19th Jul 2011
Simple but could be useful.
Change GetLastCreatedUnit() to bj_lastCreatedUnit
Simple but could be useful.
Change GetLastCreatedUnit() to bj_lastCreatedUnit
(1 ratings)
version 1.06In version 1.06 user can select any chance to cast a random spell, instead of using Max and min factors. Also I have imroved some description.
call IssueTargetOrderById(bj_lastCreatedUnit, udg_Random_Value, GetAttacker())
call IssueTargetOrderById(bj_lastCreatedUnit, udg_Order[udg_Random_Value], GetAttacker())
Lol double post,just edit ur old post next time,I can't open and test the spell either
I don`t know why...Lol double post,just edit ur old post next time,I can't open and test the spell either
Yes it works now,great job
Unless you want to download icon manager,you should just change it to another iconHow can I make icon with border?
Ask bribe,he might let you,but I suggest notCan I just import icon and give credits?
So, I am increasing power of spells with increasing level of ability.
Unit - Set level of Random_Spell[Random_Value] for (Last created unit) to (Level of Spirit protection for (Triggering unit))
Repost the code?
Dang,you really need some help here...sry i cant help you on it,but you can go to the forum for help ^^
For posting the codesHelp? Why?
For now this spell is too simple to be approved, as well as it is way too easy to abuse in game because it is using
I will rate this spell.. 1/5. That is enough for a vote of rejection. HELP FOR FUTURE; Go learn some tutorials at this place, go for either indexing or hashtables. TRIGGERS;