1.1- Added new models, added more rocks and shrubs, added more doodads in the forests, zombies can now infect titans and humans, all titans are more powerful, the Titan Lord has increased stats, new food mechanic, added a minimap preview.
1.2- Added a new starvation trigger that shouldn't leak, when no one plays as the Titan Lord, he starts at level 5, when the Titan Lord dies he gains control of the other titan team, repairs now cost no lumber, boats cost no lumber.
1.3- Added Zombie Titans, added events (5 of them), red and purple now make Scout Dogs and Blue doesn't, red now can make mortar teams, the Titan Lord now has more health and starts at level 10 if no one is playing it, when food is dropped off it gives you 15 food instead of 10, farms on the purple team now generate gold, some collisions fixed, a Deformed Titan that is on the map is now a normal Titan, the Titan Slayer now has two new abilities (Got rid of scout and silence ability), red can now make footman, Titan Lord deformed behemoth and titan now have a bigger collision, fixed Titan Lord XP bug, priests now do 10 more damage.
1.4- Removed Teal Team, gave Titan Slayer to the Blue Team, added titan progression where only weak titans spawn, then tougher ones spawn later in the game, Titan Lord now has better stats and starts at a higher level, made the final boss not as impossible, added a new infection system, fixed some events, freed space at the human starting place.
1.6- (Sorry I made 1.5 but never released it so I'll add it's change log with 1.6) Only two human factions, made the Boss teleport to fixed locations instead of randomly on the map, fixed the Boss not using its abilities, added gold/ food where the Boss used to spawn, made the gates open and close singularly instead of together, the starting farms now generate chickens, fixed some leaks, fixed the zombie event, made the Titan Lord more powerful.
1.7- Fixed the Soldiers event where unused teams would attack you, chickens spawn every 10 minutes instead of every 3, in Singleplayer the Titan Lord is now level 100, made Zombie Titans and Titans almost instantly kill units, gave the Knights 350 more HP, the Boss is now fixed and will move (Sorry), Huts on the island now attack, Mur'locs now deal more damage.
1.7.1- Added units to be sold in the port, many units train time reduced, Farm replaced with a blue Barracks.
1.7.2- Zombies infecting the dead now only create 1 Zombie or Zombie Titan, Titans now are victorious when humans are defeated, range for the stomps for the titans are now increased.