12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected.
IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected.
Reviewed by Maker, Simple Yet Awesome Spellpack v1.0, 6th Apr 2012
Required changes
Suggested changes
- Set the dummy's deat type to Can't raise, does not decay
- Focused Lightning Loop causes leaks
- Set FL_StartPoint[FL_Times] = (Position of FL_Target[FL_Times])
- Rendezvous Loop has a location leak
- Quick Slash seems to be leaking Target point of ability being cast
Quick Slash could be instant cast since it uses unit facing, and not angle or distance between points
- Vulcanization could spam less special effects
- V_Targer location doesn't need to ne an array
- The caster does not get the credit from all kills done by Vulcanization since
the dummies deal damage also
The same applie for other spells- Remove invul ability from the dummy, it has Locust
- The dummy unit gives lots of vision
- You could share "temp" variables between abilities
- Use dynamic indexing by Hanky
- Exorcism could display the floating text only for players that have vision over the location/unit
- Dark Blast Loop could be shortened by a lot if you used modulo operation when you check the interval time
- [Cluster Shock Loop]: Flying heights can't be negative and unit scales for x,y and z must be the same