1. Can we create action bar like WoW (don't use hot key) ? My idea is to precreate 7 hero (+ 1 peasant), then capture hero selection event when mouse click on hero on screen interface then cast spell. Or capture event mouse click when select unit in group ?
2. Can we change terrain height at runtime ?
3. I see some progess bar use text, can we make graphic progess bar or make space between characters to 0?
4. How much is Max buff perunit ( include aura and all other type of buff )?
5. Can we create graphic option UI for custom map use multiboard ?
6. How to get current mouse position relative compare with desktop screen width, height ?
7. How to create comlete new custom spell that don't base on any spell ?
8. How to remove standard command ( move, stop ...) on unit ?
9. How to capture event unit is focust when in group ( then we can see it's special ability ) ?
10. How to order hero direct use an custom ability ?
11. How to make pre create group is select when press 1 at map init and player do not have to assign hot key 1 to that group (Ctrl 1)?
12. Can we make purge remove only 2 removeable buff ?
13. I saw this file http://jass.sourceforge.net/doc/api/...ource.shtml#27 contain all type defined. Can we define new trigger event, trigger action , or edit file mpq (etc : make event keyboard_A_hold ?
2. Can we change terrain height at runtime ?
3. I see some progess bar use text, can we make graphic progess bar or make space between characters to 0?
4. How much is Max buff perunit ( include aura and all other type of buff )?
5. Can we create graphic option UI for custom map use multiboard ?
6. How to get current mouse position relative compare with desktop screen width, height ?
7. How to create comlete new custom spell that don't base on any spell ?
8. How to remove standard command ( move, stop ...) on unit ?
9. How to capture event unit is focust when in group ( then we can see it's special ability ) ?
10. How to order hero direct use an custom ability ?
11. How to make pre create group is select when press 1 at map init and player do not have to assign hot key 1 to that group (Ctrl 1)?
12. Can we make purge remove only 2 removeable buff ?
13. I saw this file http://jass.sourceforge.net/doc/api/...ource.shtml#27 contain all type defined. Can we define new trigger event, trigger action , or edit file mpq (etc : make event keyboard_A_hold ?