You don't have enough space for this...
Should we imcorporate a tech tree? I found this image from the wc3c site.
This will be incredible to have. Is there any way to shrink the map to add this in. This will be one step closer to be like the real D3.
I think i can come up with something to prevent the file size.. Im not sure though..
For example, if we could make the inventory screens skin into parts, we could easily use those parts to make a skill tree, but that would make it like a puzzle
But that way it would be the same size, but in many small pieces so it can be used for more?
If that doesnt work i will have to find another way.
Like... Dont have an interface for it? Just have the buttons and a little border around it? Containing no background.
A simple border shouldent take too much size? And we could change the F11 menu skin at the same time?
Or we could just create 7 textures: Verticle, horizontal, edges(4) and the background. This doesn't have to be an big. We could build the skill tree.
Thats exactly what i mean. But when we make the borders, why cant we use them for the menu too? That would be nice. That would make it into an entierly customized interface.
Why not just add books like in Diablo 1 x) Just add 10 books/abilities per class and make them drop randomly. And if you get a book you already have found you get the abillity to level 2 and so on.. Just make a book work like a tome.
But since this is Diablo III, and I doubt they will do it this way, maybe it's not that good an idea.
Anywho it would also be awesome with a Tech tree, check out "The Growling Winds" if you wan't to see how a skill tree is done One of my favourite maps btw.
If you make a tech tree, please make the skills "repickable" so you can change your either add(+) or remove(-) skill-points from an ability I think this is how it is going to work in Diablo III since the old system ****'ed up the game.
We wont have any towns if you didnt knew.
This is not a regular RPG. it will be 100% pure battling maps
You guys should make the action bar like in diablo 3. Just a idea. Then use floating text for the cooldown.
Action Bar was already made. It work similar to inventory system. You click on the ability and it goes into the mode were you select the location or target. Its made by the same dude who made does inventory systems before my post.
Bet you the action bar is like 400 rows of supre complicated math. Then again, so would be your inventory system.
aye, while its a really nice idea, if we add that in thats gonna be an extra 500kb right there which we just cant afford to spare :/ Ide rather keep all our diablo-looking models than add this is
cool idea though Definately something to consider if we ever make a single-player version
we're going to have a staff meeting regarding thr project's future once version 1.18 has been released.
*cough*Archivist playable character*cough*
HAHA. seriusly, that just made my day. I just cant stop laughing right now.
That is not going to happen w/e you guys say and i dont care about the faqs anymore. Even if i myself would change my mind, that just wont happen.
Haha, seriously, that just made my day. I can't stop laughing right now.
It'll happen if CW says it's going to happen, I don't care about what you say anymore. Even if I myself would change my mind, that just won't happen.
If you couldn't tell, your immaturity and childish acts are beginning to annoy me.
Excuse me.. But i AM a child (kinda xP). Im 14
And damn dude... we made our desicion, why cant you just listen to me for once?.. We will not add him, belive me or not, but just stop talking about him becouse it just wont happen.
Good luck with that. Here's a system that allows you to create buttons, picture and text attached to your screen but its really complicated so it will take you a long time to even know what you are doing and it can't get any simpler that that:
Nope its MUI. The buttons are created for only one player so only 1 player can see them.
Nope. It checks detects right and left click. Here try something Im testing. Click on the white box.