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Starcraft 2 Commentary and Beta Giveaway

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Level 8
Aug 23, 2007

I'm sure some of you already know/subscribe to HDstarcraft, but for those who don't I'll just tell you a little about him.

He is a Starcraft player obviously, and he commentates on all his videos, and also on pro replays too. Hes recently got his SCII Key and has about 3 dozen commentary vids up of the Beta. Here a link to his channel.


Hes a really cool, guy and a really good commentator I must say. Personally I'm not a SC player, but I'm already learning a lot. I already know a bit as I have several friends who are into SC. And I've been planing on buying the game for a long time. Watching his vids really wants me to buy the game as his vids are always really entertaining and informative. He takes lots of requests and talk a lot about strategy and tactics you can use. So if you want to become better at SC II or or w/e you should check out his channel.
Level 6
Aug 29, 2008
Hi everybody!

I've found some interesting commentators on YouTube about Sc2.
HDStarcraft and HuskyStarcraft
They are fun to listen to and doesn't make an "uhmm" every second.

HDStarcraft is giving out a beta key (ending march 26th), which is why i made this thread. Mainly to inform the Hive community, and to get an increased chance at winning :wink:

Hope you'll sub to both of them, as they are just awesome :cute:
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
SC2 Beta Key Giveaway!

There's a raffle happening at YouTube!
Well, most people wouldn't care until they heard that the prize is an unused StarCraft II Beta Key! Finally someone somewhere will stop whining about not having a key! :mwahaha: :mwahaha:

All you have to do it go to his page and hit, yes, none other than

You'll automatically be entered into the raffle.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I'm completely done with this 'beta keys' topic here. Threads linking contests and discussion about keys should be locked. Let's get a clean THW with no key discussions, as this is not the place to be spammed with such topics. Use what I call the 'ghetto' - SC2GDF on Blizzard, not here.
Level 6
Aug 29, 2008
Duplicate, already posted about this.

EDIT: Why is my thread moving down to the bottom >_>?
I even made it look like it wasn't some kind of promotion... Bahh, you'll get disqualified from the raffle if you dupe. First come, first serve.

EDIT2: Wtf just happened with Hero Lief's and my thread? They suddenly merged o_O

EDIT3: Lost the game >_>
I hate you Hero Lief...

Already made a thread about this.
Seriously, search before making it >_>

He also says that dupe threads will be disqualified.

EDIT: Sorry for being a little rude.
Just a little annoyed over my thread not getting commented :/
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