. Resist, the government has declared a war of secrets on the people, and its time to fight back.
-------------Message End--------------------------------------------
(Flag as Unpatriotic or Seditious) (Reply) (Logout)
-----Warning, the message you have just recieved is from a traitor to the nation, who is guilty of sedition, secrecy and thought crime, as well as being a suspected terrorist. Reading messages, communicating with and speaking to Terrorists is an Illegal Act, as it promots seditious thoughts, and unpatriotism. Please remain seated, any attempt to travel or leave your position will result in Re-education and being moved to the proxima state housing facility, where you will live in a peaceful, contented, patriotic community. Attempts to escape or resist arrest will result in the use of deadly force...............................................................................
...............Your attempt to log out and disconnect from the neural interface has been rejected. Your privilieges have been removed, and your email/message systems blocked. This can, and will be used as conclusive proof that you are leaving your position. You will be sentenced to relocation to Proxima State Housing Facility...............................
The Ministry is Mother. The Ministry is Father.