Recently played it and I have to say. This is less 'RPG' and more of a survival chore and it isn't 'difficult' or 'hardcore', it's bullshit.
Here's the bullshit list:
* - All Thunder dragons & drakes have a fast attack speed coupled with a 25% or 33% chance bash and flame strikes.
* - Enemies spawn right inside your base, and they aren't even weak when the map progresses.
* - I think there is an invisible timer of 30 minutes or something else that automatically ends the game in defeat.
* - We are apparently expected to beat an OP boss with nothing but heroes too pathetic to even beat the giant turtle in the forest to the mid-East of the fortress and an army with the strength of twigs.
* - There aren't any items that are actually GOOD against late game bosses and the tomes are weak sauce.
Kinda 'meh' stuff:
* - Undead can build anywhere on the map without blight.
* - Super towers with health regen and fast attacks speed.
* - Most faction bases have a tree wisp to help with your wood eco.
At first glance, the map's got a good premise but it's tedium is too unbearable to play. One moment you are exploring the woods, farming and such, and all of a sudden thunder drakes perma-stuns your hero from a cliff and your base is under attack from creeps that spawned on your town hall, killing your gold eco and some wisps decide to fly into your base destroying the wood eco. I'm not exaggerating, there is so many flying units early game, it isn't even a joke. Now taking everything in this comment in consideration, this is just a shitty melee adaptation with a pair of unbeatable ultra-creeps and not-so-different melee factions. And it's either melee-faction play but you die if town hall gets destroyed and you can't res with an altar, or freelancing I-want-to-die bandit bases that's easy to wipe out and harder to maintain (unless you are playing with the Dark Ranger which you can ultimately have an infinitely large army of units).