This map was actually made in 2012.
Choose if you want to play a Jedi or a Sith in game menu. Choose your race and then class ingame.
Then you can choose your starter lightsaber at the questgiver in the starter town.
Maximum hero level is 100.
Jedi classes: Jedi Consular, Jedi Guardian, Jedi Commander and Jedi Rogue
Sith Classes: Sith Warrior, Sith Assassin, Sith Sorceror and Sith Summoner
There are lots of quests in this game. Some of them are chain quests were you get reward in your bank box upon complete.
To read quest click on the (Quests F9) button above your hero icon in the upper left corner.
There are also "Events" in the game.
-save & -load
You can save and load your character in this map, If you save your hero playing a jedi team game you can still load your hero
if you play on sith team in another game (and opposite) So yes you can be on Sith team playing a Jedi hero.
Your credits (gold) and shards (lumber) will not be saved. Neither items in your bank box or those carried by droid banker.
Only your hero level and items on hero will be saved.
World pvp is enabled so if you meet your opposite team in the galaxy you are free to attack.
There is a pvp arena were you can fight if opposite faction players are in same arena.
You can also "call pvp battle" every 5 minutes, by doing that all players will be summoned to the pvp arena.
There are two arena's were you can fight bosses. One is on Geonosis and another one is on Tatooine.
They were added in when maximum hero level was 50 so they are not so hard to complete.
There are over 300 items in this game.
Light blue items: are starter items
Green items: are set items (you combine items to get full set)
Blue items: are uncommon items
Purple items: are epic items
Gold items: are legendary items which is hard to get
Tier items: Some endgame items dropped by bosses have are ranked with "Tier" tier 3 is the maximum tier and is extrememly hard to get.
Allthough green is set items its also possible later ingame to combine some purple (epic) items if you have a pattern.
What items you need to combine the upgraded item is described in the pattern.
You can buy spaceship from "Spaceship vendor" on every planet.
Random Battles:
Some mobs drop a random battle item (pink skull) and when you click on the item, a random battle will start.
When the random battle starts a pack of mobs is spawned next to you. Random battles were made when hero level was maximum 50.
There are also some rare Elite random battles within the game which drops from high level mobs and bosses on rare occasions.
These are considered extremely hard. Even for level 100 players.
Secret heroes and levels:
There are some secret heroes within this game. They are not overpowered and the only difference is the race.
Some of them come in the form of a item named "UNLOCK HERO" that drops with 1% chance at world bosses.
When you click on the "unlock hero" item your hero will disappear and the hero you unlocked will be spawned at your starting town with level 1.
Its smart to drop your items before you click on the "unlock hero" item or else your items will be removed with your current hero.
Examples of secret heroes are: Locvine Jedi Guardian, Sithos Sith Sorceror, Twi-Lek Jedi Rogue, "One with the Force" Jedi Consualar (dead jedi form like obi-wan in episode 5-6 lol) and many more..
You can unlock some levels as the Ewok ship and the Abandoned headquarters. There is also a secret frog level

The abandoned headquarters is the latest stage added in game. It includes 4 bosses and 1 world boss.
You can unlock that level by completing the "Legacy of the first sith" chain quest.
World Bosses:
There are 6 different world bosses, some of them spawn as a chain reaction like this example:
Kill Slann the hutt at tatooine, when he is dead a sith warrior spawns on kamino, when the warrior on kamino is dead a world boss takes over the old hutt palace at tatooine and a dungeon is unlocked.
Some world bosses gets spawned with time in the game. World bosses is very hard to complete alone, even with a pimped level 100 hero.
You can change camera by typing a number from 1-6 in chat. 1 is standard wc3 view and 6 is the maximum height.
There is lots of other info I probably should write down but Im tired of writing atm

I will not work mutch more on this map as I have started a bigger project with a World of Warcraft ORPG. Beta testing for the first territory "Ashenvale" will come soon.
I though this map was already uploaded on hive a long time ago, but apperantly I have some memory-loss issues
Special thanks too olofmoleman for making lots of awesome star wars models like the rancor, ewoks, gungans, spaceships and more.
I imported lots of skins and models and I made some skins myself.
The skins and models are made by:
Doom Wolf
If you see any others thats not included dont hesitate to write a comment
Some of the planets:
Site Update:
Pictures and colors..
Star Wars, ORPG, Jedi, Sith, darth vader, rpg