Someone wanna work on a map with me?

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Level 1
Jan 10, 2009
I recently started working on a map. Its in Middle Ages. I wanna include the crusades and some vikings and everything. The map will have like Jerusalem in one corner where part way through the game you start the crusades and then whoever control's Jerusalem at the end recieves some sort of bonus. I can terrain and do Unit data and everything, i just need someone to help me with triggering. I can do spawn triggers, but thats all. And, i havent decided if this is going to be spawn based or not, and some of the triggers i need might be a little complex. So, if you can trigger, or if you just wanna help, please let me know.
I'll also maybe post some screenshots of what i have done soon.
Ok. Well, for some reason if i take a screenshot it wont show up anywhere. I cant find the folder its in. And it doesnt go to my screenshots folder. Or at least it doesnt appear there. So, I'll try to find a way to upload my screenshots of what i've done.
But, basically I have the base terrain done. Now i just need to work on height and making everything look fancy and start working on placing doodad's and buildings. Then, comes the Unit/Hero Data and such, and then Trigger's I guess.
I've decided for most of the races. Some are still undecided.
Races: Great Britain.
Viking Guys.
Undecided: Malta, And the Knights of St. John.
Germany/Prussia, whatever it was called back then.

Crusade Times: Knights Templar.
Garrison Of Jerusalem.
Undecided Crusaders: Britain.
Also, do you think near end game should i include the invention of like the flintlock and matchlock guns?
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Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Do you think anyone wants to work with a guy without discipline who triple posts in his own thread and does not even know about the EDIT function!?

Em Do you think idiots like you deserve to even get a reply. Redscores honestly why are you wasting your time inputting a negative comment jeese give a guy a break stop wasting your time if your gonna post post something helpful.

Btw if you tell me what kind of trigger you itachi i will be able to help. Although i may be slow depending on how hard the triggers are.
Level 10
Mar 30, 2009
well you might not know it, but
Double Posting / Double Threading
Please do not double post in threads or make two of the same thread. We have an edit button for a reason, if you accidently double posted/threaded, please delete it before we do.

when double posting violences the rules...then what does triple posting do? ...

please read the spam rules
Level 1
Jan 10, 2009
k. So now that I've deleted my other posts, now i need to find where my screenshots are.
Sadface, because I just finished Britain and Ireland and all that. I wanted to show my supernoob terraining skills.
Level 1
Jan 10, 2009
Well. I guess it is. Oh well. I've decided I'll just do it all myself, and then if i need any help along the way I'll ask my friends.
Em Do you think idiots like you deserve to even get a reply. Redscores honestly why are you wasting your time inputting a negative comment jeese give a guy a break stop wasting your time if your gonna post post something helpful.

Btw if you tell me what kind of trigger you itachi i will be able to help. Although i may be slow depending on how hard the triggers are.

I am just being serious, if you can't handle that, I am very sad... I just told him that there are certain conditions to not get a noob like you as partner ;).
Level 10
Mar 30, 2009
Well just wonderin if your dumb he did start the thread. So its not spam

dont insult me! he had like 2 additional posts to his starting thread post, but they are all fixed now.. (he deleted them and edited his first post)
so no im not
the spam rules say: double or multiposting isnt allowed

bumping is a exception, but it wasnt bumping anyway.

you should better read this, my friend.
im not reporting whatsoever it wasnt really a flame, but watch your mouth in the future :)
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010

dont insult me! he had like 2 additional posts to his starting thread post, but they are all fixed now.. (he deleted them and edited his first post)
so no im not
the spam rules say: double or multiposting isnt allowed

bumping is a exception, but it wasnt bumping anyway.

you should better read this, my friend.
im not reporting whatsoever it wasnt really a flame, but watch your mouth in the future :)
Yeh i read that. Wait it wasnt spam it doesnt say anything about mutiple posts. In only says about irrelevant things. Everything he had at the start of the thread was relevant to his thread
Spam =No spam is allowed. Spam is the act of posting irrelevant, inappropriate or meaningless messages. Spam violations will be punished at the discretion of the staff. Spam posts or threads may be closed or deleted at any time, without warning.
He did not spam
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Level 9
Dec 22, 2008
Itachi76 said:
Germany/Prussia, whatever it was called back then.

I think it's called 'Holly Roman Empire', since in that times, Frederick Barbarossa (Emperor of H.R.E.) starts the crusade to the Holly Land. He drowns in the Sea of Marmara, but as I remember he's buried into the 'Dawn/Down of Rock', a great cathedral in Jerusalem.

EDIT: Also, England comes to crusade, led by Richard the Lionhearted.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
I think it's called 'Holly Roman Empire', since in that times, Frederick Barbarossa (Emperor of H.R.E.) starts the crusade to the Holly Land. He drowns in the Sea of Marmara, but as I remember he's buried into the 'Dawn/Down of Rock', a great cathedral in Jerusalem.

EDIT: Also, England comes to crusade, led by Richard the Lionhearted.

Yes but before richard lionhear becomes king dont forget the civil war. His mother he thinks is on the french side. He is betrayed by his own brother and suspected traitor. To this King henry Goes afte r him. RIchard with Geofrrey then has to take back the crown and defeeat the French army. But he also his familly starts to get killed by an assasins then there is a plot discovered between prince john and kiing phillip and john wants the english crown etc
Level 14
Jul 28, 2009
I am just being serious, if you can't handle that, I am very sad... I just told him that there are certain conditions to not get a noob like you as partner ;).

Well, sure looks like you like offending/annoy people much..

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