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Spirit on board, Helpers needed!

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i need people to help me create this game, to make it a reality: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/spirit-board-147837/

It's a game of deception of quite a large scale about a spirit witch has invaded a assualt cruiser in the atlantic witch is furturistic (it's the location i have decided on).

Terrainers are of major requirement, as a lack of them tend to make me dump projects, so you help is an essential. Currantly there are 3 people on the team (inclding me)

2 triggering
2 terraining (1 reserve)
1 Ideas

If you are willing to help create this game whatever your stronger point, be it modelling, icons, terraining, triggering or just coming up with ideas, i NEED you
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