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Social Group / Starcraft II Comic & Crash & Project Spotlight

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ʃ Social Group ʅ

Ѻ Start: November 2012
Ѻ About: Organizes contests (Terraining, writing, modeling, etc.) + roleplaying
Ѻ Past Events: The Mad King's Realm (Halloween) & Santa's Realm (Christmas) & Cupid & Mania (Valentine)
Next: Help decide the group's next theme here!

ʃ Starcraft II Comic & HotS Crash ʅ

Blizzard has published a neatly made comic called "(Kerrigan) Hope and Vengeance".
Check it out, the 9 total pages are of quite fascinating quality!

A lot of players are still experiencing a crash while playing the Heart of the Swarm campaign, even after the latest patch 2.0.6.
Right now, a solution has been offered by one of the Blizzard developers!

ʃ Project Spotlight ʅ

The Project Spotlight in the monthly news batches will no longer be set up by me:
From now on, on the 18th of every month, a nomination thread is created in the Map Development forum.
The community has the opportunity to nominate projects they deem interesting&active enough in it till the 2nd of the next month.
Then the projects with at least 5 nominations will be added to a poll that will run for 2 days only. (2nd-4th of every month)

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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Yeah, join the fun in our social group! I'd still say next event should be Easter :D

But perhaps, let the Easter Bunny be the only idol this time - still with a good and evil side though, where the evil side must try corrupt the Easter Bunny into becoming an evil drug dealer, and the good side wants to keep him a candy dealer - or something x)

EDIT: 1100th post ^^

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

That comic was awesome though the writing in some places didn't fit I still enjoyed it. Also, the new Project Spotlight systems seems far superior. Kudos on that one.
Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
I like the decission to go public with the project spotlight but you should open a discussion thread for the spotlights. The first question is already posted and I doupt that it is the last one.

Also the rule
Projects that have been uploaded to our Maps Section cannot be nominated.
seems a little bit too general because for example IID is already in the Maps Section but it is still in development. I suggest you alter the rule to

- Projects that have been released to our Maps Section cannot be nominated.

The word "released" indicates that the map is not in a beta stage anymore.
The IID-Team (as an example again) uses the Maps Section as a public beta test. In my opinion the existing rule is a strong limitation.
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