Phewww, I made this since from the beginning of 2011. Probably because it's my 1st unit model, and the 1st 100% custom work by myself. Animations are custom too.
Yes, I know the shape is kinda weird, but I like it and the filesize is small too! The model is mostly particle enhanced.
So anyway, the "Snakehead" is given to the tank because the body has a shape of a snake and "RT" stands for Rocket Tank. "Unit" is just a category. Hope my hard work is acceptable
I really do!
Shadow scalling: Siege engine's shadow
Selection scale: Siege engine's selection scale
Animation backswing/damage point: 0.050 - 0.100
15 March 2011 - Added ribbon effects on the rockets, minor changes on portrait, particles edit at the attack animation and made attack animation become smoother
Thanks to Maker for giving me the info about extends thingy.
tank, dumb, bad, snake, head, rocket, combat, battle, simple, custom, unit, metal, light, speedy, agile, quick, flame, twin