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Starcraft or Warcraft? Which is better?

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Level 22
May 11, 2004
Ah...that is a really hard question...so far, I think Starcraft is the most balanced RTS existing thus far. Each race requires completely different tactics, but none are at a particular advantage or disadvantage on any given map. Warcraft 3 on the other hand, requires the same tactics for every race...with the only variation being in the combination of units people choose, but essentially evey match is the same (usually a 2 min rush). But however, as far as costom mapping goes, warcraft 3 in infinatly more versatile.
Ive played over 700 games of Starcraft and only a little over 30 WC3...but if I had to choose a game, I would say WC3...simply because of the costomization and mapping.

In starcraft, if you loose your entire army in a blotched attempt to take out your enemy, you can replace it quickly and easily enouph to still stay in the game, whereas in Warcraft, if you loose your army and particularly your heroes in the first major encounter, you've already pretty much lost the game since you never have enouph time to revive your heroes by the time they reach your base, and as you all know, heroes are everything. That is one thing I really don't like about WC3...that and they NEVER STOP PATCHING IT!! One day I WILL be able to safely save a replay without worrying bout it being invalidated the next month.
Level 2
Jun 20, 2004
When Blizzard will make a Star Craft 2 (if thats ever gonna happen), only then I think it will be fair to judge the two. Right now, i chouse WC
Level 1
Jun 21, 2004
Yea! Id choose WC also any time .. just that u know .. i`ve played all the series of WC thus far .. this games rules :D
Level 4
May 9, 2004
I prefer warcraft...coz.....

starcraft sucks..poor grahpics,sounds,unit responses,music and much more...it takes a lot of time. Boring.....
Level 22
May 11, 2004
You are forgetting how OLD starcraft is...comparing the graphics and music to wc3 is simply unfair....SC first came out when 3D games were in their infant stage...and 3D RTS was simply unheard of. So why didnt they make it like wc3? That's pretty frigg'n obvious...
But SC is better in some ways then WC3 and worse in others...SC is an overall faster paced game that involves more strategy and doesnt revolve around a few heroes, but management of armies and economies in ways that make WC3 look simple. I just hope Blizzard revisits the series in an RTS format. And as far as 2D goes, the graphics arent that bad...
Level 2
Jun 19, 2004
You cant say that Wc3 is just about the controll of the heros. Good players dont send there entire army into the fight and then just focus on the heros. Thats how a noob play (Im talking about melee games)
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
You can't blame the graphics of Starcraft like VGsatomi said. It depends on your strategy. Do you prefer large armies like Starcraft or micromanagement with units like Warcraft 3?
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
Well i personally think Starcraft was the worst game Blizzard ever made. Starcraft and diablo are the only games I only purchased the first one and deleted the day after playing.

Granted I hate wc3s normal games because all it is is a race to level heroes.

But the reason I like Wc3 better is because any RTS is better when there is orcs and elfers + requires more strategy when heroes are not used.
Level 3
Jul 14, 2004
mmh i liked warcraft more than starcraft even before reign of chaos had been released, ok i have everything of it:
warcraft: human vs orcs (what a piece of crap ^^)
warcraft 2 +b.net edition: tides of darkness (oh i loved this game)
starcraft + broodwar
warcraft 3 (roc & tft) (sure its the best of all, who wonder?)

what i try to say is, even if a "starcraft 2" based on the warcraft 3 engine is released and even if the graaphic looks better than reality i think the world-design of warcraft is more lovely... starcraft is the every-day-stuff u know: zerg, slimy aliens like in AlIeN or Natural Selection, Humans like... ok humans..., and a high tech mega race... protoss

now u could say: "blah... in wc there are ogres, orcs, humans, elves and undeads like in lord of the rings... but it aint the same, the charakters are so nice...4example...: grom, uther, lothar, gul'dan, perfect! and in sc: JIM Rainor... the all-american hero..OMG!

i guess noone will read my 4min efford of writing this post ^^
Level 3
Jul 17, 2004
I haven't played starcraft much, but i have always liked wc better, simply because i'm not a sci-fi fan, and i'm addicted to fantasy. WE is the best part about wc3, it's advance and you can do anything with it, i don't play regular games on bnet anymore, because the standard iq there is about the same level as a monkey, the bnet society is simply BAD. If the maps were made with better terrain and the maps were beigger, then you would really feel that you were leading your troops to war. So basically, i like wc better then sc.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2004
Of course Warcraft is better! And you CAN compare graphics, the question was; "Starcraft or Warcraft? Which is better?", not "Which was better for it's time", the topic was about the game you prefer most, not about how impressed you became when it was released.

There are some Starcraft-mod-projects going around in wc3, but just the thought of making a Wacraft-mod in Starcraft is ridicolous. The WE is MUCH better in wc3, no question, and i spend most time in the WE, so it's an easy choice for me.

The Medieval story and gameplay in Warcraft is much more enjoyable than the futuristic in starcraft, where you can put more weight on heroes, who were missing in Warcraft I and II. It is natural to have a leader in combat, or else the combat becomes messy (like starcraft)

Level 6
May 13, 2004
Starcraft isnt that good.. i got banned from it, i dont know when.. but i did.. my parents bannned me from it. I got wc3 reign of chaos.. i was like: " Woah! this is so much better then starcraft! THIS IS AWESOME!! THIS IS SO COOL!!"

Now.. when The Frozen Throne came out.. i was like: " AH ITS SO COOL! ITS ALOT BETTER THEN STARCRAFT AND WC3 Reign of Chaos COMBINED!!!! AND LOOK! They even have a new cool unit: "penguin"!! I am going to looooooooooove this game!! i am going to worship it!!!!!"

I am very weird..
Level 2
Jul 25, 2004
Well, as somewhat of a connoisseur of the two games, I would have to put a reluctant foot behind WC. Mainly because of the sheer customize-ability of warcraft. Although im a sucker for the classics, and face it, SC thought of every single idea for maps. You cannot invent a map that wasnt first in Starcraft. Hence my reluctant foot. But more units, four built-in races and absolute creativity editor bring Warcraft way ahead of poor, underdeveloped Starcraft any day.
This is a sad day for the classics, a sad day indeed...
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
a) man cannot live on RPG alone
b) some ppl dont like RPG's (and i think a silver bullet should be placed in their upper left buttock)
c) some ppl wont play WoW cause of the cost and therefore will be anxiously be waiting for Starcraft 2
d) by the time Starcraft 2 comes out WoW will be old and a lot of RPG fans would of gone over to Everquest 2, which would be newer.
e) hardcore starcraft fans whom at this point in time playing Brood Wars, will instantly jump on it
f) alot of people (including myself), will jump between the two like people jump between Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3 now.
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003

Everyone has a right to their opinion, but people who say starcraft sucks because of its graphics/sounds(etc.) Have no right to call themselves gammers, they're fan boys who are to stuck up about wc3 to notice that starcraft usees a whole different type of strategy. Its only a massing game if someone doesnt get a templar(difler, or science vessel will work too) and psyonic storm all the massed units in seconds, wasteing there oponits recources and time spent. Wc3 is MOSTLY about heros.... but i still see massers, even if its 1vs1. They're both balanced, both are equal in its own way.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2004
i am no gamer, i am a map creator, and if you compare the both World editors, then the Starcraft WE is cowshit (Yes, i have tried it). And the heroes just gives it a bit more strategy, not only about pressing out units as fast as you can. And the middle-age fits alot better into a strategy game than future. I can't see any point where starcraft is better, so warcraft is MUCH better in my opinion.
Level 2
Jul 31, 2004
Im Just Saying I like Warcraft. I Never Played Starcraft So i Don'tknow what its like. I don't Care About Graphics That Much
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