I have a bunch of spells that I need for my hero arena, but since I don't have time i'll put some trust in you
! (And its np if u won't create them, its like u said: 'im not Guaranteed to do one'.
Here are some spells :
Heart of a Sword (means to be an ultimate)
A kind of omnislash, but slower and stronger attack. (model has blademaster animations). The hero moves to an unit, (the targeted unit) and attacks the target in a slow move with some slash effects. (the effects are some fading dummy's, so it looks like he slashes very powerfull). The hero moves to other units and the amount of slashes would be 2 + 2 x current ability level and damage dealth is 75 x current level per strike.
The hero is allowed to attack multipline times when activated (may be autocastable if u would create, and want to create
), dealing 10 bonus damage for each strike. In each attack the Hero attacks 3 times (u can see fades) dealing 30 bonus damage. Each level would increase the damage by 10. so -> 10/20/30/40/.. = 30/60/90/..
Katana Techniques
Each attack grants a 15% chance to hit the enemy unit and making it to bleed. When bleeding, the unit will take damage over time and is slowed for an amount of time. (with some bloody effects, so u can see the unit is bleeding). the damage is 20 dmg/sec for 5-8 seconds and the unit would be slowed for 5/10/15/20..%.
The hero begins to spin in a fury of speed grabbing 2 + current level nearby units with its sword and whirling them arround dealing 50/100/150/200/.... damage per second.
There .. I hope u can help me with these.. or one of them
Sry if it are 2 much & sorry for my sucky english 8)