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Spawn at a wrong location in Tower Defense

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Level 2
Apr 23, 2008
When i use this trigger it spawns on another location (Red Base) and it should spawn on the bottom left spawn:

The enemy units won't even move when the spawn in the Red Base even though i've set it to do so.
Does anybody know what's happening here?
Note: I know it's leaking but i know how to fix it so nevermind that.
Level 2
Apr 23, 2008
If the problem is that they won't move, it'd be a good idea to show the trigger that's making them move.
That is one of the problems. Another problem is that it spawn in a wrong location. I can show all my "unit move" triggers.

Actually i made my "move triggers" work now so nvm that. Now another problem is that they spawn at the end now so i lose all my lifes at once. This is really strange.

Have you tried to create a new region, set it as units creation point and then run the game ?
will it still spawn at reds location ?
That is the point. I do have a spawn point for the enemy units but it wont spawn there. And i did set the trigger to spawn at the spawn region.

To both of you: It's like the units spawn at the place i've set them to move to from the spawn. I have set it to spawn at the "BottomLeftSpawn" and then walk from there to "BottomLeft2" then "BottomLeft3" to "Red Base" and then "End". And it spawns at "End". Before i had set it to walk to "Red Base", and where do they spawn? "Red Base"
Level 3
May 3, 2008
is there at least a .1-.2 second delay in the commands that spawn the units, then tell them to move? If there's no delay then the triggers wont select the spawned unit because the spawn command and the move command are happening simultaniously.
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Level 2
Apr 23, 2008
is there at least a .1-.2 second delay in the commands that spawn the units, then tell them to move? If there's no delay then the triggers wont select the spawned unit because the spawn command and the move command are happening simultaniously.

That could be the problem. I'm not sure but i'll check it out when i get home.

I dont know what the problem is but i have set the move trigger to move to a place instantly.
  • Move
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters BottomLeftSpawn <gen>
    • Conditions
      • (Owner of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
    • Actions
      • Unit - Move (Entering unit) instantly to (Center of BottomLeft2 <gen>)
And where should i put the
  • Actions
    • Wait 0.10 seconds

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Level 3
May 3, 2008
wait, are you using all "Unit - move instantly" triggers? Once you have the creeps on the path start use "Unit - Issue Order Targeting a Point".

I'm not sure exactly whats going on in your map, maybe if you upload it or something using the exact same triggers I could de-bug it for you.
Level 2
Apr 23, 2008
wait, are you using all "Unit - move instantly" triggers? Once you have the creeps on the path start use "Unit - Issue Order Targeting a Point".

I'm not sure exactly whats going on in your map, maybe if you upload it or something using the exact same triggers I could de-bug it for you.

That's no problem. I figured out the problem so thanks guys.
Level 7
May 3, 2008
OH I KNOW NOW. Its like res evil isnt it? You want a unit chooser to select units to atack enemy. Amirite?, if so what you wanto do is...... wait, TRIGGERING UNIT?? NOO ITS CREATE UNIT IN REGION. or amiwrong? If so its a waygate and you set waygate to the region.
Level 2
Apr 23, 2008
OH I KNOW NOW. Its like res evil isnt it? You want a unit chooser to select units to atack enemy. Amirite?, if so what you wanto do is...... wait, TRIGGERING UNIT?? NOO ITS CREATE UNIT IN REGION. or amiwrong? If so its a waygate and you set waygate to the region.

Ehm?? Well anyways. Yes i do use regions.
And i figured that out yes.
  • Unit - Issue Order
+rep to the one who told that it was a wrong trigger
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