Singleplayer code
It's kinda gay that if u play alone u cant load on b-net... Even if u save while playing alone on b-net... How about just adding trigger that will end game if u use cheats? Coes I dont feel like starting new char in multiplayer... Coes u can lvl up fast in single, so why go b-net... U only need more than 1 player if u'r planing on going to temple or smt like it...
It's kinda gay that if u play alone u cant load on b-net... Even if u save while playing alone on b-net... How about just adding trigger that will end game if u use cheats? Coes I dont feel like starting new char in multiplayer... Coes u can lvl up fast in single, so why go b-net... U only need more than 1 player if u'r planing on going to temple or smt like it...