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A specific terrain tile is defined by it's terrain type, but also through coordinates.
While there exists a native
TileDefinition can give these geographical information about the location of a terrain tile.
It can also provide an unique index for each terrain tile which can be used as reference.
A specific terrain tile is defined by it's terrain type, but also through coordinates.
While there exists a native
, there is no native to get the geographical data of it.TileDefinition can give these geographical information about the location of a terrain tile.
It can also provide an unique index for each terrain tile which can be used as reference.
library TileDefinition /* v1.2b By IcemanBo - Credits to WaterKnight
*/ requires /*
*/ WorldBounds /* github.com/nestharus/JASS/blob/master/jass/Systems/WorldBounds/script.j
** Information
** _____________
** TileDefinition provides an API to give information about a terrain tile.
** API
** _______
** function GetTileCenterCoordinate takes real a returns real
** Returns the cooridnate for the center of the tile.
** Works for x- and y coordiantes.
** function GetTileMax takes real a returns real
** Returns the max value, that is still in same terrain tile.
** Works for x- and y coordiantes.
** function GetTileMin takes real a returns real
** Returns the min value, that is still in same terrain tile.
** Works for x- and y coordiantes.
** function AreCoordinatesInSameTile takes real a, real b returns boolean
** Checks if two coordinates share the same terrain tile.
** Attention: Only makes sense if both coordinates are of same type. Or x- or y coordinates.
** May bring wrong result, if you compare x with y coordinates.
** function ArePointsInSameTile takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns boolean
** Checks if two points share the same terrain tile.
** funtion GetTileId takes real x, real y returns integer
** Returns an unique index for tile of given coordinates.
** Will return "-1" if it's invalid.
** function GetTileCenterXById takes integer id returns real
** function GetTileCenterYById takes integer id returns real
private integer WorldTilesX
private integer WorldTilesY
function GetTileCenterCoordinate takes real a returns real
if (a >= 0.) then
return R2I((a/128) + .5)*128.
return R2I((a/128) - .5)*128.
function AreCoordinatesInSameTile takes real a, real b returns boolean
return GetTileCenterCoordinate(a) == GetTileCenterCoordinate(b)
function AreLocationsInSameTile takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns boolean
return AreCoordinatesInSameTile(x1, x2) and AreCoordinatesInSameTile(y1, y2)
function GetTileMin takes real a returns real
return GetTileCenterCoordinate(a) - 64.
function GetTileMax takes real a returns real
return GetTileCenterCoordinate(a) + 64.
function GetTileId takes real x, real y returns integer
local integer xI = R2I(x - WorldBounds.minX + 64) / 128
local integer yI = R2I(y - WorldBounds.minY + 64) / 128
if ((xI < 0) or (xI >= WorldTilesX) or (yI < 0) or (yI >= WorldTilesY)) then
return -1
return (yI * WorldTilesX + xI)
function GetTileCenterXById takes integer id returns real
if ((id < 0) or (id >= WorldTilesX * WorldTilesY)) then
return 0.
return (WorldBounds.minX + ModuloInteger(id, WorldTilesX) * 128.)
function GetTileCenterYById takes integer id returns real
if ((id < 0) or (id >= WorldTilesX * WorldTilesY)) then
return 0.
return (WorldBounds.minY + id / WorldTilesX * 128.)
private module Init
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set WorldTilesX = R2I(WorldBounds.maxX - WorldBounds.minX) / 128 + 1
set WorldTilesY = R2I(WorldBounds.maxY - WorldBounds.minY) / 128 + 1
private struct TileDefinition extends array
implement Init
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