Stars Aura

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
An aura made of 3 stars that move. It has one attachment named origin. I made it with the magos model editor and the mdlvis editor. Give credits if you use it in your map.

aura, star, stars, glow, ice, frost, magos, mdlvis.

Stars Aura (Model)

15:11, 2nd Sep 2009 Pyritie: Raise it off of the ground a tad so it works better on sloped terrain. I also think it might be a bit too bright - maybe add some transparency on the material? Looks nice though :D




15:11, 2nd Sep 2009
Pyritie: Raise it off of the ground a tad so it works better on sloped terrain. I also think it might be a bit too bright - maybe add some transparency on the material? Looks nice though :D