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Spell Shop/Chooseable spells (i need help)

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Level 2
May 2, 2019
I want a detailed help about making a Shop with buyable custom or basic spells.

I have already read the thread about that but i'm still struggeling with. For me it's hard to find the right choices in triggers tab, basicly its really hard to make my own trigger look like the trigger post in tutorial without detailed info how to make it.

I want to know the easiest working way to buy a spell from shop or basicly i want the user to choose 4 out of 11 spells for his hero, the spells won't level up or anything i just want to make hero choose their own path.

I'm really bad and struggeling when making the triggers, so why i need detailed help, step-by-step and a SS will be also amazing.

Even an already made map will be awesome if i understand how to basicly customise it.

Thank you!
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