
Map Info
Author: SonofJay
Genre(s): AoS Template
Size: 128x96 [Small-Medium]
Doodad Count: 199

-Unique terrain design by yours truly.
-Limited doodad count for efficiency
and flexibility of modification.
-Slightly unique AoS layout design
-One area for Hero-Selection

Screenshots(Open in new tab):

Ogre_ - for original Refugee in Ruins resources
Blizzard - World of Warcraft resources
APproject - for sharing me the World of Warcraft resources

SonofJay - For creating the terrain template

Credit is not mandatory but is appreciated as a sign of respect for the author.

I allow the use, edit and uploading to any site of this template as long as you'll
not take the authorship of the template.

Author's Notes
I'm not that fond on this template but I guess that this is still useful to some.

Just like my other template this template is created to be beautiful with limited
doodads for map's efficiency and flexibility of modification.


-I didn't put any pathing blockers because I believe that is something
that doesn't require a single skill of terraining and thus anyone can do it.
-I may use this template on a future project so don't rant on me if you use this and someday saw a map with the same terrain.
-I don't take request so I'm not gonna bother to people who will ask to change/add this and that.
Terrain, Template, Arena, SonofJay

SoJ_AoS_Template_3 (Map)

21:02, 17th Dec 2014 Hell_Master: Map approved and rated 4/5. See moderator's comment:




21:02, 17th Dec 2014
Hell_Master: Map approved and rated 4/5. See moderator's comment:
Hell_Master;2627800 said:
Another terrain template by SoJ by which with the use of invisible platform (right?). The template's pretty neat and top quality like the previous one I saw from you. But same as with the previous one, needs some sparkles like what Mythic said on the previous map of yours but most likely, it's not an issue as said.

Same with the other one, this gets a 4/5 from me and Approved.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Another terrain template by SoJ by which with the use of invisible platform (right?). The template's pretty neat and top quality like the previous one I saw from you. But same as with the previous one, needs some sparkles like what Mythic said on the previous map of yours but most likely, it's not an issue as said.

Same with the other one, this gets a 4/5 from me and Approved.