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Stars - The Cinematic

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Stars - Cinematic/Teaser

Dedicated Website

Real map thread

Protected with W3 Optimiser from Vexorian.

Full credits on the website.(Click on the image)

space, futurist, planet, ships, stars, satellits, strategy, starship, battle, war, blackhole, laser, plasma, ion, photonic, tachyon, sun, star, astero

Stars - The Cinematic (Map)

14:52, 3rd Jun 2009 by bounty hunter2: Needs quite a lot of polishing, dissapearing units, bad cameras, dialog, typos, terrain is bad, sinking models, Rejected.




14:52, 3rd Jun 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Needs quite a lot of polishing, dissapearing units, bad cameras, dialog, typos, terrain is bad, sinking models, Rejected.



Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
I like your cinematic, but the dialogues are bit thick...

"I suggest we should fight right now"
"that's not a bad idea at all"
And in the same time, you see the big battle in the background... lol

Anyway, great cinematic! 5/5
Level 4
Mar 16, 2008
there are many part in the cine that an object fly/walk pass another object,
for instant,

the captaion walk pass the chair, the cruiser fly pass the cargo ship and dock.

when the pirate attack, the captain and the negotiator still at the docking bay there, a fighter fly out of the dock, and another blue ship flying by, 2 of them die but dont have explosion. this happen around 4.10

also, it be more epic if you show the pirates speeding towards the base right after the bridge report pirates attack.

when the cine start, in the bridge there, 2 guard who guarding the gate keep patrolling, though it be better if they just stand still.

please use invi tiles, some explosion being cut off half because of the ground.
get a star sky so it look more galactic feel.

still, the idea is nice.
Level 21
Mar 19, 2009
It is the start of a great love story ;)

To tell the true it's the map I show for a contest in an other forum (worldedit.free.fr).

And I just have remember thanks to the staff it was today the dead line :O

So I have record the sounds of voices with...my integrated microphone...Of my school laptop...in my flat...where walls do not cut noise so I have to whisper...otherwise my neighboors whould think I'm crazy :)

Thanks for the comments.

Of course this is mainly a teaser for the game map Stars, but perhaps, after the context has ended, I will improve this map.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
1) Description - Description at this site was far too lacking. At least give us a little synopsis of what is this cinematic about.

2) Terrain - Some destructible/doodad wasn't place at the position such as the computer as you can seen from this screenshot below.


From this point of view, the computer was placed on the ground but the user was using it by standing on it. This shown a sign of a floating doodad/destructible which you certainly need to fix it.

3) Camera - Camera at specific point have choppy movement and boring. At the conversation between the negotiator and captain, the camera seems to freeze rather than moving, making the scene a rather dull scene to be watch.

Avoid yourself from using too much instant switch unless it was necessary. I notice some specific area doesn't require you to do so.

4) Animation - As far as I seen, I do not see any animation effect had been use to any unit at this cinematic. All seems to be standing still like a dummy when they are facing the computer.

5) Sound & Sound Effect - The sound of the character certainly isn't at the best, it sound like the captain was weak and lack of leadership due to the low volume and it was rather static as well.

As well as the sound effect goes, it seems to be fine.

6) Music - There is a music, but it isn't quite loud. But, I think it is fine.

7) Special Effect - AS far as the effect goes, I do not see any excessive/spam use of the sfx and it seems to fit the theme.

8) Scripting/Triggering - The moment I seen how the cinematic was started and how everything was shown, I already know the trigger definitely not at his best. You should have switch on the cinematic mode at map initilization instead of elapse time of 0.10 seconds and at the ending scene, there is a sign of it turning off/on cinematic before it shown the text.

Apart from that, you choose the wrong fade filter for the alarm.

9) Error - There is plenty of errors in this cinematic which are rather obvious. To begin with, the unit was badly place, just take a look at the hand of the captain and negotiator. If you ever look carefully into their hand, it look as it was glued to one another.

Apart from that, it contain several typo errors as well. The word are suppose to be negotiator and not negociator.


Unit run through several object as well, it run through the spaceship, rock, undead necropolis and etc etc. Apart from that, you need to make the explosion effect floating above the ground. If you view the explosion effect at this screenshot, you would notice part of the explosion effect had been cut off.


The text was poorly placed as well, just look at the distance of the first sentence of the text and compare it with the bottom.


Unit that guarding the door are not suppose to be patrolling, but standing still beside it. If you ever visit any place that are guarded, do you ever seen people patrolling around it that way? I don't think you seen it.

P/S : The red spaceship move through the blue ship, but the screenshot failed to capture the scene cause it was too quick.

Apart from that, you are using dream filter instead of white mask with red been set to 100% in order to make the alarm effect. Which are rather a bad choice, it look as if the ship take damage instead of alarming the rest of the unit.

10) Replayability - The replayability can be consider as average, but the errors that are seen inside this cinematic might kill the replayability values for it.

The concepts are nice, but it was done in a rush. As it can be seen at the error on how you turn on the cinematic, unit movement, camera and so on.

The cinematic battle scene show a abnormal sign as well. All ship that was engage in combat was moving rather rapidly except the red ship that are standing still without showing a sign of single moves. If you ever watch any science fiction movies, you would notice the mothership would show a sign of movement as well in order to dodge enemy attack.

Apart from that, the negotiator and the captain was standing still instead of taking action even though the alarm was sounding for quite a time. This clearly show a sign of a waiting syndrome occur at the battle scene which you need to fix it.

Overall, this cinematic isn't that bad with a nice concept on it. But the quality of the cinematic were lacking as most of the scene contain bizzare action and errors just like it had been mention above. However, that is the price it paid when you are making a resources for a contest with time restriction on it.

Hopefully you would get it fix as soon as possible.

Rating 2/5.

Note : Replayability are not the reason of why it was rated 2/5.
Level 21
Mar 19, 2009
Well. Thanks for this long report.
First, this is my first cinematic, and my first contest anyway, so I suppose it is normal I got a lot of errors.

1-This is a teaser, and my goal is not to introduce the map but simply to lure people into playing it.
2- They are.This is futurist, and computers can stay flying :) Okay for their old design, but I would not have heavy models
3-True. It is my first cinematic, I need train about that :)
4-Yes. But ships do not have any animations excepted walk and attack, cause I use very light models. For units, I suppose I had no idea about what they could.
5-Report to my former post, my recording counditions are not very easy ^^
6-I hope. It is the longest track of the movie The Watchmen, "The Philip Glass Ensemble - Fruit Igoes and Prophecy
8-Cinematic on/off. I dunno why, it depends, sometimes there is a probleme, sometimes no. Anyway I use the turn on/off at the map initialisation and not after. There is no turn off. And I did not find the bug. For the effect of alarm, I suppose this is a question of meaning and culture (circular effect or not). But you should be right.
9-Yeah. Thats a stupid mistake, I changed models some minuts before uploading, and these one have longer arms and different animations, so it seems idiot.
9b-Typo? Really not. I'm simply a dummy in English. And I forgot to use translator for some words. I do not practice it at all, and I forgot my courses days after days ^^
9c-Ground unit collision size: a stupid error. But for ships, it is because they use a spellbook containing the Raven ability. I need this trick in the real map, for triggers like blackhole or hyperspace.

10-Thanks for this nice report.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
8-Cinematic on/off. I dunno why, it depends, sometimes there is a probleme, sometimes no. Anyway I use the turn on/off at the map initialisation and not after. There is no turn off. And I did not find the bug. For the effect of alarm, I suppose this is a question of meaning and culture (circular effect or not). But you should be right.

If I could view the trigger, I could give you a even more define result of where you did wrong.

9-Yeah. Thats a stupid mistake, I changed models some minuts before uploading, and these one have longer arms and different animations, so it seems idiot.

When you order unit to move to specific region, make sure those region aren't exactly beside each other. Make a distance to avoid both unit seems to be glued to one another.