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Some Boss Battle advice?

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Level 19
Feb 19, 2009
(I should preface this by saying that I've read Asomath's tutorial and I found it helpful, but I still need some specifics/details about the stuff I want to do.)

I'm putting the finishing touches on a project I've been working on for like a year, and I'm finally almost done with it. I want to send the whole thing off with a bang. I've made boss battles before but they've never been that elaborate before, usually just a strong enemy with some powerful abilities and some nasty minions. But for the end of this project, I want something more out of this boss fight. So I want some advice/explanations on how to do the stuff I want to. I'll list them off below:

- I want the boss to make comments and taunt the player as his health goes down. For example, if the boss' health drops down to about 80% a dialogue sequence should initiate. The trouble is, if I just add a trigger like that as-is, the boss' health might go up again and the trigger will repeat - is there a way to prevent this from happening without pausing the game or freezing all units?

- Is there a way to make a boss only use certain abilities during one phase, and then complex different ones after another? For example, let's say I give him the ability to spawn Infernals but I don't want him using that power until his health falls to about 50%. Is there a way to prevent him from doing that? Like see a trigger that does "If boss health is above 50% do not use skill" ?

- The boss is listed as "Neutral Hostile." Is that a good faction for him to be? Or should I put him under a computer player's ownership so he can run some kind of AI script?

- I gave him the "Blink" ability because I want him to be harder to hit. The intention is for him to teleport all over his arena (behind the player, right beside his party, etc.) even when his health isn't low. Will the unit operate like this on it's own? Or will I have to find a way to script him to do it?

Any help/advice is highly appreciated.
Level 2
Apr 12, 2015
from my prior experience i can give some advice i guess, lets see if u find it helpful:

about taunts/cinematic: why not just turn off the trigger that fires at 80% HP after it did everything? that should prevent a second triggering. or did i get that wrong?

2) set some boolean varibales maybe called stageone, stagetwo etc. once his health drops to eg 50%, u set them to true, add and remove a few abilities and set the variable to true (mainly for reference in other triggers). turn the trigger off aftereverything is set up, like with the cinematics, and u should be fine

3) no idea, sorry

4) also not my strong point, afaik you would need to script such movement, esp when enemy targets (maybe one with low health, just an idea) should be target of teh blink (maybe use blinkstrike then)

hope it helps a bit =), gl with ur work
(I should preface this by saying that I've read Asomath's tutorial and I found it helpful, but I still need some specifics/details about the stuff I want to do.)

I'm putting the finishing touches on a project I've been working on for like a year, and I'm finally almost done with it. I want to send the whole thing off with a bang. I've made boss battles before but they've never been that elaborate before, usually just a strong enemy with some powerful abilities and some nasty minions. But for the end of this project, I want something more out of this boss fight. So I want some advice/explanations on how to do the stuff I want to. I'll list them off below:

- I want the boss to make comments and taunt the player as his health goes down. For example, if the boss' health drops down to about 80% a dialogue sequence should initiate. The trouble is, if I just add a trigger like that as-is, the boss' health might go up again and the trigger will repeat - is there a way to prevent this from happening without pausing the game or freezing all units?

- Is there a way to make a boss only use certain abilities during one phase, and then complex different ones after another? For example, let's say I give him the ability to spawn Infernals but I don't want him using that power until his health falls to about 50%. Is there a way to prevent him from doing that? Like see a trigger that does "If boss health is above 50% do not use skill" ?

- The boss is listed as "Neutral Hostile." Is that a good faction for him to be? Or should I put him under a computer player's ownership so he can run some kind of AI script?

- I gave him the "Blink" ability because I want him to be harder to hit. The intention is for him to teleport all over his arena (behind the player, right beside his party, etc.) even when his health isn't low. Will the unit operate like this on it's own? Or will I have to find a way to script him to do it?

Any help/advice is highly appreciated.
1) Turn off the trigger after the dialog is running for the first time.

2) using stages (booleans) is the most profit choice. Disable/Enable the ability when condition is met

3) I prefer player not Neutral Hostile, as NH might override the boss spell timing.

4) You have to script it
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
- Is there a way to make a boss only use certain abilities during one phase, and then complex different ones after another? For example, let's say I give him the ability to spawn Infernals but I don't want him using that power until his health falls to about 50%. Is there a way to prevent him from doing that? Like see a trigger that does "If boss health is above 50% do not use skill" ?

Personally, Id create a general framework that handles everything the boss does.
It would allow you to flick skills on and off as well as force certain events to happen as and when you need it.

- The boss is listed as "Neutral Hostile." Is that a good faction for him to be? Or should I put him under a computer player's ownership so he can run some kind of AI script?

- Depends on whether the boss is controlled mostly via script or via default behaviour. If you're using default behaviour as a base, the neutral hostile AI tends to be far smarter.
It also gives the unit's name/level when moused over a opposed tom player name.

- I gave him the "Blink" ability because I want him to be harder to hit. The intention is for him to teleport all over his arena (behind the player, right beside his party, etc.) even when his health isn't low. Will the unit operate like this on it's own? Or will I have to find a way to script him to do it?

- You will have to script it.
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