Star Wars ORPG

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This map was actually made in 2012.
Choose if you want to play a Jedi or a Sith in game menu. Choose your race and then class ingame.
Then you can choose your starter lightsaber at the questgiver in the starter town.

Maximum hero level is 100.
Jedi classes: Jedi Consular, Jedi Guardian, Jedi Commander and Jedi Rogue
Sith Classes: Sith Warrior, Sith Assassin, Sith Sorceror and Sith Summoner


There are lots of quests in this game. Some of them are chain quests were you get reward in your bank box upon complete.
To read quest click on the (Quests F9) button above your hero icon in the upper left corner.
There are also "Events" in the game.

-save & -load
You can save and load your character in this map, If you save your hero playing a jedi team game you can still load your hero
if you play on sith team in another game (and opposite) So yes you can be on Sith team playing a Jedi hero.
Your credits (gold) and shards (lumber) will not be saved. Neither items in your bank box or those carried by droid banker.
Only your hero level and items on hero will be saved.

World pvp is enabled so if you meet your opposite team in the galaxy you are free to attack.
There is a pvp arena were you can fight if opposite faction players are in same arena.
You can also "call pvp battle" every 5 minutes, by doing that all players will be summoned to the pvp arena.

There are two arena's were you can fight bosses. One is on Geonosis and another one is on Tatooine.
They were added in when maximum hero level was 50 so they are not so hard to complete.

There are over 300 items in this game.
Light blue items: are starter items
Green items: are set items (you combine items to get full set)
Blue items: are uncommon items
Purple items: are epic items
Gold items: are legendary items which is hard to get
Tier items: Some endgame items dropped by bosses have are ranked with "Tier" tier 3 is the maximum tier and is extrememly hard to get.
Allthough green is set items its also possible later ingame to combine some purple (epic) items if you have a pattern.
What items you need to combine the upgraded item is described in the pattern.
You can buy spaceship from "Spaceship vendor" on every planet.

Random Battles:
Some mobs drop a random battle item (pink skull) and when you click on the item, a random battle will start.
When the random battle starts a pack of mobs is spawned next to you. Random battles were made when hero level was maximum 50.
There are also some rare Elite random battles within the game which drops from high level mobs and bosses on rare occasions.
These are considered extremely hard. Even for level 100 players.

Secret heroes and levels:
There are some secret heroes within this game. They are not overpowered and the only difference is the race.
Some of them come in the form of a item named "UNLOCK HERO" that drops with 1% chance at world bosses.
When you click on the "unlock hero" item your hero will disappear and the hero you unlocked will be spawned at your starting town with level 1.
Its smart to drop your items before you click on the "unlock hero" item or else your items will be removed with your current hero.
Examples of secret heroes are: Locvine Jedi Guardian, Sithos Sith Sorceror, Twi-Lek Jedi Rogue, "One with the Force" Jedi Consualar (dead jedi form like obi-wan in episode 5-6 lol) and many more..
You can unlock some levels as the Ewok ship and the Abandoned headquarters. There is also a secret frog level ;)
The abandoned headquarters is the latest stage added in game. It includes 4 bosses and 1 world boss.
You can unlock that level by completing the "Legacy of the first sith" chain quest.

World Bosses:
There are 6 different world bosses, some of them spawn as a chain reaction like this example:
Kill Slann the hutt at tatooine, when he is dead a sith warrior spawns on kamino, when the warrior on kamino is dead a world boss takes over the old hutt palace at tatooine and a dungeon is unlocked.
Some world bosses gets spawned with time in the game. World bosses is very hard to complete alone, even with a pimped level 100 hero.

You can change camera by typing a number from 1-6 in chat. 1 is standard wc3 view and 6 is the maximum height.
There is lots of other info I probably should write down but Im tired of writing atm :)
I will not work mutch more on this map as I have started a bigger project with a World of Warcraft ORPG. Beta testing for the first territory "Ashenvale" will come soon.
I though this map was already uploaded on hive a long time ago, but apperantly I have some memory-loss issues :D

Special thanks too olofmoleman for making lots of awesome star wars models like the rancor, ewoks, gungans, spaceships and more.
I imported lots of skins and models and I made some skins myself.

The skins and models are made by:
Doom Wolf

If you see any others thats not included dont hesitate to write a comment ;)

Some of the planets:




Site Update:
Pictures and colors..

Star Wars, ORPG, Jedi, Sith, darth vader, rpg

Star Wars ORPG (Map)

StoPCampinGn00b 23:45, 21st Feb 2015 Map Moderated - Star Wars ORPG Review Post - None Verdict - Approved, Not Rated Other [TR]Map Submission Rules Staff Contact The Hive's StaffMap Reviewers Description Tutorials
Very nice star wars climate, like also light weapons:):infl_thumbs_up:
But its annoying to merge items, i had 4 basic items (500gold each) but have no idea how to make them in one. Also forcing players to carry them in specific slots is unnecessary impediment in my opinion. Also please fix pathing of high rise buildings: hero can walks thru them. Map is quite huge, can you tell how long you worked on your map?
Level 8
Jun 29, 2004
Very nice star wars climate, like also light weapons:):infl_thumbs_up:
But its annoying to merge items, i had 4 basic items (500gold each) but have no idea how to make them in one. Also forcing players to carry them in specific slots is unnecessary impediment in my opinion. Also please fix pathing of high rise buildings: hero can walks thru them. Map is quite huge, can you tell how long you worked on your map?

Hi :)
If you are to combine set items have them in these slots:
1/6 - upper left inventory slot (you need too put lightsaber on ground)
2/6 - upper right inventory slot
3/6 - middle left inventory slot
4/6 - middle right inventory slot
5/6 - lower left inventory slot
6/6 - lower right inventory slot

You are not forced too keep items in specific slot unless the moment when you combine them. The only exception is that you must keep your lightsaber in inventory slot 1 (upper left) This is because I made a trigger where you can only carry 1 type of lightsaber. You dont need to stand in a specific area to combine items. If you have full set items but it wont become one complete piece, you need to put one item on ground and pick it up again. This is because the combine trigger is triggered when "a hero aquires a item".
I started the project in early 2012 and the last version is from 2014. The map have lots of engame content. And it kinda "starts" when you become level 100 :)
I dont think I will spend too mutch time on this project anymore because I have started a way bigger project with making a "World of Warcraft ORPG" with each zone as 1 map :p
Perhaps I will update a finale version of this map later ;)
For each map I make I learn more and more, it has been like that for over 10 years now.

Mechanical man: LOL! :D
Level 8
Jun 29, 2004
still cant merge
btw, 2 items are descripted as 3/4, tryed diffrent slots-not working

Hi :)
Look at the names on the items. On your screenshot you have:
Master Leaf's cloak and pants. You have Master Solar's Pants and Master Rhydons pants.
That is 3 different set items. Here is a some examples for converting:

Master Leaf's Cloak 1/4
Master Leaf's Armor 2/4
Master Leaf's Pants 3/4
Master Leaf's Boots 4/4
= 1x Master Leaf's Rainment

Master Rhydon's Cloak 1/4
Master Rhydon's Armor 2/4
Master Rhydon's Pants 3/4
Master Rhydon's Boots 4/4
= Master Rhydon's Rainment

Darth Vrynn's Cloak 1/4
Darth Vrynn's Armor 2/4
Darth Vrynn's Ring 3/4
Darth Vrynn's Boots 4/4
= Darth Vrynn's Rainment

You get the point? There are LOTS of different set items.
The "Master" sets are for jedi only and the "Darth" sets are for sith only.
There are also lots of other set items that can be used for both jedi and sith.
Always look at name of item and not just slot number.
And some items is only usable for particular classes like this example:

Cloak of minions:
+50 damage
+200 life
+100% damage to minions
+20 armor to minons

Which means that only the summoner and commander class can pick up the item.
If any other class try to pick up the item they will instantly drop it on ground again.
Another example:

Force belt:
+200 life
+300 mana
+80% mana regeneration

This is done because all the hero classes need different stats for their build ;)
I hope this answered you question.
You don't need to learn the system and make "flashy colors and borders", because you already have templates, you just replace the text with your own . I can try to put pressure on site administrators to implement some fill forms for map uploading where each description section can be filled individually so the description is generated automatically. However I think that screenshots are a must. Videos may not be, because videos are harder to do, especially with crappy computer, but screenshots give a player a better understanding of what is map like. It instantly gives an impression if the map is polished or half assed. Or makes it easier to determine its exact genre. A picture is worth 1000 words.

About your maps: will you do any other star wars maps in the future?
Level 2
Apr 9, 2014
I have tested the map and I found it very awesome! I hope you will develop the map more and better. Keep it up! :D

However, I have some suggestions :
-the droid banker can be purchased or has invulerable armor so it will last longer during the game
-increase the slots so there will be more players joining in the map.
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Why Does people always Portay Sith as the HELLISH Force,no it's not the SITH got their name originally from a race called SITH yes they may sound sinister but they are actually a free and neutral empire who are good and famous for their Way of the Force teaching that influenced their Society and their Economic Structure but later they were Genocided by non other that the JEDI (yes the Holy White Knight Jedi Murder and ENTIRE Race),Milennia later one of the Jedi learn the truth about this and found the Sith Code and understand that their Code is more approached toward people Freedom and integrity unlike the Jedi Force who is more of a Self Control and Ignorance toward chaos,rather the Sith Acknoledge it and after finding that Beyond their GALAXIES a Multi-Galaxy Empire the Lizard kingdom (Forge the name) Will soon launch an Invasion and the 2nd Closest galaxies is their galaxies they began a Revolution which were lead by Palapatine and with the construction of Death star to combat their Planetsize Battleship,so yeah that's the short story of the SITH
Level 8
Jun 29, 2004
Why Does people always Portay Sith as the HELLISH Force,no it's not the SITH got their name originally from a race called SITH yes they may sound sinister but they are actually a free and neutral empire who are good and famous for their Way of the Force teaching that influenced their Society and their Economic Structure but later they were Genocided by non other that the JEDI (yes the Holy White Knight Jedi Murder and ENTIRE Race),Milennia later one of the Jedi learn the truth about this and found the Sith Code and understand that their Code is more approached toward people Freedom and integrity unlike the Jedi Force who is more of a Self Control and Ignorance toward chaos,rather the Sith Acknoledge it and after finding that Beyond their GALAXIES a Multi-Galaxy Empire the Lizard kingdom (Forge the name) Will soon launch an Invasion and the 2nd Closest galaxies is their galaxies they began a Revolution which were lead by Palapatine and with the construction of Death star to combat their Planetsize Battleship,so yeah that's the short story of the SITH

I know Sith is a race, you see the red archimonde hero? Thats how I portraited the sith race. You can actually choose to play the sith race in this map. Just as you can choose to play gungan, human, neimoidan and so on.. Is all the things you just wrote written by George Lucas? because there is thousands of different stories in the star wars expanded universe (third party) There is not lot of story in this map but its based on a time when the republic was newly formed and it has nothing to do with the Skywalker legacy. Its my own little story.. If you think the "dark side of the force" should be portraited as the good people and the jedi as evil, then this is not a map for you. As killing jedi younglings and other cruel stuff is parts of the sith legacy questline :)




I know Sith is a race, you see the red archimonde hero? Thats how I portraited the sith race. You can actually choose to play the sith race in this map. Just as you can choose to play gungan, human, neimoidan and so on.. Is all the things you just wrote written by George Lucas? because there is thousands of different stories in the star wars expanded universe (third party) There is not lot of story in this map but its based on a time when the republic was newly formed and it has nothing to do with the Skywalker legacy. Its my own little story.. If you think the "dark side of the force" should be portraited as the good people and the jedi as evil, then this is not a map for you. As killing jedi younglings and other cruel stuff is parts of the sith legacy questline :)

Fair Point,Yet despite your Potraying of the Whole Alternate Universe of the Star Wars things that your kinda lacking is the Enviorement in Tatoinee is a Desert Planet that are Hostile toward Outlander who can't stand the heat but after a while they can withstand the heat of the planet what im saying is is that everytime you move to a different place you should add a little bit of immersion in it or just a Narration whether you already been there or not.
Also Despite the SITH does have their Evil thing (Mainly influenced by the Exiled Jedi) the SITH Races seem's pretty lacking in one thing in this game DEATH,some of the Most Sinister or just plain Powerfull SITH in the Star wars Expanded Universe are shown to be near Death Experience which make them even more powerfull than ever..

The Thing that make Star Wars game succesfull than most Typical SCI-FI Game is the Immersion that Game Dev to the Player or Novelist to the Reader,Please add more immersion to this Map/Project and you will be my 2nd Favorite map maker
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
I remember playing this game a few years ago.

I got to a certain level and the game just got super gay really fast.

I think I had to fight some bad guy, but after I killed him a whole movie scene started.

my character walked out of the room, the dead guy got up and some chick walked into the room.

"is he gone?"


something on those lines, but it was the shittiest ending ever

still, it must have been a pretty good game for me to complete it
Level 6
Feb 8, 2012
Hey, going to give whole of my 1 and half hour of playing this map,
So i picked a Jedi Neimoidian Rogue, and start to soloing the boss using the explosion, grip, and wound after that i used the enrage but my hero just like delayed the movement for like 1 - 1.5 second, Why?

Well after that i would like to say that i really never want to share something that i worked hard for with someone that on the opposite force or i didn't even know (Yes i'm scrooge) so pls can you make the legacy goes for the side that clear the quest/maybe even the player who kill it?

Overall it's a good map for you who wants to solo (Not become Han Solo) be a jedi/sith, or making some sets, or maybe even death by the death sickle, and yeah looking forward for the secret hero/another hero that maybe will be having extraordinary skills :D

Oh yeah the frog level never existed because they are driving you nuts @-@ (Oops!)
And another little thing is there is some dialog that you used incorrect grammar (but don't worry it's not worst(er) that mine ) xD
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Level 3
Jan 28, 2015
Hi, Vader. a couple days ago I discovered this map, very enjoyable, full of surprises as well as abuses. There are a couple of thing you might want to fix to make it even better.

* - Bugs
** - Abuses
*** - General gameplay and suggestions.

* Your kill count triggers have bugs. It seems like there is a 1 second delay before counter ticks, so if player kills multiple units of the same kind - trigger only counts one.
This may lead to multiple quest entries, for example, if your kill count for unit is 9/10 and you kill 10 at once - you will get 10 following quest entries in the quest log.
Food/pup collection counter also works with delay.
** Starting 1 food starfighter abuse with mage to kill bosses
** Save-load multiple times to save all the items you want into different characters.
** Animal arena: change the spawn trigger from Unit leaves to HERO leaves, because you can beat the whole thing with one ticket.
*** Add Locust ability to Magic temples on Yasgaron, because thier hit box is gigantic, so whenever you click in viscinity - you click on them.
*** Don't destroy items 800 units around player heroes or at least notify 15 minutes and 5 minutes in advance, so people would restrain from going for bosses.
*** Laser sound is GODDAMN ANNOYING!
1. It gives no valuable info
2. It litters the environment, making it hazardous to the point of unbearable.
3. It's better to play with sound off then listening this for an hour.
*** Change item model from spinning to semi stale. It's tricky to click especially in the large flock.