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Spying system

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Hello everyone
I need a very hard trigger or ability or whatever : the spying system.
An unit, that we will name Spy.
So, the spy will have an ability, he will be able to choose a color, and then, he will takes this player color. Then, the spy can go in the town of ennemy with the same color without been attacked. to be defeated, the ennemy must choose its unit and attacks the spy manually. Here is the biggest problem, when the spy takes the color, it becames another unit, a basic unit (footmen for example, but everyone plays with the same race so i think it will be easier for you to explain me). When it takes this form, the ennemy will see it with this form. The only way to detect it is to put your cursor on this spy and a red circle will appear to tell to the player that it's an ennemy. In the minimap,the spy will appear as the same color that the spys owner choosed. BUT, there is 4 team in my map, 1 2 3. 4 5 6, 7 8 9, 10 11 12. If 1 change its spy into the color of player 4 and go in the town of player 12, the spy will be attacked automatically. If player 1 choosed player 10, it will not be attacked by player 10 11 12 because they are in the sames teams.
so please, tell me howto do this trigger.
thanks ;)

Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
There in unit or player trrigers there is a trriger that makes a player reckonize target unit as ally, without changing ownership. Oh, so you can make a trrriger that if Spy detects enemy, he becomes reckonized as ally by owner of the enemy, it's color will be changed and it will be replaced by other unit. Or, it can use morph ability to change look.
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