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[Need Info] Slavework with Warcraft 3 Assets

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Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
When I started using the realeased Warcraft 3 Assets I realized there was quite a lot of work to do in order to have completed warcraft units. Actors, Models, Portrait, Sounds and what have you needs to be managed.

So I thought maybe there is a better way to save some time.

I noticed one project in the Starcraft 2 PTR Arcade called "WC3 Unit Tester". Here it seems all units are completed! \o/

In my optimism I thought I could simply open the map and copy the Data. Not sure if it is actually possible or if I just made the wrong approach.

I did find someone else who had tried to same and even contacted the maker on a forum http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/warcraft-3-unit-tester/

I downloaded the ptr just to open this map...

I think my game is broken, as I can not open your map on the pTR. I can open all the other maps, but yours does not work for me to open :D i am sorry I can not test :D

So anyway: Is there a way to get all the units in completed form?
Level 3
May 27, 2013
You'll be happy to know this is being taken care of by a Chinese modder by the name of "Renee", she posted all documentation over on SC2Mapster.

I'll explain it here to save you the trouble, though.

Go to your Dependencies, or create new map and select arcade, when asked to "add standard" or "add other", click add other and search battlenet - you can search by modname and search "War3". If you do this, select war3 (GA) and war3extra (GA). Terrain is optional, but only useful if you create a new map so you can select that new tileset.

once you've done this, you'll have all the data, actors, etc. set by renee. It's a work in progress. so you may notice something doesn't work, that's okay, you can fix it yourself or request renee fix into the mod. It's about 98% complete functional though.

also, to note the map you found in the arcade was created by using Renee's mod as a dependency, if you were curious to the extent of how much her work is completed :)
Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
You are a wonderful bringer of wonderful news!

Thank you so much! 98% is certainly enough!^^

One thing though:
The Message tab reports a lot of errors, especially regarding "d] CActor[uabo] Model event could not spawn X"

I tried testing the map with some units and everything seemed fine, except unit deaths shows a bug model. Apparently some blood effects are unable to load. Well it's only a minor fixable issue so no worries :)
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Level 3
May 27, 2013
Well, It does not do that for me, so something to me says that it installed wrong. One thing I had to do, was go the ptr mods folder for sc2, and create a folder named warvraft, and inside the folder I put in the war3 (GA) mod and named it Warcraft.sc2 mod or w.e it is, and then I set the dependencies as war3 (GA) and war3 extra (GA), which fixes the issue you might have?
Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
That worked!

I did get one message though "(Core: file not found): ComponentList.SC2Components"

It's probably not a problem... Probably.
It seems I can create new map and then set the dependencies and still continune in spite of that error. However, I cannot make a new map with where I pre-set the dependencies/mods.

Anyway, thanks again man! ^^ Very appreciated.
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Level 3
May 27, 2013
Yes, well, If the map works who cares I guess. Some people like to remove large parts of a mod, or just pull the mod data out and create the map with the data and no mod, but it's nice using a mod because then it doesn't hit your max file size :) so you can have a 1gb mod and your map will still be 3mb or w.e
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