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Spell Attack & Damage Reduction

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Level 11
May 26, 2009

My units have the attack type Spells. I basically want two things.

1. All standard attacks to completely ignore target's armor.
2. To be able to stack spell damage reduction, right now I'm using the item ability for Runed Bracers, but they do not stack.

I would be very grateful for help.

I think you should check into the game constants or something (within advanced menu) There you will find for how many % specific attack is reduced if I recall right.

that will only affect the damage reduction before armor is applied...

the only way I can think of is to use a custom damage dealing trigger and always set the attack type to chaos and damage type to Divine (divine causes the damage to deal full damage no matter what)...
in gameplay constants there is a value called "combat - armor damage reduction multiplier" equal to 0.06 so it will reduce incomming dmg to (1-0.06)^armor or something like that

set it to 0

for the stacking spell reduction:
make a spell reduction item with values from 0 to 100 (you can fill fields automatically if you rightclick it) and change the ability level based on what you want
you should create a dummy with that ability at map ini so it won't preload during the game which could cause a few milliseconds of lag
Level 10
Jul 12, 2009
1. All standard attacks to completely ignore target's armor.
Spell damage will do that.

2. To be able to stack spell damage reduction, right now I'm using the item ability for Runed Bracers, but they do not stack.
Use Elune's Grace instead. It applies to both magic and spell damage, and it will stack with itself multiplicatively (eg. 50% and 50% is 25% damage taken.)
Level 11
May 26, 2009
...the only way I can think of is to use a custom damage dealing trigger and always set the attack type to chaos and damage type to Divine (divine causes the damage to deal full damage no matter what)...

Yep that's my conclusion too. Wait! I got an idea. If you keep track of the unit's armor reduction, can't that damage be added upon the normal attack?

Let's say I have a damage reduction of 50%. An enemy has 10 damage and it attacks me, but it only deal 5 damage because of my armor. But then, a trigger then triggers adding the remaining 50%, in this case 5 damage.


...for the stacking spell reduction:
make a spell reduction item with values from 0 to 100 (you can fill fields automatically if you rightclick it) and change the ability level based on what you want
you should create a dummy with that ability at map ini so it won't preload during the game which could cause a few milliseconds of lag

Good idea, I'll try making it later. I don't think there will be any problems.

Thanks to everyone for contributing.

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