those skins are pretty much just cnp, simple swaps, but you can submit them at wc3anvil( ), they are pretty light and open, but you cant stop peoples opinions.
But the rules are totally getting abused, since daelin is on hes vacation alot of icon cr*p has appeared and really really bad stuff...
we now write to quality like wc3c, that is why wc3c is so clean.
and just so iv gotten in a dam arguement in the icon section just because someone broke the rules and people are accusing me of being hardassed and saying things like "OMG how come you complain about this when its not wc3 style(the icon is a photo rip might i add) and not sook at this? ( the illidan cyber skin)"
and they sook at me when i say its just like space fel orc or the marine model and it has wc3 style but not the situation thing, then some other idiot comes in and tells me to pull my weener from my cock, and thats got me pretty fucking!!! pissed off!
no one ever fuckign cares or takes consideration of peoples backgrounds or the fucking rules!
Garrr! and they probably gonna fuckin report me saying im flaming yet im the one helping the rules!
and im seeing alot of art crap again!