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[JASS] Skating on Ice

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Level 2
Nov 3, 2007
how do you get a unit to skate on ice and be able to freely move on the ice like they do in say polar escape do you use GUI or JASS can someone plz tell me exactly how this can be done
Level 9
Oct 15, 2006
There are many different codes. All the ones i've seen were in GUI. I would gladly tell you but i trashed them long ago when i thought i was done with this game :/
There are sme ope-source, some that are extremely laggy like the polar-escape ones, and others that are good and locked or even open-source.

The basics of it is, unit enters region, every X second of game time move unit forward.
A good way to say space would be to make two regions instead of many small ones or one huge one. When they enter, activate skate-code. When they enter the second rect, turn-off skate-code. Then you can use that saved space for the boundaries, unit enters rect - kill unit, which also takes up a lot of space depending on how wacky the pathway is. However, you could convert points to a rect, so you could technically get a really wacky boundary in with just one code.
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
umm first configure minimum moment speed to 0
pick every unit in map
if they are on ice
move them to fronter
set moment to 0 (they cant move but they can turn around)
if they are not
set moment to default
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