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Snowball Season

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Level 2
Mar 29, 2011
Hi guys, I just started using world editor yesterday because I wanted to make a map game about playing snowball. I already had an alpha edition attached below but it still needs a lot of improvements(please see and comment). Basically this is how the game is currently working:

Tiny Map - 3v3

Each player controls a Child character(30HP and 20MANA) which has 2 primary abilities:[E]Make Snowball and [R]Throw Snowball.

[E]Make Snowball
Manacost: 2
Casting Time: 0.75 secs
Cooldown: 0 secs
- makes a snowball. can store up to 3 snowballs at a time.

[R]Throw Snowball
Manacost: 2
Damage: 6
Casting Time: 0
Cooldown: 0.5 secs
- throws a stored snowball forward up to 800 units before dissipating.

Objective of the game is to eliminate the players from the opposing team by reducing their HP to 0 via throwing snowballs at them. First team to do so wins.

I was able to do up to that point but there are some errors/bugs that I'm not able to fix:

1.) A Child character for a player is still created even if the slot of that player is unfilled or there is no player for that slot.

2.) Snowball goes through obstacles: houses, rocks, and trees.

I also plan to add a timer and a point system so that the game wouldn't drag on for so long. Planning to improve further once the errors/bugs are fixed.

Since obstacles are added I plan on bringing in a new way(character ability) of dishing out damage by tossing the snowball on an arc up the air to avoid obstacles, but comes with a drawback of less damage and slower projectile speed.

Please please comment and help if you can :p

Thank you very much.


  • SnowballSeason(alpha).w3x
    32.7 KB · Views: 120
Level 3
Dec 24, 2008
Just tried it out, and it was nice try if it was your first map.

Things to be fixed/added:

Abilities: In my opinion it wud be funnier if the childrens can use Wind Walk just like Harry Potter. Being able to throw a net on the other childrens holding them in place for like 1-3 seconds.

Terrain: Can be fixed a little, more hideout spots + more cliffs/mountains and maybe a river in the middle, and make childrens able to jump. There is a jump system somewhere on hive.

Change the range while casting, 800 was to much, change it to a random number between 400-800 for more fun + luck.

Overall, Nice job!

This is what you need if you only wanna create children if user playing:
  • Create
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 1.00 seconds
    • Conditions
      • (Player 1 (Red) slot status) Equal to Is playing
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 1 Children for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of (Your Spawn Region)) facing Default building facing degrees
Then make a trigger for each player

Level 2
Mar 29, 2011
Just tried it out, and it was nice try if it was your first map.

Things to be fixed/added:

Abilities: In my opinion it wud be funnier if the childrens can use Wind Walk just like Harry Potter. Being able to throw a net on the other childrens holding them in place for like 1-3 seconds.

Terrain: Can be fixed a little, more hideout spots + more cliffs/mountains and maybe a river in the middle, and make childrens able to jump. There is a jump system somewhere on hive.

Change the range while casting, 800 was to much, change it to a random number between 400-800 for more fun + luck.

Overall, Nice job!

This is what you need if you only wanna create children if user playing:
  • Create
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 1.00 seconds
    • Conditions
      • (Player 1 (Red) slot status) Equal to Is playing
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 1 Children for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of (Your Spawn Region)) facing Default building facing degrees
Then make a trigger for each player


Thank you! I really like the jump idea! :D
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